Tree of Savior Forum

[Help] Cryo3/Linker3 Build

I plan on going for a Cryo3/Linker 3 build (currently lvl 68 Cryo1/Linker1). I have several questions regarding this path.

1. Stat point allocation?
I read somewhere that the a standard build is 1/3/1 CON/INT/SPR, and that’s what I’ve been going so far. Is this the best choice?

2. Skill point allocation?
I’ve been doing this completely on a whim since I couldn’t find any guide. I’ve read some places that Ice Blast is useless, and that Ice Bolt should stay at rank 1. What should I be looking out for when skilling my character?

3. Attributes?
Are there any attributes I should be focusing on getting increased more than others?

4. What gear should I be using?
Currently I have an Ice Rod and Shield with all cloth armour. I went with Ice Rod naturally for the increase rank on all Cryo skills. Is this weapon worth it, or should I go for something else?

5. Linker3?
Cryo3 is definitely what I intend on going, but I’m not entirely set on going Linker3. I already have one rank in it, but are there better options even after taking Linker1?

Hopefully I can get some answers to these questions. Thank you.

Stat points are really up to the player. My opinion is to skip on SPR if you can help it, and grab the 120 silver potions early, then alchemist potions later. They’re generally potent enough to keep you running nonstop, and the time they save can be spent earning back more silver than you spend.
Otherwise, I’d say play it by ear and go with just enough CON to be comfortable living, and pour the rest into INT.

As for skill points, don’t know much about cryo other than people agree ice blast and gust are useless. Remember that you can save points from previous circles to invest in future ones. Playing around in the skill sim can help a lot with your planning.

The arde dagger (equippable at lv75, obtained from the cube in the lv90 dungeon) is kind of the go to for most classes. The +153 damage is added to every single hit of every single skill, so you can’t really go wrong with it and a one handed rod at that level. In the meanwhile, I’d stick with the rather good ice rod bonus.

As for your build, people generally agree linker 3’s umbilical cord is pretty useless, so if you want linker c3, it’ll be for the increase in the number of links.
As for other options, if you’re aiming for support, which I get the feeling of, you can pick up some circles in chronomancer. You won’t get the uber pass in c3, but quicken and haste are always nice to have in a party. You can also still pick up linker c2, which gives +3 links and the party buff link. Otherwise, you could pick up some psychokino ranks and maybe runecaster at rank 6 to pull off some very heavy bursting with ice wall + PP, or throw in some summoning circles to raise dps and make solo play easier.

I don’t think Linker3 is worth it, especially at that point. Might as well take Kino2 or Kino-Rune

Do not go Linker 2 if you don’t intend to Linker 3, do not go Linker 3 if you wanna enjoy the game. That’s word of advice right there… Linker 2 and 3 is NOT fun. You will be sooo bored of the game while everyone else is doing flashy, attractive plays and you’re there watching enviously, kicking yourself.

Yes, Life Line is useful, but also very niche and is up half the time only at max rank. But like when it’s down, you’re essentially Linker 1 again since Spiritual Chain is so useless.

taking more than one rank in linker is kinda useless… because you already got everything you need from rank 1 of linker.
cryo needs rank 3 so maybe something like a wiz>cryo3> link> rune caster> warlock etc

Sorry for the late response everyone.

Alright, I’ll stop putting points in SPR and just go 1:3 CON/INT.

[quote=“caudaite, post:2, topic:199226”]
As for your build, people generally agree linker 3’s umbilical cord is pretty useless, so if you want linker c3, it’ll be for the increase in the number of links.[/quote]

Why is Umbilical Cord considered useless?

So the reason why it isn’t fun is because when the main skill for C3 is down, it’ll essentially be Linker1 at that point?

[quote=“Nafff, post:5, topic:199226”]
taking more than one rank in linker is kinda useless… because you already got everything you need from rank 1 of linker.[/quote]

Linker1 only gives 5 links at max rank, so wouldn’t getting the multiple links at higher ranks be more beneficial? I’m not sure how late game is, but 5 links doesn’t seem very great.

Umbilical cord suffers from the same drawbacks as thaum’s transpose: it doesn’t fully heal HP when you raise max HP, and when it ends, you lose whatever HP you gained. As well as that, most players have very high stats in their main offensive stat, so unless you go 100% in a stat, you’ll probably not increase their offensive stat either.

Besides that, the extra links are useful. Arguing not to take linker because the skills aren’t ‘flashy’ is a straight up moot point unless you’re playing to watch a movie, and that ‘you have nothing to do during JP’s CD’ is wrong unless you somehow skipped rank 2 and have literally no skills. If you’re picking linker, you should understand you’re not being a ‘linker’, but you’re adding linking to whatever base skills you already got.

lvl 10 joint penelty gives u 8 mobs to link instead of 5 from lvl 5 joint penalty while lvl 15 gives you 10 links. physical link (link allies) is good at lvl 5 because you have a maximum of 5 people in a party while lvl 10 gives you 10 targets, only use might be in gvg, but then you might kill yourself with the link. only reason to take link 2 is umbilical cord…