Tree of Savior Forum

Help - Best Variant - Enchanter 2

Help - Best Enchanter 2 Variant for iToS

Hey guys, i’m looking to the best enchanter 2 build for farming and group content

Which one is better? All crap? Do you guys got any other good ideia?
The only requirement is Enchanter 2 <3

im going thauma3 EC2, ill try getting aoe attack ratio from cards.

It all depends if you have a good Matk from weapon and your desired stat build.

Thauma is better if you go full INT and don’t want to invest on weapon (enhancement and trans). Your attacks are much slower, but they are stronger.

Chrono is better if you invest on your weapon. If you have good ping, you can go Full DEX and have higher damage than Thauma. If you have over 4k matk, Chrono is by far the best. If you are ping-limited, you can get around 150-200 DEX and the rest in CON for more block with Enchant Earth or INT for more damage on Lightning Hands.

Pyro is ok, but Cryo is better because of 50% lightning damage on frozen enemies. Cryo3 is even better because of Frost Pillar. Enchant Fire lvl1 scrolls are sufficient, can be bought and have low cost considering 5 minute duration. You only need Enchant Fire for the extra line of damage, the elemental property from increased level is not that great.

Sorcerer is sustained dps and does not influence Lightning Hands, but can be ok if you like the class.

Best optimal Lightning Hands dps build would be:

Under 4k matk: Wiz>Cryo>Link2>Thauma3>Enchanter2 or Wiz>Cryo3>Thauma3>Enchanter2 - Focus on INT

Over 4k matk: Wiz>Cryo>Link2>Chrono3>Enchanter2 or Wiz>Cryo3>Chrono3>Enchanter2 - Focus on DEX/INT


With this we get the 50% multiplier on Cryo and the other 50% on Joint Penalty.
Do you know how they are calculated? probably separated, right?

Build will look like this: Wizzard > Cryomancer > Linker C2 > Thaumaturge C3 > Enchanter C2 ?

I’m not sure, but probably they add each other.

If your damage is 1000, you’ll have: 1000 x (1 + 0,5 + 0,5) = 2000 damage. So double damage…

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i think the cryo 3 chrono3 enchanter2 is really really good.

but i have an ongoing pyro 3 chrono 3 enchanter 2. you think it is gimped by cryo?

lightning hands are kinda splash damage and works well with frost pillar though

Pyro is ok, but you won’t have the 50% increased lightning damage on frozen enemies.

We will gain resets probably, so you can reset pyro3 for cryo3 if you want.

You’ll also have versatility with Pyro skills because of Chrono. Even though Pyro’s damage is still not that great, we have a wizard rebalance soon and I think (hope) Pyro will become more versatile.

Also, let’s not forget Runecaster is viable for Enchanter2, because jump attack can proc Lightning Hands damage in a larger area.

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I’t not worth giving up cryo3 nor chrono3 for a meme jump. Rune caster is not worth it at all. in my opinion.

pyro2 sorc1 thauma3 ench 2 for me

It is when you aren’t taking chrono. A thauma3 could use RC’s jump which also opens up 2 ranks for something else (like maybe pyro1 for scrolls).

at least pyro1 enchant fire will be more loved by your party than cryo1

what about : wiz> pyro > link > thauma > chrono > sorc > RC > enchanter C2 full SPR ?