Tree of Savior Forum

Hello there is there a point to keep playing if i dont wanna do "meta" builds?

Will IMC/Nexon will ever buff other classes or they will just keep buffing the same broken ones so the whole server plays the same sh1t?
Cant even PVE anymore :frowning:
Should i just gave up on my stuff and quit?
cuz is getting really anoying and sad at the same time

  • Just give up is never going to happen
  • Just make and archer

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compared to outer 15 era: we can’t 1 hit enemies anymore in PVE!!

but compared to rank 7 lv 270 cap era: this is good, not too easy and not too hard.

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Play what you want, it’s still fun. I tried yesterday with my Warlock, and episode 12 new maps are still easier than episode 9 Sausys Room.

I have no idea what your gear is, but if it’s fairly low-tier and you’re waiting for your classes to be better balanced, you’re probably going to be waiting awhile.

As someone who’s been around quite awhile, I can assuredly tell you that non-meta classes DO get buffed, but they take forever, and usually don’t even hit the bullseye to make it a better class. Sadhu and Hunter have been good examples of this for awhile.

The classes that have been meta awhile tend to get overbuffed. Why? I… don’t know.
I really don’t know why Sorc needed yet another buff.
Myouji is one of my favorite classes, and I really don’t understand why they decided to make the aoe’s screen-sized. Etc etc… I don’t think I really need to drag on about these types of classes. They get too much attention already.

I’m not going to shame you if you have low tier gear or whatever, but if you don’t play the kind of classes you enjoy whether they’re op or not, and supplement whatever missing power those classes have with gear, this game is going to get old for you reaaaaaal fast.

Play what you want, you can functionally do anything with almost any build.

You might not outDPS the meta doppel or mergen builds, but you’ll probably do just fine… and other classes will almost certainly be buffed over time.

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I have full trans 10 varna smugis , all my attributes are lvl 100, max art enhanced tell me what I’m doing wrong :frowning:

The returning player stuff is intended for you to catch up until you get a legendary weapon. You could literally just make a cheap one,

You do not need a +40 weapon to play the game, but you should probably consider a +11 legend weapon with transcendence on it…

The problem is not having enough + on the equipment, the problem is nexon, buffing everything around classses with 50k sfr and leaving classes without 50k sfr untouch i have a +162h mace with 5 lvl 9 red gems my highest damaging skill does like 1m per hit with like 50 sec cd, if they are going to balance stuff around “X” classes either buff all the others or nerf the other classes, now with the 10m cap its even worst …

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in episode 9 you were able to find a party the shout for parties were non stop, now no one want to do a party unless its a cm 7, and not everyone even geared ppl with the wrong class can do cm 7

which build are you using

I use sr sheriff corsair (not meta) and still enjoy the game… Even i cant like 1 min legeng skia solo or 1 min misrus :3

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It’s even worse when they finally buff your class, but it’s still not good enough…

I separate classes into 3 tiers:

  1. Meta: No explanation needed.
  2. Decent: Classes which are far worse than meta, but not completely useless. A build with 2 meta classes + 1 decent class works very well. For example, with the addition of Terramancer, I changed my build to Onmyo-Ele-Terra. Onmyo+Ele are very good, so they “carry” Terra, and it even lets me do stuff like CM7.
    Now, if your build has 1 meta + 2 decent classes, the problems begin. Still playable though, but will need carries for any hard content. For example: The build I wanted to play was Onmyo-Terra-Shadow, but after testing it, it was a big nope :frowning: (Talking about post-buff shadowmancer here, in ktest. The buffs made it go from trash to decent in my opinion)
  3. Trash: Again, no explanation needed, we all know them…

Yeah, I find it sad how there are almost no casual CM5 parties on the new maps… I expected to see a lot of parties, like how the sausys9 era used to be :frowning:


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nobody is forcing you to META, you can still have fun with what you got.
btw, what class are you using that makes you wanna quit?

or maybe your feeling a little down that they also buffed CMs, this though is kinda refreshing.
reminds me of the CM days before REbuild.

Monk and Inqui had its prime in the previous episodes ( R8,9,10) , and was also meta at some point. Meta comes and go , you just have to wait for the next shuffle and pray Phy cleric is next on the list. Mergens pretty much were trash during episodes 8- 10, before shining in 11 and 12.

I think inqui design is pretty okay , aside from the lower SFR now. I hope they don’t destroy too much of the class when they rework it. Like how they ruined peltesta and zealot


your referring to when they removed offensive skills from Pelt like “Butterfly”?

Yeah that was one of the annoying thing they did.
Umbo Thrust Armor break was removed as well.
Shield Lob self disarmed was removed as well. You could sacrifice your shield defense while still retaining your ability to block. This countered reit’s disarm.

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Hi, I like SR. Buff SR. It is fun class big brain


Yeah it isnt that bad, but I would say its nowhere near competitive level and there is a forced synergy on inqui at the moment. Choices are also extremely limited in today’s meta. Magic Cleric which was once frown upon has a wider spread and variety of builds, which kinda makes the phy cleric look lackluster

Yeah man, I even experimented with exo-inqui hybrid set up just to get the
demon-holy synergy , pear - gregorate - seed bomb which worked not too bad untill this meta which kinda forced hybrid builds to die.

Its either you be patiant and wait out for a phy cleric rework, or go magic like everybody else

I only play non-meta builds and have the time of my life.

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