Tree of Savior Forum

Hell fire seems largely useless

so the C3 pyro ability is a pretty huge disappointment.

  1. it’s damage is about the same as any other pyro ability.
  2. it’s cool down is longer, it prevents you from moving.
  3. doesn’t apply any status effects.
  4. is interrupted the second you take any damage.
  5. it’s ridiculous how much sp it takes.

so in my example I have fire at 45% extra damage from attributes, and hell fire at 10%.

fireball currently procs for about 1030-1340 a hit on the mob I was testing on, 2 orbs account for 30 hits at 78 sp per ball or 156 total sp.

in this example 156sp = 40200 damage at best with a 15 second cd without the burning attribute.

for hell breath i currently have a total of 1980sp so each second it takes 60 sp, an does a grand total of 500-6300damage so 60sp = 630 damage at best.

even if I apply attributes it’s no contest, burning ground is the same, fire wall, it just seems like a terrible C3 skill and I suggest all pyro’s avoid it.

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Agreed completely… i regret getting pyro 3 Hell’s breath is useless

It’s so pretty though! But… yeah… the SP% is pre-kino buffs… I think hell breath needs similar buff. Knock it down to .5% per tick…

And getting interrupted is still an issue… Wiz2 is somewhat impractical for a pry3. Increased range so you can use it on bosses easier… or maybe have a wisp or dragon head show up and shoot it for you… Something like that. Though… then it’d just kind of be like having an owl statue… Not that it’s bad… Just unoriginal.

Though honestly… if it got buffed enough even fixing the SP… lower the CD. It could be on par with LinkC1. It could justify you getting Wiz2 for surecast at that point. And less linkers would be great. We got too many of those already. Always end up with stacked linkers in DGs… so painful.

Theres a reason people typically only suggest going pyro2.

Its my understanding that the reason people sometimes go pyro3 is for firewall15. Apparently with 15 points in it, firewall is actually kind of viable, and people like it because it lets you have another anti-boss ability, since unlike fireball, wall cant be knocked away, wall cant, and it delivers all its hits pretty fast.

I think pyro3 is supposed to go the standard pyro2 build of 10 flame ground and fireball, 5 enchant, 5 pillar. But then for rank3, just add all 15 points into firewall.

You then basically spent that circle to get the ability to drop level 15 firewalls on bossess

Im not sure if thats actually worth it or not, i was never impressed with firewall in the past, but i never tried getting it to 15 either

I was actually considering specing out of hell fire for a high level firewall, but I really can’t find anywhere showing me what a level 15 firewall would be like, I wouldn’t be surprised if I immediately speced out of firewall.

does firewall prevent movement like a fire pillar?

No, and it delivers its hits really fast and colapses. If you cast a firewall on a boss it will vanish almost instantly, doing many hits instantly as well.

Its really not that bad a skill, its just that its maximum hit count is so small untill its leveled up high that its just not work raising when you could be leveling up fireball or flame ground instead.

The mechanics of how it calculates its hits is also kind of screwy. Its not segment based, or entire wall based. The number of hits the skill lists is something in between, i could never get an actual explanation for how it works, but raising the skill does get you more hits before it colapses.

Ive only seen one video of a level 15 firewall, it wasnt amazing, but then it wasnt bad either.

I get the impression that pyro3 is something you take if you have just one single circle open, in certain builds, that really wouldnt benifit from something else but could use a nice extra anti-boss skill

Not sure what that build might be, typically if you are going for a full dps setup you wouldnt go pyro3 to start with. or pyro anything.

I literally accomplish more with one round of fireballs than with an entire sp bar worth of hell breath. Either due to being unable to reposition or being easily interrupted etc.

pyro3’s strongest skill is fireball 15 by a very large margin too. You can learn to manage it in parties…just annoying to use the more swordies you have around.

@calisk3 it doesn’t. Firewall starts to get good by level 10 for sure, though not comparable in damage to fireball unless they soak up most of the wall cells.

Hellfire, like many skills in this game, is a 1 point wonder. Take one point in it and use the attribute to push dudes around.

I think the problem with firewall. Is that the total hits are for all tiles… And well… For every level in pillar you get 2 ticks. For every level in firewall you get 1 tick. So naturally you max pillar first because it’s also a CC and the matk per min comes out the same or a little better because of the increased flat dmg. And of course longer pillar means longer CC.

Doing firewall is really only for better burst or ease of use. You can get more dmg out of maxing flame ground, and pillar. Though you can still argue that mobs never survive long enough for the full effect of the flame ground 15. But taking Pry3 and putting firewall to 15 is not a theoretical DPS increase just a more bursty way to build.

Back on topic… Why not let hell breath work like Kino’s Pressure and detonate fireballs and shatter ice walls?

it’s only 30% knock back of about 1 tile it’s very ineffective since if it fails to knock back about 2-3 times then they will be on you and you will be hit stopping the skill.

Have you used it before? Seems to me that it hits plenty fast for it to screw people up. Sure, it’ll suck vs ranged things, but anything melee shouldn’t be able to touch you.

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I have it unfortunately at rank 5, it procs at the same speed that a fireball hits.

I’ve watched monsters walk right through it and hit me, and in pvp it’s just a joke heh

Cool idea. I think it would be really neat if hell breath activated fireball’s aoe attack radius.

The initial hitbox is annoyingly small. I hate having to use a 2h staff to slowly whack the enemy itself into it just because it doesn’t fit in fireball’s set path. Especially ranged elites that stand their ground. The monster laughs at me along with nearby players.