Tree of Savior Forum

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How I feel when people complain about my archer KS

Receiving another TALT

Finally hitting 280

When I transterred from NA to SEA server, fat hoping for a “less toxic” shout chat.

Not that I didn’t expect it…

I can use that meme about General Discussion forum too…
I’m surprised that

  1. People got something new to whine about everyday
  2. People stop whining about what they were a few days ago, why did they bother whining about that?
    Would they die if they play or get a life instead of whining?

Of course I’m sure most of you guys are used to this kind of community, but my first time seeing something horrible like this so still getting used to it

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I used to be a channer in a long lost past. I ■■■■ you not, these forums are a very cute and cuddly plush buny compared to most of the stuff we used to get on /b/. :grin:

Me, after this announcement:

Talking about costumes, I just bought mine and now a lot of people are telling me how cute my chracters is.

This is how I act with the compliments:

This is how I actually feel:

Man the Archer one is so cute, gj IMC.


How does the phrase go?



Bad in what sense? I find the abusive power of change good.

Can’t wait to get my oracle 2 char started to lock down channels.

Reference game incredibly on point :ok_hand:


Meeting Lv 180 mage mobs in ToS:

  • Hey some monsters in this game are very cute…oh look that little mage, how adorable…

Oh me god, You wipe da spams off! :gift_heart:
You deserve a kiss

When @STAFF_John saves the day~


When you finally craft it

How I feel when I play Cannoneer

Who wants my Siege Burst and Cannon Blast.

Cat ears have so many applications!!

Once I make mine… things will happen~

What most Swordsmen want to do:

What Swordsmen end up doing:

Also picture her running around in circles.

Ahhhh!~ :laughing:

His face in that scene…put that kid in a straight jacket in a soft room.

Except in wakfu iop can’t do anything without help. But if you put it close to someone with portals or foggernaut’s rails it’ll knock your socks off.

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I just meant the WACK WACK WACKING!

But yes Iops in Wakfu… Not my fav. Give me a sram any day. :heart:


DG rush is about to start…

when suddenly your mom called you for some errands… <img
. . . . .


@eizen31 Best one so far.

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