Alright, IMC. I don’t know how many times it needs to be said, but I’ll beat this horse dead until it’s nothing but mush and pulp. But before you guys continue releasing content, you REALLY need to attend to your bug reports. I mean not just skim over them and sweep them under the rug. Ever since closed beta, hundreds of players have been asking you to do one simple thing.
Fix the damn head spinning glitch for the millionth time. It’s been asked nicely, sincerely, with care and compassion. But now it’s just getting really old, we shouldn’t have to fight tooth and nail to get our point across IMC and you guys really and I mean REALLY need to get on the ball for a fix with this, as we all know. Most of the problem lies in the AMD (Processors) and this does not effect Intel, however it also is a clientside issue that only YOU the player can see. Either release a patch of some kind or someone from your dev team really needs to sit down for an hour on an AMD Computer and play the game and watch how jarring it is for their head to spin like it’s a freaking dradle.
In case you have forgotten IMC, what the bug looks like I have provided MULTIPLE media’s for you to examine, look over, investigate, glance at, peer at, observe, whatever other mother hooting synonym’s I need to throw out there for the word “examine”. The bottom line is it kills immersion like no other and it needs to be fixed. How are you guys going to continue to release content if you can’t even fix what’s been broken since your CBT.
Surely you guys just didn’t sit down on an Intel machine and go “Yup. This is fine.” and ignore people who decide to use AMD. Surely there’s someone out there with enough bravado to fix this issue. I know you guys are proud, but the players would be even more proud if you fixed what was broken first. Sure C8 Classes are going to be a thing, but I ain’t going to enjoy it if my head is spinning like the exorcist.
Get on the ball please and start fixing your game. Not sure why this has been neglected since you released on Steam. I’m pretty sure kToS doesn’t have this problem. - From 9 months ago. - 4 months ago.
Some more footage
Movie Example:
Do you guys understand now? I mean I can explain it further if need be. Oh and I will keep reviving/bumping/necroing this topic until a patch is released. I will not stop, I will not cease, I am relentless. So please, let’s just get this fixed.
I got all day my friends, the perks of being unemployed.
To my fellow saviors, I will continue to fight the good fight my friends. I will not rest, I will not stop. I will be the loud echoing voice of our fellow people crying out in anguish for IMC to fix this problem. To take away our immersion is to take away our fun! To those who work on addons, I ask of you this. Perhaps as a community we can start our own addon that fixes the clientside issues if they won’t, I have seen many great addon’s already that have far surpassed that of what IMC has done currently. Please lend me your aide in fixing this travesty of a glitch. If you are willing and able to do so, please message me. I will gladly find a means to an end for this nonsense for this glitch is ruining the game for many, to those who run Intel, do you not feel shame for your hurt AMD brethren? Do we not share the same goal? We swore an oath when we came to PC and that oath is, PC Master Gaming Race! Please, lend us your hand comrades and fix this, together we can join as a community and be rid of this hindrance, once and for all.
We will stand proud, we will stand to face the looming juggernaut that is IMC!
No but seriously IMC, get your ■■■■ together, it’s killing us.