Tree of Savior Forum

Head Spinning (Once Again)

Alright, IMC. I don’t know how many times it needs to be said, but I’ll beat this horse dead until it’s nothing but mush and pulp. But before you guys continue releasing content, you REALLY need to attend to your bug reports. I mean not just skim over them and sweep them under the rug. Ever since closed beta, hundreds of players have been asking you to do one simple thing.

Fix the damn head spinning glitch for the millionth time. It’s been asked nicely, sincerely, with care and compassion. But now it’s just getting really old, we shouldn’t have to fight tooth and nail to get our point across IMC and you guys really and I mean REALLY need to get on the ball for a fix with this, as we all know. Most of the problem lies in the AMD (Processors) and this does not effect Intel, however it also is a clientside issue that only YOU the player can see. Either release a patch of some kind or someone from your dev team really needs to sit down for an hour on an AMD Computer and play the game and watch how jarring it is for their head to spin like it’s a freaking dradle.

In case you have forgotten IMC, what the bug looks like I have provided MULTIPLE media’s for you to examine, look over, investigate, glance at, peer at, observe, whatever other mother hooting synonym’s I need to throw out there for the word “examine”. The bottom line is it kills immersion like no other and it needs to be fixed. How are you guys going to continue to release content if you can’t even fix what’s been broken since your CBT.

Surely you guys just didn’t sit down on an Intel machine and go “Yup. This is fine.” and ignore people who decide to use AMD. Surely there’s someone out there with enough bravado to fix this issue. I know you guys are proud, but the players would be even more proud if you fixed what was broken first. Sure C8 Classes are going to be a thing, but I ain’t going to enjoy it if my head is spinning like the exorcist.

Get on the ball please and start fixing your game. Not sure why this has been neglected since you released on Steam. I’m pretty sure kToS doesn’t have this problem. - From 9 months ago. - 4 months ago.

Some more footage

Movie Example:

Do you guys understand now? I mean I can explain it further if need be. Oh and I will keep reviving/bumping/necroing this topic until a patch is released. I will not stop, I will not cease, I am relentless. So please, let’s just get this fixed.


I got all day my friends, the perks of being unemployed.

To my fellow saviors, I will continue to fight the good fight my friends. I will not rest, I will not stop. I will be the loud echoing voice of our fellow people crying out in anguish for IMC to fix this problem. To take away our immersion is to take away our fun! To those who work on addons, I ask of you this. Perhaps as a community we can start our own addon that fixes the clientside issues if they won’t, I have seen many great addon’s already that have far surpassed that of what IMC has done currently. Please lend me your aide in fixing this travesty of a glitch. If you are willing and able to do so, please message me. I will gladly find a means to an end for this nonsense for this glitch is ruining the game for many, to those who run Intel, do you not feel shame for your hurt AMD brethren? Do we not share the same goal? We swore an oath when we came to PC and that oath is, PC Master Gaming Race! Please, lend us your hand comrades and fix this, together we can join as a community and be rid of this hindrance, once and for all.

We will stand proud, we will stand to face the looming juggernaut that is IMC!

No but seriously IMC, get your ■■■■ together, it’s killing us.


Dear IMC,

The spinning head issue is NOT killing us. This is an aesthetic bug and should be low on the priority list. The last patch was great and addressed a lot of important bugs. Please continue to focus on important bugs first.

The more reasonable players


Wrong. Sir. Wrong.

You can’t possibly be that ignorant to this issue if you think that those videos are just because it’s an "aesthetic " issue. This has been an ongoing problem since CBT as an “aesthetic” issue. It should be on the high priority list, because when you make a character it is all you will be looking at for the next 10 or 200 hours you play a game. I don’t think anyone would “willingly” like to sit there and stare at a bug for that amount of time and be okay with it, please prove me wrong if you think otherwise.

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Both of you, please tell me that the head spinning bug should receive priority over the instancing issue or FPS optimization.

Because I don’t think anyone can seriously say this.

In any MMORPG with character creation, depending on how in-depth it is. You spend anywhere from minutes to possibly hours, perfecting and optimizing your character looks. Your character’s avatar is supposed to be a visually appealing representation of yourself or an alternate persona of yourself that you have in mind. This range’s from eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair color, skin color, lip color, height, weight, etc etc. The list goes on. You spend that time crafting, no, becoming a true artisan to what you want your character to look like and once you hit that peak of perfection sir, you are happy with the results.

However hitting that peak is just one milestone. You hit that peak yes, but what if those seconds, minutes or hours you spent working on that canvas that is character creation, all for it to be washed away by a fault clientside error that causes your character’s head to stutter, or maybe your legs to jar and move out of place randomly, or perhaps there were missing pieces to your handiwork due to an “aesthetic” glitch such as this.

Would you be happy? I ask you, would you truly be happy with your work even if it meant staring at a wonky/messed up character for the next 10 to 100 hours of gameplay and beyond?

This is what makes most MMO’s so successful, being able to have a visual appeal to a character your imagination whips up.

This is the first thing a new player see’s is their character. Not any NPC’s or any other player, but their own self created avatar and if something like this head glitch exist 2-3 years down the road, I bet you most new players will just turn away from the game due to how quickly it will kill immersion. People are drawn to things visually appealing to them, making a character in an MMORPG is no different. THIS is why it is important and a high priority.


No I would not. However, I would be even more unhappy if I couldn’t enter dungeons, or if my guinea pig died because I couldn’t feed it.

Now, please say the words: “IMC, the head spinning bug is more important than the FPS and instance problems, spend time on that instead of the others”.

Or, say the opposite, like I did. Because I don’t think any reasonable person can say that. Yet this is what you’re implying needs to happen.

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You’re trying to put in words that were never there mate. Did I mention any of the other issues? No. Why? Because that’s not what this topic is focusing on. It’s focusing on one thing and one thing only, the head spinning glitch which has not been addressed since CBT. Also there are addon’s that help with FPS Optimization. Also FPS depends on your computer hardware directly, IMC has only part of that issue on their shoulders. It really boils down to your graphics card, ram and cpu. If that’s not up to snuff, then that’s not an IMC problem, that’s a computer problem my friend.

Now would you kindly not derail my thread any more, if you would like to make your own thread detailing the issues you have with IMC, then by all means go ahead and do it. But please, do not come into mine and try to de-rail it because you’re trying to get your own point across.

Go now and make that thread, peace be with you.

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I asked IMC to focus on the important bugs over the aesthetic ones. You called me wrong.

Are you changing your mind and saying I’m actually correct? Or are you saying that I am wrong, and that the focus should be not on the important non-aesthetic bugs, but elsewhere? Which is it?

I’m merely a voice of reason. Unfortunately reason is met with hostility. Also I’m an AMD user, and suffer from the head spinning, the instance issue, and (sometimes) FPS issues.

What a load of horse milk. your argument have zero logical value my friend. you claim this topic (which obviously tries to outline the ongoing neglection IMC shows regarding some well-known and long-standing bugs and issues) is not important? and why? because there are ‘bigger problems’? LOL

So, lets put it to other words, because basically what you are saying is this: “well, the police should not try to fight rape and burglary because murder is much worse. please don’t complain about those silly things, until there is no more murder anywhere, then we fight rapists and burglars.” really dude… really…?

IMC should fix EVERYTHING if they want anyone to keep playing is fail game they own. So i say, stand firm with your fellow savior @Rwinn which made a great effort to try and FIX a global problem for other players. take example from this topic as to how we should all work together to save the game we all love.


They clearly can’t do that.

If there is one police officer who is ten feet away from 1) someone about to be raped and 2) someone with a gun pointed at their head, I hope they help the #2 someone first.

I did not ask them to ignore #1, I said to make reasonable priorities.


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Omg… i agree 100%… i would have dropped any game that had such a vulgar problem at day 1.

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So is core gameplay, such as dungeons. Yes, the face thing bothered me and continues to do so. I wish IMC would spend more resources on iToS. That clearly isn’t going to happen. So I’d advise you get on board and try to most effectively direct what we got.

Again, voice of reason.

I’d personally rather have a spinning head than not be able to actually play the game (being unable to enter dungeons).

Psycho isn’t saying they shouldn’t work on the bug. He’s just saying that he disagrees that this particular bug should receive #1 priority in being fixed over all other bugs that exist in the game at the moment.

However, I think it’s a matter of personal tolerance. The OP has been seriously bothered by this bug and it’s lack of solution. Psycho seems to be willing to tolerate it if it means resources are spent fixing other areas of the game. I don’t think the OP specifically implied that this should be fixed before anything else, rather that this just really deserves some attention due to x, y, z.

I’m not sure why he’s trying to make a shopping list out of the issues and trying to put his own opinion/matters at the top, while also trying to argue that visuals aren’t also a huge part of gameplay. That sounds like a straw man to me. Perhaps you should heed my advice and make your own thread about these issues, show passion for what you want changed.

Be the change you want to see, stating the problem here does nothing for you except cause more strife. I wouldn’t say we are disagreeing with you, but at the same time this isn’t the thread for the topic you are trying to debate on my friend. Which is why I said make your own. Please stop trying to push your agenda over my own.

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It’s not a bug it’s fan service.

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