Tree of Savior Forum

Hat Ritual Coffin Drop Location

Hi guys, I went to the Storage grind map last week, and my friend got this recipe he told me he was just passing to the map and sudenly he got the recipe. Can someone explain me how to get it?

I’d like to know the answer to this too, if anyone out there knows and is willing to share~ :innocent:

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Hi, I found the answer to my question haha there is an event in the map. If you go to the left side of the map and see some lights in the area, just collect it and wait to see if the box is going to appear in your inventory.

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Great! Thanks xD I personally want it, not to sell or anything, I just like the look of it. But uh, what map is that exactly? My highest is 221 and I’m still doing quests on the level 207 map, haha… I don’t even know where storage is located yet, just that its a popular grind spot. Is it the storage map or one before it? Kadumel Cliff? o.oa

Storage is a 250+ map. You can get the recipe one map before storage. Kalejimas.


Oh awesome, I should probably stop taking my time with leveling so I can check it out. Thank you! :smiley:

just collect it and wait to see if the box is going to appear in your inventory.

You mean the yellow Kalejima Box? This box drops the recipe?

Yes XD


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