Tree of Savior Forum

Has anyone tried mixing a warlock and cryo in one build before?

A s the title says… has anyoine tested before c3 cryo with c2 warlock?? hows your play style??

what are you filler options beside kino, sorc and chrono :smiley: i wanna know your builds for this play style… :smiley:

thanks in advance… (int major build… couz i know summons need so much spirit… :smiley: )

NOTE: I’m not altering meta… for this… I’m looking for play style

mine is W1cryo3thauma2WL2

thauma for the Swell buffs(MATK)

basically cryo for CC but surprisingly it also does a lot of damage with ice wall+ice blast combo

WL for main dps…mastema is very strong and agony pole is now easier to use

I played it with Cryo3Sorc2Warlock2.

The playstyle is Frost Pillar > Mastema (or pole of agony) > Ice Blast, and everything is dead.

When frost pillar is on cd, you just run around in circles to mob then wait for pole of agony or mastema and use it.

Other than kino, sorc, and chrono, you can try it with Rune Caster and Wizard2. Mastema boosts rune of justice’s damage (by double or 50% I can’t remember). You can also do it with Thaumaturge or Linker if you want, though I don’t think these two are worth it if you’re not a support build.

i want it toi be semi supp build same time major dmg build… been playing for 3months… and 2x 330 characters and 5 300+ characters… I already know what i want on base characters and themed characters… thats why im asking for certain characters with weird set ups but still functional :smiley: hahahaha

anymore feed backs on your builds similar to this?? :smiley: i need latest info that they experimented on during reset events

Consider thauma3-wl2. Sadly, you’ll miss out on cryo3 in this case, but those swells man +2k matk/patk for you and your party.

It works well but with obvious constraints, your only 1 rotation which is Frost Pillar + Mastema + Invocation (you dont need ice blast if ur weapon strong enough). And most of time you will just luring with bunch of mobs which i think Sorc C2 is the best filler to aggro more targets. A good mobbing build i think, in HG or dungeon.

There is a lot of cryo nowadays as well, so in a party usually will be redundant.

If you priotize offensive and bossing, pyro2thaum3warlock2 is better option, buff+shrink+pyro skills are good enough in solo, while warlocks skill can standalone.

I think on 2 build that could work, cryo3>ele2>WL2 this could have better mobbing and Hail is good boss killer. you miss frost cloud but get mastema and PoA, the other good option could be Cryo3>kino>RC>WL2 this have good mobing and killing boss burst.

@cauyaopls ice Wall + ice blast was heavy nerfed :thinking:


20 characters

rip icewall+iceblast, didnt even experience it’s opness since balance patch had the nerf with it LMAO


I defintely think Wiz Cryo 3 Sorc 2 WL 2 tops it. It’s got a lot of sinergies, and it’s thematically sound as well being the cold dark mage - who cohorts with devils btw - everyone always wanted to be lol.

With upcoming summoner changes, with a good Staff/Rod and some SPR your damage will be really nice. You’ve got control with forst tree and ice pike, constant AoE dps with your summon, bossing potential with warlock skills + summon’s riding skills and burst AoE with mastema + ice blast (on tree) + Summon Riding skills.

Since cryo’s tree and warlock skills have quite high CDs, you can ride your summon in the meantime for extra damage or simply freeze them/roll them on your ball and let your summon autos do the trick.

problem i wont be putting any sp[i/… Q_Q and wanted to go for int… :smiley: hahaha summons to be useful need spi… :smiley: when the summon patch enters summons will be effective in spi and for dmg… weapon dmg only… :smiley:

Well, INT does help out with magic attack obviously - especially at lower levels - but it’s not all that mandatory if you ever intend to gear the char up reasonably (say +11 or higher prac weapon 100%+), since INT offers a fixed amount of magic atk which gets smaller and smaller the higher the weapon’s dmg goes.

But anyway, if you don’t feel like trying a cryo-sorc-wl build, hmm, best I can think of is getting some thauma ranks in there for extra group utility and to make your bursts higher on Warlock. Cryo 3 Kino 1 Rune is too gimmicky for my tastes, so I’d skip it, but it’d be a very decent boss killer (psychice pressure+IW combo and pole+Theurge) and aoe burst with frost tree+ice blast+mastema whenever Rune of Ice is up, with the obvious downside of huge CDs.

If you don’t mind missing out some mastema damage (pretty much all warlock 2 has to offer right now compared to WL1), you could go Cryo 3 Ele3 WL 1 and get a new class at rank 9 instead of whatever WL3 brings to the table. Cryo Ele has a really nice playstyle of freezing and grouping targets than AoEing them to death (not to mention eletrocutate does insane damage on mobs frozen by cryo skills).

actually im also thinking about the last sentence :smiley: been running through my mind…so often…

He could probably get away with cry3/ele2/wl2. It’s trading 2 targets from electrocute, 5 seconds of hail, and frost cloud to have the DoT on mastema and WL3 as an option for R9.

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when was it nerfed?

i might be talking about the nerfed version already

Try this one out:

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All walls near a target would hit the target once previously. This means if x number of wall was near a boss then x number of damage lines are dealt to a boss if ice blast is used.
Our current one only causes 1 wall to hit the boss dealing only 1 line of ice blast damage.