Tree of Savior Forum

Harvest Event Boys

Movespeed and EXP is about as universally as it could possibly get.

I could probably flip a burger better than some burger flippers. Doesn’t make the person flipping my burger useless. I don’t want to waste my time flipping burgers, regardless of my skill at it.

The smarter ones are busy playing instead of whining about a problem that doesn’t exist. I happen to enjoy feeding my superiority complex, so I’m here.

Anyone else?

I think it is a technical limitation from the way they structure the event. As the maps themselves are instances and are proven not to retain any data of sorts due to channel crashing, it will be hard to sort out the various plant objects and related playerIDs if it does crash.

We are known to react to matters like this by gracing the official forums here with our many ‘report’ threads, this is something which IMC probably wants to minimise.

Hmm to actually solve this with existing code without changing too many things… do it like how the practonium cube quest is like.

  1. Plant seed, *trigger - receive ‘produce item’ with a timer of 2hrs cooldown
  2. Wait 1 hr, go back to get grown plant, *trigger - drops produce item cooldown to 0
  3. Alternatively, the player can wait 2 hrs just for cooldown to end to get the item.

Like that players can harvest other players plants too, and it doesn’t really impact the community that much. Instanced plant objects don’t need to have a playerID variable tagged to it and can function as per how dilgele planting is.

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Welp you have broken the circle.

Tsk Tsk


Such a lazily designed event? Hue

We appreciate your efforts in bumping this thread :kissing_heart:

You are doing that just fine, like you usually do.

Hue hue

But you are welcomes whihueknights.

Doing my part.

Also it looks like i turned that frown, upside down!!!
Misson success.

Love how companies like Riot are trying to figure out ways to reduce potential toxic behaviour and we have IMC here that unintentionally? (maybe they want they player base to lower) that promotes fights.

People already get mad when you use the “wrong” skill in party play, imagine how they’re going to react if they see you stealing their produce. And imagine how they’re going to feel when a scout they cannot see steals their produce.

Most Brilliant way to reduce server load.

How I wish IMC can give thanks to players who help out the community too during this thanksgiving season, e.g. give free 1x gacha cube or something. I see so many selfless players helping the community, taking their time to write guides, translate patch notes, help answer technical questions and such. Acknowledging these people will boost the community’s confidence and reflect well on the company too.

Many thanks to everyone who helped make our community great. XD

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Tomorrow and the next coming days should be popcorn worthy.

Or this thread will just become ironic.

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That’s cool, yah Thanksgiving is great here in the states.

Family gatherings, turkey and mashed potatoes, watching foozball.

Always a good time. Glad you guys celebrate something similar.

This is the best time of the year generally I think. Great friends, great family, great food, great holidays, foozball and handball. Cant get much better.



The dumpling event did this better, only good thing is there’s still a week worth of Halooween event dun for cheap exp.
But you know what, Dumpling actually did that better too, with reset vouchers, event quality is regressing that is the problem.

Other games does that quite often on special yearly occasions or big patch updates, then again gacha in those game have poor pull rate and exemptionally made for whales which said freebies hardly hurt publisher’s pockets.


Mooncake festival would be one of those thanksgiving equivalents. Here we eat lotus pastries until diabetes kicks in


For some funny reason I always thought you were Chinese or Viet. Something about your posts.

But cool. Funny name for it, I remember it randomly from some travel show.

Asians just have some awesome festivals in general. Til the diabetes.


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You hueknights are fun when you arent taking the game too seriously.

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hahahahaha :slight_smile:

lel hue

oh ■■■■ oh ■■■■ :laughing:


Why do I feel like the event is trying to get rid of its player base instead of making its customers happy and satisfied?..

I’m not sure what this event is suppose to pomote…more AFK farmers?
Players are already farming other things of higher value, and now IMC wants to turn them into real farmers :cold_sweat:


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crap event ;x …

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