Tree of Savior Forum

Hardest decision i've encountered: THAUMA C3 OR RUNECASTER?

Hi, I am Selkies on Klaipeda!

I wanted YOUR opinion on which path would be better taken GIVEN:

Want to pvp/gvg
Want to have strong burst damage
my goal is WIZc3–>THAc1–c2–XX–FEATHERc1

Benefits of thama c2 RC:
479 mag/phys buff
27k Rune of Destruction
Rune of Protection extremely useful against certain CC
become tankier with RoG?

Benefits of thauma c3/feather
higher magic attack means stronger transpose state
Higher DPS with feather foot skills

IN YOUR OPINION…what is the best route to take?

Linker would be better. Thaum 3 is not that good. RC would only give you Rune of Destruction once every 90 seconds for 4 seconds fixed cast times, hard to land.

Maybe Necro would give you some better filler damage to your rank 7 class.

Also if you want to PvP and GvG you should consider taking Warlock. Dark Theurge is a VERY good DEFENSIVE spell and one of the best bursts for PvP. Pole of Agony is awesome too considering you can use it once every round. Featherfoot is more of a PvE DPS-SupportDebuffer class.

If I have to choose between those two options, it will be Thauma 3. RC is not practical in PvP.

read the original post before you decide to post something. thanks

thanks kizuna…will keep that in mind…may I ask why you think it’s not practical in pvp? Rune of protection seems to be very useful

You did ask for an “in your opinion” lol. Why so aggressive.

Anyway I’d say take RC. Thaum 2 is enough mostly.

Long casts, long cooldowns, 2 offensive spells that are hard to land on players (they are not dumb like AI. Well most of them), a spell that really only benefits cryo(kinos), a spell that makes someone tanky, but unable to use other spells and a spell that gives you some protection. That’s the point of being not practical in pvp. Pvp is dynamic and RC is more like a tower that does damage, you will be stand still for most of the battle and that’s sort of inviable on pvp.

As what Zellrath said, it has long casts and cool downs. I’m afraid that you will miss the opponent in PvP, unless they cannot move or attack you.

RC is a fun class. Wait for at least 5 seconds (because 4 seconds is usually not enough with the server lag) and manage to not get interrupted during the cast. Rune of Justice is a joke, I miss the targets almost every time unless I’m aiming straight north, and you cannot change the aiming angle once you started casting. Ultimately you end up with an AoE every 90 seconds (if you don’t get interrupted) and a +20 move speed skill for fast travel across a single map, that’s it. And every cast costs 500 silver.

I would choose RC just because it would be funner to play than ThaumC3. I think that both aren’t really good choices for PvP though.

I would go Thau 3. Because Thau 2 sucks. Thau 3 will give you one of the best gold-value buffs in the game, swell brain.
I don’t see whats so good about Runecaster in your build. Still large CDs.

Destruction relies on mobs being mobbed up… for PVP, doesn’t seem like it would do much anything.

You can’t even aim it after casting?OMG that has to be the worst skill in the game…

Bad damage, bad range, bad cast time, no element, long cooldown… and you still have to pay 500 silver to do it LOL.

Go Thauma3 for the big head -

Actually, only INT affects Transpose, so go Thauma3 for the INT buff and Transpose it into a CON buff =D (i know you probably was trying to say this, but your phrase could make anyone think that the other thaum magic attack buffs affects Transpose, which they dont…)