Tree of Savior Forum

🔨 Change Swordsman class name into 'Fighter' 🔨

Change swordsman class name into ‘Fighter’


  1. :hammer: they arent exclusively wielding swords

  2. :whale2: ‘socially sensitive internet users’ will eventually make a fuss about it being ‘swords-men’, hence making the class gender neutral may avert them.

  3. :checkered_flag: I propose to use ‘Fighter’ in homage to Granado Espada, IMC’s first mmorpg aswell as going along with Wizard, Musketeer, Scout, Elementalist. Thus completing all the base character in GE in ToS.

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_Marikim

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canat cuz its tree of sordi

No thanks. Don’t change the name.
In the future there might actually be a “Fighter” class that uses their fists.

So, I wouldn’t want Swordsman to be changed to Fighter.

I agree it could be used for something else and the swordsman class does mostly use swords at the start of the game.

Also, If it’s that big of a deal. (Which is isn’t.)
They could change Swordsman to “Adventurer”, “Soldier”, or “Warrior”

Other than that, There’s nothing wrong with Swordsman.

No they won’t.
Plus, no one is going to main a “Swordsman” either.
IMC already said that in the future, the lower ranked classes will become useless down
the road around Ranks 7~8+.


please no. MMOs have already shown me scrubs can spell cloud and sephiroth incorrectly a infinite number of times and they don’t need more encouragement to do so.

Lol, You won’t have to worry though.
They aren’t going to change Swordsman because there
isn’t anything wrong with it.


its 2015, Kirito is now the new Cloud



I will forward this suggestion to our Dev team and we will see what we can do.

Thanks for the suggestion :smile:

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By the way, could we refrain from using the terms like SJW or radical feminists?

Those terms might muddle the good point we have here :smile:

Thanks for your co-operation~

done /20characters++++

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Hmm I don’t ‘Fighter’ has much bling than ‘Swordsman’ to be honest since it’s quite common. To me, a fighter is something like being able to use both of your hands, delivering a knuckle sandwich with tar-tar sauce to someone’s face. Kinda like a monk (sad they use weapon and shield though, should be fists).

you tell him

We’re all fighters though,fighting monsters in different ways.Not really seeing the need to change it.

Later on they might release an actual “Fighter” Class…
And they use Knuckles, Twin Daggers, and Double Saber
Complete with Brave Stance and Limit Break self buff skills…
OK maybe not…
But they might still release an actual “Fighter” Class at some point…

Please, don’t give into this gender bullshit they “sell” nowadays.

No Thank you. You’re practically saying that having “swords-man(?)” is already offending a number of people.
Aren’t people already tired from all these SJW and Feminist stuff over the internet?


yeah later on they would release a fighter… an MMA fighter haha :joy:
you see them on PVP grabbing you and you watch yourself slowly depleting your HP, they could also grab your items and you can’t equip them for x amount of time… :joy:

if IMC wants to follow a square-enix esque path they would keep repeating references to their old titles. Granado Espada is IMC 1st mmorpg and where most of the naming and raw concept of ToS came from.

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Maybe they will release the Fighter Class at some point and it will be a class of its own…
As for renaming and existing class…
Does IMC really need to rename it?
It looks fine to me as it is.
But either way is fine with me…

Yeah, I noticed that RO and I guess the developers borrow a lot of things from Final Fantasy Tactics…
Even the Art Style of the sprites on Tree of Savior somehow reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics.