Tree of Savior Forum

Hair Costumes Not Showing Up

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time :04/12/16

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :Keyboard

Bug Description :
Hair Costumes Doesnt Appear At All And Has Been Happening Since Launch.

My Settings Are:
-Low Spec Mode
-Bloom Disabled
-FXAA Enabled
-Soft Particle Enabled
-High Textures Disabled
-Show Other Character Effects Enabled
-Camera Vibration Enabled

Screenshots / Video :


  • CPU : AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
  • RAM : 4Gb DDR2
  • Graphics Card : Nvidia Geforce 8400gs 512MB DDR2
  • Mainboard : MSI K9N6PGM2-V2
  • Storage : 320GB
  • OS : Win7 Ultimate 64-Bit
  • Internet Connection : 1MBPS DSL
  • Country, Region : Philippines,South East Asia
1 Like

Same here bro :confounded:… I already create a ticket and here’s the answer:


Thank you for contacting us! First of all, thank you so much for buying
Founder’s Pack and supporting Tree of Savior.

We’ll be sure to forward this to our development team for review and a
possible fix. We appreciate your patience and understanding while they are
investigating the matter.

If you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us

Tree of Savior Support Team"

And nothing more… :cry:

Same here too. It has been like this for me day one of the server opening.

For me no Show up too ! same problem like this day 1 !!!

It’s been over a month and this issue is still not solved…

This isn’t a bug. This is just an option to hide your costumes. You unchecked the “eye” at the top left corner of costume 1. You should click on it again to turn it on.

It’s pretty late response but this happened to me and I thought it was a bug but I accidentally just clicked it… prolly what happened to you guys too.

This response might not be needed anymore now but for those who googled it like me might help in the future!

If you look at the screen shot it is toggle to show headgear. this is an actual bug. Toggling the button was one of the first things I tried

Já conseguiram resolver? Estou com o mesmo problema.

@tehrawr575 e outros para resolver eu desinstalei o jogo e a steam, exclui a pasta steam e todos os seus componentes e fiz o download a steam e jogo novamente, foi o método que resolveu o problema. Agora visualizo meus hair costumes normalmente.