Tree of Savior Forum

Hackers in TBL matches

I joined their Discord, and found some nice conversations.
here is link to said discord:

So much for “proof gone” :wink:


aaand imc will do nothing

Not really i didn’t notice my name was on Minus on forums i can change it back if you want i got nothing to hide.

I just find hilarious a hacker reporting another for getting out hacked.

You bought hook64 and you’re trying to misdirect.

@hkkim @moderators @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @GM_Francis and they are even joking on you guys… Come on, do something.

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Dont come defend your clients, you are as disgusting as them.

Who is the one misdirecting Hook and using Better quest and Exp Card Calculator have nothing in common.

Also look the guy is using Zoom Hack, he’s also one of them just a stupider user it seams posting a report without evidence against the other player but evidence of himself using the hack,

Can’t you see the humor on that.

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Well, that escalated quickly. I suspected some raiding, thanks for finding the source.

Oh, and seems one of them is claiming he was teamed up with me.
I remember saying “what the hell” when I got one-shotted in first game, then saying it’s the hacker again next round. I guess that passes as crying nowadays ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not that it’s him on my team. My teammate was equally confused as to what happened. If it really was him, he’d basically be admitting to hacking on that account. I don’t want some random innocent guy banned.

Out of curiosity, @XHeroX, what does each nickname color mean?

The game is Good, imc indeed is doing a bad work arround but it doesnt make you less disgusting.

Imc at least made a good game, just gotta learn (a lot) how to manage it, you made something that is destroying this game.

We’re supposed to believe you’re this much of a moron?

Not likely as evidenced by the fact you can even type a post in the first place. You’re being a manipulative little wanker to defend hook64(which you use).

He made hook64 ofc he Will defend it, he is the one earning money this way.

blue is developer, green is moderator, yellow is subscribed

topkek the mods in full damage control I see, how much do they get paid for it I wonder :joy::ok_hand:

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Save this thread, go on hackers, flag this down. We can create another, and another.

extrinsicality = Basilith @ Klaipeda ingame (creator of hook64)
Innovation = 9ghost @ Klaipeda ingame (hook64 user and known botter)

Wow you’re such a brave dark knight seeking social justice against a bunch of koreans who barely speak english and code about as well as asians are known for because they’ve offended you by trying not to go out of business to some degree that you can’t begin to explain.

epic ur such a hero
truly amaze how u can go for the lowest hanging fruit possible
brave ::innocent:
:star_of_david: :star_of_david: :star_of_david: :star_of_david: :star_of_david:

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it seems everyone in discord is extremely upset how nobody cares OP uses zoomy “hack”, they also made the main channel private so no more screencaps for now :frowning: