Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Neptune's Bounty (Open and Recruiting) iTOS

Not sure how they’ll be working out. Had a few people asking me, but Idk how they plan on doing it yet. Have to look into that.

Looks like we’ll be going to Gabija server unless something happens for now.

We can always change later, but for CBT 2 it’s Gabija for now!

See you all there!

Cool they just put Gabija up this morning at 6am EDT
See you all there :slight_smile:

Hope everyone’s having a good time in the beta~!

We’ve gotten so many new members lately @.@

Happy Thanksgiving to all our members and everyone else playing ToS!

12 more days to go!

Hope everyone had a good time in the Beta test!

See you all in the Open Beta!

Happy New Year everyone

After a long wait, open beta is coming!

Who’s ready?!

I’m so ready… hypuuu

I am a believer of the Goddess Giltine

I will strike you down when given the chance.

Good luck with that.

Updated our opening post finally! Should have all the relevant info! :smiley:

do you guys still have room for more? looking for an active guild to play with.

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Hello i submitted an application ;O

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Yes steam, go ahead and apply an application on our website.

Your application is being reviewed right now :slight_smile:

I joined another guild already. Sorry and good luck !

Good luck with your new guild. :slight_smile:

submited an application… do review :slight_smile:

Getting pretty busy! Gonna be a good weekend!