Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Neptune's Bounty (Open and Recruiting) iTOS

It’s rather rude and disrespectful to advertise your site in another guild’s thread. I understand if you and Nova have some history together, but out of the respect for this guild, I ask you not to do it again.

Take it easy. She was responding to my question.

Just so you know, i totally respect @MrNova and Neptunes Bounty Guild and its members. I dont want to have an argument here in your thread because @MrNova is my friend however, it seems that you missed my point at the last part saying " we can make our discussions there for TOS privately and exclusively for MMK and its alliances ". If this is a misunderstanding, i am sorry that i may have offended you, all i want is a good relationship with @MrNova and Neptunes Bounty Guild. Thank you.


Can i still join the guild?

Go for it. The guild is open to anyone who is willing to apply, Although with Mr. Leader here running the shots, It might not be a guild you want to stick around with.

Don’t worry about it. That member has since left the guild, and only seemed interested in fostering dramatic situations needlessly. MMK is more than welcome to socialize with us in our thread.

Sure can, just fill out an application on our guild site, and once our officers review it, they’ll let you know!

It’s unfortunate that some people aren’t a good fit for our guild though, so feel free to take a look at our Guild Charter and Forum Rules too.

If you agree with what you read, then don’t be afraid to apply!

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We’re always happy to have new members join the guild.

Like Nova suggested, feel free to take a look at our [Guild Charter][1][1]: and [Forum Rules][1][1]: to see if you agree with them.

Who determines what “DON’T BE A ■■■■” is because a lot of people cant take a joke. Basically is this a thin skin guild or thick?

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Generally, it’s assumed that people can take a joke, and there is the understanding that this is the internet; however, if a complaint is made, then the situation will be viewed and handled by the Guild Administration.

Depending on the severity, you might simply be told to ‘take it easy’ as one of our former members was told over a recent situation.

Other action might be a warning is issued, if the incident was clearly over the line.

All in all, it really depends on each individual situation. Most of our current members are adults, so it’s my opinion that they can take a joke.

The bottom line ends with the Guild Administration. Incidents are discussed with multiple Officers before action is taken, so if you’re issued a warning, or a temporary ban, chances are it was warranted.

We actually had a person earlier in the thread talk about this. Most of us can take a joke. We aren’t saying you can’t mess around and joke with people.

We just don’t want someone’s experience to be ruined because someone took it too far. We wish for everyone to have a good time and while we know it’s not possible all the time, we try to make it possible.

It’s alright if you don’t agree with it, it’s your opinion and you are entitled to it. But I hope our feedback helps you understand why we have it there.

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Just checking out of curiosity. I have been kicked out of guild for jokes or even just some players that couldn’t handle a opinion that wasn’t their own.

For example i was in a discussion about feminism that this other guild mate started with me and stated it was once a good thing and now its a joke and sited some examples of the poor/overkill behavior now days.

Next thing i know she crys to the guild leader and i am the bad guy. If you cant handle the other end of the discussion don’t start the discussion -.- Its like a religious person walking up to a stranger and talking about god then being offended when they are told by the stranger they don’t believe in god because of x reason.

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I consider myself a pretty laidback and accepting individual, but I can understand if there are others who don’t share my personal views.

I’m all for people having their own differing opinions. Just know how to have a civilized discussion/debate, or keep it to yourself.

Arguments are usually the effect of one person refusing to listen to, or even acknowledge that there are differing points of view.

Where I personally draw the line is when an individual’s beliefs start negatively effecting others experiences. “Go with the flow. Don’t rock the boat.”

This gave me a laugh the other day. Current Events humor.


How have you folks been?

Just lurking about and passing the time away o:


Guild Wars 2 is consuming me for the time being.

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The assignment crunch weeks are upon me. But Witcher 3 is also to be blamed heavily for my low presence.

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@Aurunia There is quite a bit to do in GW2 that for sure, hope you are having fun with that. :slight_smile:

@rayn_cauhc888 The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is very easy to get lost in, hehe.

@MrNova Lurking under the sea. :smile:

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About time you finished the application, lol.

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@MrNova It has been awhile hasn’t it? hehe.

Been playing Destiny on my PS4 and starting New Game + for The Witcher 3