Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Myriad ┐(・。・┐) ♪

yea most of the time it ends up b4 the game comes out people say “o i want to play (X)” but once i play the game is out and you get a feel of the game you are probably gonna be playing (Y) instead

That’s why I love having more than 1 character slot :smiley: I am a person who likes to have many different classes to play depending on my daily mood :stuck_out_tongue:

Gonna be honest, I’m going in blind. Probably some sort of ranged DPS or somethin
Apparently I can’t put images in posts…

maybe you need to use a smaller image pac

Nah says new people can’t use images. Oh well, I’ll figure it out after work

Apparently if you want to post images you have to lvl up from being a new account to a member. XD

pac plz dont double post XD thero might get mad

What’s the problem with double posting?

I’m joking plz don’t kill meh

Bad pac, bad

These double post pacman :triumph:

Now my question is which color are YOU!

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WTF is the green one doing? :smile_cat:

Yellow of course. Have you seen my moves?

I’m sad this never posted cuz I answered this a few days ago >.<

who got a key :triumph:

Kite got a key but cant play during the august 6-9 cause of a more important event happening


I also did not get a key. T.T Maybe next wave i suppose

I have a key. Anyone else In the guild get one?