Tree of Savior Forum

Guild Configurations

Hello, Saviors~!

This thread is strictly for guild suggestions, for I know some players who aren’t necessarily pleased with the way guilds are being handled. These ways concern the guild cap, GvG, guild events, and also raids. Now, we need some suggestions that you believe that should be put in motion for the FUTURE and not now. As you all understand, the Korean version has been released while ours haven’t. They can’t automatically change things or may not even able to change what you want, for it has already been put into the game. I ask for the help of other guilds to suggest things that could make these experiences fun for those who want to be involved and rewarded for being a part of a guild. I will put my suggestions below. @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan


I say that GvG is probably one of the most talked about. The tower idea is pretty great, the war between guilds is exciting to start, but it’s missing a lot of things and failing somewhat. In my opinion, I don’t encourage multiple guild towers over the world and I certainly don’t encourage the war basically being find the tower(s) and eradicate them by playing hide-and-go-seek over the server. I may be too frank on my words, but you must understand I believed this GvG to be something on a much larger scale with the things IMC has pulled off with all the maps. I encourage an instanced zone that is timed for war between guilds. My friend, Erokhi, had a good suggestion for GvG that could work out for the future.

Examples of different faction war modes :
- Territory Domination
Capture and defend guild towers/faction before the war ends. The faction that has the most amount of captured guild towers will win.

- Treasure Hunter
Collect as many treasures as possible in the battlefield by exploring the map. You can also take down your enemies to get their loots by force. After you collect the treasures, you must deliver them to certain NPC at your base. The faction that has the most amount of treasures will win.

- Monster Hunter
Hunt as many bosses as possible in the battlefield. Bosses will spawn randomly around the battlefield. The faction that has the most boss kill counts before the war ends will win. Players from different faction can kill each other in the middle of bossfight. This system will allow players who focus on PvE to shine.

- Protection
Protect a certain NPC as representative from each faction to a certain spot. Each faction can kill each other’s representative to prevent them from reaching their goal. The faction that delivers more representative to the goal will win the war. If no one succeed to reach the goal when the war ends, the faction that has the least amount of NPC deaths will win the war.

Guild Raids (Timed)

This one in particular needs to be amazing. The current guild raid idea is exactly how it should be done, but let’s not forget the things that could make the experience fun.

Examples of Guild Raids:
1) One thing I’ve always come to like about Guild Raids would be the teamwork needed to take down a boss or navigate through something. I encourage the use of puzzles and unexpected danger while exploring. What I mean by this is that there should be paths you can go down for less danger, and paths you can go down for the danger. There are puzzles that can be solved just from grabbing something in this area by fighting a mini-boss or sending one party in to survive a wave of strong monsters to grab a key to advance forward. Danger could relate to a room closing behind a party that started to wander away from the main group, or traps such as poison darts, spikes, etc that everyone has to pass through. This could open ways to different versions of a single Guild Raid.
2) There are many ways to challenge players, but one in particular that I like is that you separate them. You start off with your party and all, but there are certain raids where you end up somewhere else from the other parties. Now, we don’t just drop them anywhere, they are only separated at the starting area and are planned to meet up later on. These paths could connect with one group that is fighting a boss and they could help them out while the others could meet up just to advance through the raid together. There are different ways to this, but it can very interesting if made correctly.
3) The raid environment is a key thing that sets the mood and what to expect. For future raids, it would be amazing to see the environment get involved with the danger of the raid. Such environments such as lava that can burn the player as they travel through some ancient fire ruins or adventuring up some floating rocky ruins and the wind can move players into traps that could possibly kill them. Once again, it’s all about mixing these the right way to make it work.

Guild Limit

This is probably my biggest concern. As a guild that reaches over 35, you are straining to decide who you want to keep, but everyone is a good player. It really isn’t fair to cut us short, but honestly, we haven’t necessarily heard anything about any increase, or even if it is in motion. Honestly, it should be raised to at least the 50-60 range; however, if it is put in motion without us knowing, I apologize for pestering IMC over and over with this. It’s just something many guilds want. We don’t want to be limited.


I think events between guilds should involve losses. Remember the guild that “stole” your world boss’ loot ? Its time to farm potions for an entire week and ■■■■ them all.

IMO we need to keep the “physical contact” of wars but add some worthy objective like all members from enemy guild saving tons of money in guild’s storage waiting to buy some “powerful and amazing guild guardian monster” that can be invoked on guild wars or guild raids or another stuff, so your guild leader calls up all the members and declare war.
Your guild can steal some part of their gold (proportional to the amount of gold your guild have in storage, may with the cap of 25% of their treasure) or lose your own riches.

I really appreciate the Guild Limit and Guild Raids topics but I think ToS need more “blood for objective” in wars, not just hunt enemy guild for fun until they find our tower or funny and friendly events. They could use those ideas on Premade Arenas.


As rewards for winning GvG here are my ideas:

  • Unlock a very hard raid(Weekly Loot) and dungeon (To level daily)

You can go to the dungeon that would be very difficult to finish that can give your characters experience.You can participate in the dungeon X times per day until the week is over.So you enjoy your spoils of war,go back to war with another guild or balance them both.
The raid that you unlock can only be done once per week tied to your character legacy.Meaning if you have 5 characters and one them finish the raid.your other 4 characters can not enter the raid.As long as your guild got members that did not attend the raid,the raid will stay open for them.The raid would be very hard that offers unique loot that has a very low drop chance with X number of bosses.They will have different raids and dungeons depending on the region you had your GvG event.

  • The entire sever will know your achievements

Same as we got the leaderboad for PVP arenas we should have another one with the top 10 guilds that have succeeded in wining their GvG events.The top 3 guild will have their flags up with their guild emblem on every town in the game.Furthermore,the top 3 guilds will have their own instant/channel with “their own village”.You can invest in your village to hired class masters/blacksmith/companion trainer,Goddess teleport Statue,etc with the cost of silver.Once your knockdown from the top 3 you will lose the village and your flag will be replace with whoever dethrone you. The village feature will be purely vanity and a chance to have people visit your village and socialize.

  • Expansion to your Guild Castle aka Guild Hideout

You get to increase your guild cap by winning more wars and by paying silver.It would make since that by winning a lot of wars that more people would want to join your cause.Have your garden and companion stable expand by being winners and by paying a sum of silver.To be able to obtain more rooms and quarters within the Guild Hideout to encourage the RP players to further their fantasy gameplay and experience.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John


@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John

Another idea a friend happened to run by me is cooperation between guilds in an inter-guild raid where 2-3 guilds enter a massive labyrinth-like dungeon with deep floors filled with bosses that use the environment to their advantage or do destructive aoe to the entire room. The guilds can start at different points, meeting up throughout the dungeon and leaving again to finish puzzles, and finally reaching the deepest floor. The scale of this will be astronomical with all the players and the different floors. This would be something pretty incredible to have if it can be possible.


Thanks for all the suggestions and feedback!
Keep the ideas rolling in, and we’ll try our best to keep an eye out for ones that we can pass to the dev team.
Can’t make any promises on ‘when’ or ‘if’ though…:disappointed_relieved:


Thank you! @STAFF_Ethan:smile:
I’ll try to present more ideas that you can pass on.


So these are my explained ideas @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan:

Guild Features:

1- When you create a guild, there is a Guild Storage where any member can donate any quantity of gold.

2- You can’t withdraw Guild’s money, but it can be used to buy stuffs like alchemy/forging materials,guild upgrades and Guardian Card.

3- Guild Leaders can summon a Guardian like Sorcerer’s Summoning skill (But bigger and much stronger).

4- Guardians follows its AI, but always try to stay near the area with more guild members together and have 3h duration, but high cooldown (9~24 hours).

5- This monster can be upgraded by guild’s gold, so when your Guardian becomes lvl 2 (after spending tons of money), Guild Leader can choose one way: increase Attack Damage, Spell Power, Life or Defenses of
Guardian (This bonus needs to be significant and leveling Guardians really expensive).

War Features:

1- When you declares war, Guild Store and player donation disables.

2- Non-city maps becomes PvP between allies/enemies as nowadays.

3- Each guild/alliance needs to find enemy’s Guild Tower as nowadays.

4- When you find the enemy’s guild tower, your guild leader can click there and choose “Start Invasion” option, then, after 15~30 minutes, your guild have 2 hours to attack and all guild members can enter “Enemy’s Territory”.
PS: Allies cannot enter this territory, but they can help protecting/attacking the world map’s guild tower (Trying to prevent huge Allies vs one Guild).

5- “Enemy’s Territory” have 3 floors (I would suggest more floors like the 1st, but i’m too tired from work to plan it all):

1st floor: A GvG-enabled large-sized map where your guild leader "hides" one guild tower where he wants (May guilds can buy different maps with TP member's donation feature). When enemy finds out
           your guild tower, they can use it to enter 2nd floor UNLESS the defender guild's Guardian is summoned on this map (So as attacker you need to find enemy's Guild Tower and if there's a 
           defensive summoned Guardian you need to find and destroy it...but remember that they are really strong, so starting an invasion at 3 AM with 5 members will not help so much if the defender
           guild's leader summons the Guardian inside this floor within 15-30 minutes of preparation).
           This is an improvised image of this scenario:
           Resuming: Find and kill the defender Guardian with your guild, find the enemy Guild Tower and go to:

2nd floor: The plantation floor just like nowadays: you can destroy enemy's plantation or rush for 3rd floor (This map could have a narrow road to enemy guild's lodge like the "Highway to Victory").
           An image of second floor:

3rd floor: The enemy guild's lodge: if you get there before Invasion's time ends,consider yourself a champion. Enemies will try to defend desperately their guild's Storage, a treasure chest that only 
           takes 1 damage and have 1k health. If your guild destroys this chest a global broadcast appears telling your guild won the guild war and your guild wins part of enemy's gold (If your guild
           have 100m and the enemy's 3bi you can steal 100m winning the war, but the enemy only can steal 25m due the 25% cap, so is not worthy big guilds declaring war to small ones).

6- When the 2 hour invasion ends, members who are already inside one of the floors can keep warring, but cannot enter enemy’s territory (1st floor) anymore and needs to wait 24h to uses the Invasion option again.

7- You can use your Guardian inside enemy’s territory for attacking but if the enemy guild leader enables Invasion, be sure your defensive groups can protect the 1st floor’s guild tower.

8- After defending for 2 hours, your territory can’t be attacked for the next 8 hours, but you still can attack another guild’s territory if it isn’t on CD.

9- You can declares war when you want, but only starts an Invasion in Weekends.

Sorry for the long post, but those are all my Ideas, I hope you enjoyed.


Dude I love your invasion idea…GENIUS!!!


I like your idea, just as long as the guild leader has to accept an invasion. It would be annoying if someone declares an invasion on you at 3am, when you have 0 members online or when your guild leader is sleeping.

One of the things I like about RO was that WoE started at a scheduled time each week, so everyone in your guild knew what time to be online for it. That is how you got truly epic GvG wars. With your invasion idea, you don’t really know when to be online because you don’t know when someone is going to declare war on your guild (except that it is going to be sometime on a weekend).

What if; you declare an invasion against a guild on Mon-Wed, and the invasion occurs Sat-Sun, that way both guilds have a few days to prepare and get their troops rallied.


I really don’t like the idea of the enemy’s guild accept your request for invasion,thats why its called Invasion. But about declare invasion on Mon-Wed and have some days to prepare for the real conflict is an amazing idea !!

To be honest, I don’t like the idea of having to accept an invasion (or a declaration of war, or any other kind of GvG) either, but if there is going to be consequences for losing in GvG (which I think there should be), then there needs to be some way to ensure that you don’t get attacked while the majority of your guild is offline. Otherwise you would just wake up each morning with 25% less Guild money (for example).


I will agree to any idea that solves these problems :
-Current GvG is mostly a battle of quantity
Multiple guilds/allies can declare war against 1 guild at the same time. It’s all about how many people you can collect in order to outnumber and terrorize your enemy in open PK all the time.

-If you are at war, you can kill each other in dungeon or party mission
4 of your party members consist of your guild’s enemy. How do you feel if they “accidentally” kill you so many times and you will gain nothing from that dungeon/party mission run?

-Current GvG doesn’t offer any reward at all
Why should I waste my towers, silvers, time, energy, scrolls, and potions to fight another people without any meaningful rewards in the end? Satisfaction of destroying my rivals won’t bring back all my resources that I’ve invested.

-Current GvG is a system that “eventually” forces everyone that join a guild to participate in GvG
They have no choice to not participate in a GvG. They must always be prepared to engage in a GvG anytime because they don’t know if they have some secret haters or a bunch of butthurts hating at them suddenly declaring a war. Oh wait, they actually have a choice to not participate in GvG. Simply tell the Templar to not to raise any guild tower skill.


few things i can think to suggest.

the first thing is guild towers should have some sort of defense mechanic or buff to them. if theres no one defending them aka late at night ext its kind of anti climatic. the towers should spawn some sort of soliders or a big mosnter orr something even offline guild members with the whole offline system could be guards for the tower or the guild tower could shoot cannon balls or something. it shouldent be able to interfear with monsters but only enemy guilds. there should be a advantage to the defense either way like when you look at a castle the advantage is the wall around it

the second idea is simular to what someone mentioned above about a summon for the guild leader. though maybe they could summon troops based on the guild they are apart of the guild hense they could maybe benefit from the battle command buff too maybe to make it interesting to use the skill it costs money to use . almost like hiring a solider to help you. with higher level summoning more soldiers and diffrent soldier types and having a longer time out but also increaseing the cooldown maybe like anywhere betwin 5-10 mins cooldown after the last one is killed/ set time has passed

i havent played or heard much but maybe a alliance system but limit the amount of allies a guild can have like 1-3 or something. and when guild are allied maybe have a alliance chat betwin all the guilds allied in this alliance. also having allies able to enter other peoples guild areas but not able to tamper with it or anything.

teleportation skills i feel they should merge it more to summon more members per level. it feels essentual but then you feel like you have to really cut back on battle order or reduce craft time *either not getting one and almost maxing/maxing one or having to get low ranks in both.

lastly i feel there should be a increase in guild members limit. 20-35 seems quite small . maybe raise it up by 20 or so to 40-55 or something like that would work but it just seems quite a low number is all.


Didn’t read the comments fully so no idea if anyone mentioned this but if they increased guild member limits I’d like to see them scale with the Templar circle. Want a bigger guild? Dedicate your character to it.