Tree of Savior Forum

Guild Bot on Dungeon 400

  • Server : Silute SA

  • Team Name : Heteros_Prime and AbomiBela

  • Location : Dungeons 400

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 17/09/2020

  • Evidence: Guys, Seriously? I’m very tired to report this guild, a lot of bots afk on Dungeon 400 and if the leader of this guild know about it, he’s one or he know’s these bots. I report players in this guild for months and why you add Report System if you never ban? Please, You need *ban the guild leader of TheHouseIsDown, destroy this guild and afk players. Yes! the leader has the same fault as the bots because he knows who does it, so he’s guilty the same way or he does it! Some brazilian peoples sad “Just leave on the Dungeon and do another” but I HAVE 14 CHARACTERS FOR DO THIS DUNGEON so imagine if I leave in all my characthers? Because every room ever have afk players, speciffically this guild is one.

  • Brazilian Translate: Essa guild lixo do TheHouseIsDown só tem bot afk nas Dungeons 400 e eu reporto esse povo e não fazem nada!! E se o dono da guild tem players assim ou ele é o culpado por esses bots ou ele sabe quem são os doentes mentais, então deve ser punido da mesma forma. Claro que eu espero comentários tóxicos nesse post mas é melhor postar do que ninguém fazer nada. É um saco quitar da dungeon quando vc tem 14 personagens pra fazer e ter vários char afks, TNC, Então quem discorda, quem não faz nada, vocês que lutem pra carregar esses bostas

  • Evidences with SS:

@Staff_Jin @William121213513513 @STAFF_Yuri @Staff_Brand @Staff_Alex @STAFF_Bob @staff