Tree of Savior Forum

Guild Alliance PvP Event

I used to play a game where every week at a certain time for 2 hours players would fight over a pole in the middle of some castle walls that took up half the map, there was two gates on the walls that would open when broken from players damaging it. This event on it’s own kept the game going despite the atrocious road it was going down. Nowadays the game is just right clicking someone and they die, anyone who is anyone in that game just one shots their competitors, yet when I log on from time to time to see if things changed I still find a lot of players, the game has like 50 servers and every single one of them probably gets more players a day than the most active Tree of Savior server. There isn’t even anything to do in that game when PvP events aren’t happening, it’s got little to no PvE outside of mob grinding and overworld PvP is less popular because of how easy the game has become.

Anyways I say all of this before making this suggestion to show why this is a good idea. An MMO needs good PvP if it’s gonna compete seriously with top MMOs. Even the MMOs that all got popular recently, they all got popular because they had more PvP than the existing ocean of MMOs.

So here’s how it works Tree of Savior style.

  • Create 3 alliances, Don’t associate them with colors or ideals, keep em plain and equally acceptable to players, numbers work fine.
  • Allow guilds leaders to enter their guilds into 1 of these 3 alliances.
  • Guilds in your alliance have a blue name, other guilds are green name.
    -:Create a map with PvP enabled
  • You cannot attack members of your own alliance in this map
  • Soul Crystals do not work on this map.
  • On the map is an NPC that sells special potions, they heal a flat amount and have a significantly shorter CD (5-10 seconds) these potions are only usuable on this map
  • Anyone can enter the map at any time
  • The map is almost entirely traversable, so unlike regular ToS maps which tend to be just long paths that go in many directions, this map looks something like this
  • 2 Gates of each side of the fortress
  • Inside the fortress is a statue, the statue will always be owned by a guild in one of the 3 alliances, from the start of the event until the end of time
  • Surrounding the statue is 4 walls, they are fairly far from the statue so you can’t hit it while behind them with most ranged skills.
  • The gates can be opened by the Guild Leader of the guild that currently owns the statue whether they are inside or outside of the fortress
  • Players can get on the wall from the inside but from the outside it is impossible, this allows defenders to have ranged characters fire down at the enemy attacking the gates.
  • During the time that the event is not happening, the statue cannot be damaged
  • During the event the statue has a large amount of health anyone can attack the statue whether they are inside of the guilds alliance or not.
  • When the statue falls it is replaced with a new at full hp owned by the guild that did the most damage to the previous statue.
  • Whenever the owner of the statue changes both gates will be fully healed and closed.
  • When the timer on the event ends, the alliance that the Guild in control of the statue is in wins, and all it’s members who are online receive a reward (The REWARD MUST BE DIVIDED) TBH this part doesn’t matter this much, it could be like a large amount of gold divided or some small amount of TP or an item that players actually want, really doesn’t make much difference, players will want to compete if the reward is anything worth having and is not hogged by a guild leader and as long as there is a finite amount of it, if everyone is guaranteed a flat amount of silver they all just join 1 alliance and claim free stuff each week, but if it’s a divided reward then players will want more of it and make separate sides to get more of the reward.

It’s a very simple idea for an event, not much was changed from the original source of the idea but there isn’t really much to change, naturally since there are 3 alliances, one of them will flop entirely and very few people will be a part of it. This happens with any game with 3 sides, one side just doesn’t last long and either dies or joins up with one of the other two. The reason you put 3 sides though is so new guilds can form to take down older rivalry’s without having to join up with them.

Anyways more PvP is definitely a good idea, this is just one of the best ways to do it in my opinion. I’ve seen it, so I understand how effective it is. Many games have variations of this but basically a large scale weekly event with multiple guilds working towards a goal.