Is this build viable for boss rushes? Can you do more boss rush videos?
Here is my Youtube Channel and I will be uploading videos on and off.
Here is the latest solo lv130 dungeon boss, hope you like it.
I wonder how does this build compare to other swordman build damage wise. Why do people say swordman is not dps class, I feel like doing a lot of damage on my swordman. Do you might have video grinding at higher lvl map?
Lv175 Dungeon boss rush:
Thank for the video! How do you manage to hold the first boss in places? It always jumps more when I tried to solo it.
Solo Lv190 Dungeon Bosses
Does finestra stay when you switch to your rapier/dagger ?
Unfortunately, it does not.
Hey i’d like to hear your opinion about your barb3>fencer2. Is it a lot better than the meta hop3>doppel>dragoon? Is it also better than highlander3>cor1>fencer2? I’m still doing some research for my first swordsman character that i’m planning to play for pve purposes.
I quit hop3>doppel>dragoon for this build and I think it excels in every single aspect of the game. May as well not consider highlander if we’re not getting 0 second cd skyliner, but are getting the pouncing and other barbarian buffs. Barbarian will support fencer a lot more than highlander. If you want to do a non peltasta build, your best bet is probably swordsman->highlander->barb3->fencer2 to be able to take advantage of cross guard (though this will be hard if you make a high evasion build). Corsair 1 is…iffy. It can be pretty useful but idk, not really my thing
So highlander is not worth considering if we’re not having a 0cd skyliner? I actually want corsair just for the sake of the costume lol. So yeah what would i miss out if I go barb2>cor?
You would miss out on pouncing. Frenzy stacking is pretty negligible and/or useless in my opinion. That’s about it though
This build may be more viable with Ktos patch with more attack with strenght ( 1.3 per point ), and lunge will give you evasion.
On the other hand, with a dex build, lunge won’t give you evasion because you will be already capped. ( but still get the hot crit rate from dex )
Dex is slightly better when you have really late game stuff ( just therory btw )
Reaching cap evasion for end game monsters is pretty difficult even with high dex. Maybe if you had full dex and use full leather but I’ve found that to be not very optimal. So lunge will still help in a lot of cases.
However, lunge uptime is really bad. With latency and execution time and such it essentially only lasts 3 seconds. Having to rely on lunge for evasion helps but it’s not very good if your aim is to be consistently evasive.
The 1.3 per point really doesn’t add much overall damage. Maybe if it also gave the critical attack that normally comes with strength it would be worth a lot more, but it unfortunately doesn’t. We’re talking a 3.5% or 7% increase in damage depending on what it actually counts as and those %s are if you are completely full strength with no points in con or dex. It’s less of a difference the less strength you have invested of course.
For another comparison, It’s about equivalent to either gaining 5 or 10 attribute levels. Not going to help all that much in the grand scheme things.
I am really hoping that swordies get auto weapon swap like archers. it will really bring out a bunch of varieties for the swordsman class.
i am also trying out this build atm. but with the current mechanics of the game this will seem troublesome.
Also it would really be nice if someone can teach me how to change my hotkeys to help with the swapping. ive searched for tutorials online but i cant find any. tyia!
Im more interested in the gear that guy has in your video
That guy has around the same gear I have (based on the physical attack shown) and presumably level 50+ pouncing attribute
Maybe a bit more. Probably a slightly higher +d weapon - Mine is only +8 but the rest of it should just be current standard end game gear
Tanking lv280 world boss Rexipher:
Tanking lv280 world boss Marnox:
Tanking lv280 world boss Helgasercle:
due to the recent rank 8 swordsman class i think this build will not benefit that much. Plus the points wasted on finestra could be a lot more useful for dragoon c2.
what do you guys think?