Since I’ve added Flanconnade to the build, I’ve run out of space on controller action bar… it’s bad enough putting pots to the second action bar screen.
How do you use flanconnade and skyliner so fast together? Also, any reason to use flancon over composse in that combo as composse would probabyls till crit higher even with lunge debuff.
Zwerchhau multi would be to good for pvp ^^
I guess maxing Redel or zucken would be the best.
The other 2on 6.
Keeping then on 1 even with the attributes isn´t an option i think
DOV still worth ? worth capable to switch cyclone 15 to 1 and dov 15 ?
Finally got my moles, damn Flash scales the best with Prepa I think (since it’s technically going beyond the damage cap per cast).
I was wondering how much phys attack would you need to hit 3 caps on Flash (if it’s even possible).
Yeah, even at 500ish crit rate (not leather yet) I’m still seeing less than half of my Septs going yellow but it definitely packs more punch and feels…well…more critical. If Epee was never nerfed, I feel Fencer would be a really broken class to play especially with all the overheats.
My opinion has changed on the update, it gave the class more potential despite taking away that crit-identity. The overheats are the best part of the change IMO.
Edit: Removed, check thread quoted below for more info on Punish : Earthquake, my original post was wrong
How are you able to cancel like that? I’m at 105 dex and around 180ms usually and I can’t cancel. I mash both skills as fast as I can, and they never animation cancel each other, it usually just Skyliners 5 times in a row or Flanconnade 5 times in a row. I’ve tried using each skill then mashing the other skill only immediately after but no animation cancel occurs.
How are you accomplishing the animation cancels?
Reset my skills from Punish lvl 1 and DoV 15 to > Punish 15 and DoV 0. Results are much better than i expected.

Lines of damage suppose to be factored by the amount of mobs knocked down and each line multiplies the skill factor with the damage formula. Still on testing, there’s some additional lines of damage that didn’t come from knocked down mobs.
Edit: Mob tested : Wendigo Magician 21F Solmiki HP = 678,692
Lines of damage :
123,482 <-- Can crit.
??? <— Blank
I love how the numbers flying around with Punish^^
So the first hit is Punish and the other line are EQ?
The skill lvl increase only the first hit or all?
So much to test but not much time left …
Alright @HowYouDoin
It’s an edit in hotkey.xml file so when the keyboard key is DOWN, it tries to press skyliner. As soon as I release it, it automatically presses flacconade. In game, my dex is only 110. Any much higher than 120 and I cannot do this. The low dex gives flacconade a slow animation that gives time for you to cancel animation it with skyliner. This is why my flacconade overheat gets all used up all before my skyliner charges. I’m not sure if anybody made a guide about this but I’ve been using it since CBT2.
You can only test this with real monsters. For some reason, this is very hard and inconsistent to do with the highlander’s dummy nor you’ll be able to do this by just hitting air.
3)Composse is part of my pierce combo and by that, it has a separate combo with my other glassmole proc.
- Could be I found my personal perfect ping//dex ratio along with using #1
Hello I am new to the topic.
I would like some inputs on this Doppel Skill build.
Please you experienced doppels gimme some hints.
Thank you!!
Oh okay. Can you please tell me how to edit the hotkey.xml file to do this? I didn’t really completely understand what I was looking at. The file didn’t look like it was updated with my ingame keybind changes, I don’t know if it’s suppose to though.
The hit count is rather simple :
2 hits per target within range.
1 mob : 2 eq hits
2 mobs : 4 eq hits
3 mobs : 6 eq hits
…and so on. Probably caps at some point
Still no idea how the damage works. Heck, the first 2 hits don’t even match the 3rd and later hits. Super confusing.
For the record, no matter how many mobs I hit, the damage remains consistenly :
{XX Damage XX Damage}
{YY Damage YY Damage} x (Mob count - 1)
So on 2 mobs I’d do, say
and on 3 mobs it’d be
Damage doesn’t vary by amount of enemies in range.
- Go to the directory …/TreeOfSavior/release/ and search a file called hotkey_user.xml if you’re using keyboard, hotkey_mousemode.xml for mouse mode or hotkey_joystick.xml if you’re using controller.
- Edit it with any notepad.
- Search the button you have assigned Flanconnade to and copy the line inside DownScp="" - it should be something like QUICKSLOTNEXPBAR_EXECUTE(xx) for keyboard and mouse mode with xx the slot number.
- Past the QUICKSLOTNEXPBAR_EXECUTE(xx) into the UpScp="" of your Skyliner.
Key Down = Skyliner, Key Up = Flanconnade. Is this ban-able? In theory it shouldn’t since it’s an existing feature unused by the game.
Does it work? I’m playing on Fedimian and it is nearly impossible to execute this consistent - the problem is that you not only require a good ping but also a stable one. I have commonly 40-70ms but the server spikes every 3-10 seconds up to nearly 300ms for a short time which kills any sort of animation canceling. I can execute it sometimes even against the Highlander dummy with slightly more than 200 Dex but in most situations I can’t rely on it. I also tested less Dex with different gear but the problem is the same.
Also I’m currently Hl3Fencer3 instead of the Meta Sw3Hl2 I’d like to know if it’s really that much better. Vertical Slash “can” do good damage (Bleeding + 4 Debuffs + Skull Swing 100-200k non-crit more than 200k Crit - no Glass Moles active), more than double slash I guess especially in team play but compared to my Fencer skills it’s in most situations rather underwhelming for having not enough debuffs.
As a new swordy player, are thr any cheap alternatives to sissel? Battle braclets are sitting at like 12m minimum on my server
Hey Sensate, is there any reason you aren’t using Cleave for slash bonus damage before your Skyliner/Flanconnade combo ?
Main thing why we take SW3 is PB15+attribute, I find my life pretty hard without PB15 these days, especially since we can’t dodge anything anymore. I actually would love to go HL3 but meh PB15 is too good.
One thing I should have experimented more this reset event are the Stat points, I’m currently at 114 Str, 60 Con and 164 Dex invested and I’m only level 303 since I’ve been too lazy to level up. I end up with 200 dex with gear and that feels pretty good and without the gear it still feels pretty good. I’ll probably leave it there but hard to see if it’s ideal or not (probably not)
Get 2 Zachariel Bangles. That’s what I’ve been using for ages.
In terms of crit gain nothing that can replace Sissels at the moment tho, specially now that we lost crit from dex.
They really need to roll out some other decent bracelet at some point.