Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Can’t decide between Sw3 or HL3.

I love PB 15, but Crown, Skyliner and Skull Swing looks very useful.

More damage skills or not kissing the ground?

None of them, barb 3 will be best with its new warcry extending cleave and zwerchh debuff by 10 secs

for what purpose? I’m personally happy with my HL3, but sword 3 Doppel I haven’t tried myself yet.

As the game is progressing, skull swing will be much better at the real end game, aka rank X?, PvE-wise. If IMC decides to boost monster’s physical defense to 5-10k+, skull swing will be the meta when rank 11+ comes out. For extended debuffs get a pardoner2 or 3 to extend your debuffs for 20-30 seconds for bosses like Grim Reaper (40F) or future bosses that require steady dps.
Pain Barrier 5 with 1 or 2 chronos for ET is more than enough to keep it uptime.

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it’s because a lot of people don’t really understand the value of armor break

at least past r8. The introduction of centaurus and lavenzard was enough to prove that imc is scaling monsters with transcendence in consideration. Not everyone can readilly have Tier6+ trans all the time.


Already tried Barb 3 and got tired of it.
Damage was good, but there wasn’t enough slashes for me.

My friend wants me to go PvP with him, but I’m pretty sure that he won’t be doing it too much.
So, something hybrid. 70% PvE 30% PvP (maybe more PvE)

I have some difficulty making friends and dealing with people in general, that’s why I avoid relying on others.
(fun fact: I have a store and eal with people all day)

Believe me, i know your pain, i played on an era where swordies got kicked off parties if you weren’t peltasta so i was forced to solo everything to lvl 280 back in the day. Also yeah, i know how apathetic people can be in real life as well as games such as this one.
Maybe you can do what i did, a squire3, to provide foods to my doppel, 3x Enchanters, to provide JP,HK,PoA,EF,Quicken,Reversi, scrolls (eventually lvl 15 scrolls) and a krivis3, pardoner2, oracle to provide me Aukuras,Zalciai Clairvoyance, Forecast and Arcane Energy scrolls. This last one proved very usefulness to me when farming materials for Sarkmis. Clairvoyance scroll became my second best friend to help me drop 2x Yellow leafnut tails with DPE. Personally i hate to ask anything to people so i just did that to avoid asking for help.
Tip: Soup (squire food) + Aukuras lvl 5 provide permanent healing as both reduces the hp recovery time to 0, so 700+ hp recovery every second is very nice for solo stuff. Good luck.

whole of solmiki is artificial difficulty anyway. Vomits.

hey @Lostac, I know u stopped your Murm and all, but can I see your skill build? still quite confused on what to put on Pelt3-Rode3 skills.

use copy build to check out the free points

if you like a high guard variant you will have to lower guardian level and putting 6 on rim and umbo

Thanks. Five hammer until what level? And still Pelt3>High3 for Murm? in terms of dps.

Until you can get a pierene sword, five hammer is actually that good, I have no plans on changing it until I decideto invest on my murmillo

but I kinda stopped playing the game right now so it might not happen

yo Lostac
i’m currently working on this build… with manahas set (soon ??)
the goal is having fun with such a weirdo build tho , what do you think ?

well it is indeed a full yolo build, but if you are fine getting unmounted with doppel cyclone I suppose you could make it work

otherwise I’d take barb instead of cata.

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I won’t be able to play too much with my friend anymore.
I guess I’ll go full PvE with HL 3 then.

Is there any, not so expensive, 2h sword from 75 or 120 that I can use until 220?

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**I’m currently at rank 5 to 6 soon…
sw3 for pain barrier and restrain indeed.
cata1 for mspd and additional stat from pet (able to equip 2hand spear)
hop1 for more +3AAoE (able to equip spear)
Dopel3 for yolo aspd

the only problem is …i don’t know about max aspd …(maybe DoV15 is too much ?)
u know about that ?


will do just fine (cheap)

@cheap swords

Anyone tried this?

Assuming lv 5 yellow gems:

4 slots two handed sword, great for full dex highlander builds. ~
Stats: ~170 attack at +5, +1620 crit attack. +7 Dex

~220 attack at +5, +1215 Crit atk and 32 critical rate and situational extra 89 attack on demons.

Unless I’m wrong, It’s basically 400+ critical attack at the cost of some critical rate and normal phys attack and well… another lv 5 gem.

At first Flamini seems better mostly because of the critical rate (+25 CR and after all, you need to crit to enjoy all this critical attack) and when you don’t crit, having a slight better phys attack is still better, but as you reach a higher dex, I can see Collecture holding it’s own until you get a complete Vienie twin blade. Any thoughts on this, guys?

Nulis is expensive, otherwise, I would just use my 5 hammer until 120 (Nulis’ level).

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And what about Lapis?
Isn’t it better for the current DEX meta?

Since the main idea is "cheap and effective til 220"
the collector is alright but you need gems to make it works ( money indeed !)

Lapis is a good ones for dex meta but you’re gonna invest some yellow gems into it , like collector.

me too for my yolo build , I ll use my red five hammer to lvl170 then swapping between maga and brandish.

Wheres the best place to farm Lapase Mushrooms?