Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Lol, so we have to pay 11m to not miss haha. Better avoid items with -x acc(sissel :persevere:)

you can try to farm et 5f with your doppel+randoms, it’s very easy to do atm

s1 hl 2 pelt 1 corsair 1 fencer 3 into sw 3 pelt 1 corsair 1 fencer 3

first pvp night was…okay, missed cartar stroke in a few battles (specially to turn around after iron hook and to know were desynch’d people are) and wagon wheel (aka 4th bash) but restrain did the job very well

78% is oppressive


Didn’t know about this addon, thanks for pointing this

extreme high evasion mobs… last nail in the coffin of str swordsman. str archers (usually rogues) have feint at least

Now something weird: this guy here has this hidden buff and it’s weird because he gets the same effect pain barrier monsters have (didn’t they fixed this? lol) you can crit him (he’s cr is super low, I had to remove all my cr gear to score a non-crit) but… since the yellow number is not showing up, I don’t get the epee boost

now sure how many mobs have this effect now but lol, something has to be done with this epee bug (no reason to be intended)

Just noticed that too. Lol, soon our fencers will be useless.
Big issue isn’t number color, but epee being “resisted”.

20k minimal damage with epee on those leather mobs.

Edit: Seems many leather mobs turned into cloth ones with this epee issue hehehe.
Edit2: 750acc in my murmillo and I miss 60% of time lol. At least they don’t kill me.

Ew meta build hue. rip HL :x

Yeah I get triggered so hard by pain barrier mobs.

For Sword C1 -> Highlander C1 -> Barb C3 -> Doppel C3, should i go full dex? or dex/con?

If you want to use sarkmis, either no con or high con enough to make it work while using sarkmis.

If not, no con or any con works, then put the rest on dex.

Let’s talk about barb.

  • Circle 3 Warcry debuff attribute: debuffs applied by the casting character will last 1 sec longer per attribute level on enemies affected by Warcry (maximum level 10)

Barb3 + Dragoon on 1 character = 20 seconds serpetine? lol

Almost a Discerning Evil from Pardoneer.
The point is Cleave = 15 seconds
Zwerch = 16.5 seconds
Zornhau = 15 seconds
Spear Lunge = 16 seconds
HK Slit = 20 seconds

Lol, everything will will go over 15 seconds based on our build. Sonds really broken, even more for those barb3>doppel3

I’m worried about serpentine, that’s basically 100% uptime until warcry dies (you can turn off attributes for less cd)

I now have an excuse to not go hoplite 3 because I hate hoplite


Yeahh… this is interesting . problem is lack of skills to nake use of this. probably have to invest in barb skills. I wish this was circle 2 so i can fit in spear lunge + 10 duration

I’m gonna laugh with Serpentine+cleave+pouncing

pouncing gets all the bonuses. 30-33 hits.

Fencers went the barb3 path:
Coquille 5 = Coquille 15
Balestra = 20 seconds
Lunge = 14 seconds

So Flaconnade quite viable now because of long time debuffs

kek, restrain warcry with dethrone from afar / pouncing first stun = gg unless oracle/pd is involved

can’t you have to warcry them near, it’s about 1/4 or 1/3 of swash radius

not that hard because dethrone snare people full screen way, followed by a possible restrain slow, just dash, warcry -> refresh and it’s over

like magnetic force into raise

I almost forgot

this basically turns you into HL3 crown, well, almost.

looks like I will have to throw my stat reset on my barb3 doppel afterall

Since this is IMC there might be a mistranslation also, could it work like Discerning Evil instead? where it increases the duration of the currently applied debuffs?

If that’s the case, barb3 won’t still be a very good pair with dragoon.

Ayee leggo my luls build cata 3 barb 3

a huge slap in my HL3 face.