Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Nope, mine is HL2>Corsair

I think @Kascly has a HL3>Fencer

is that a pvp focused build?

what’s your current build?


how do you like the build and would you switch any circles around if given the chance?

I’m looking for an ST pve build that can off-tank and do alright in pvp. Is there any build you recommend :)?


Anyway if you want PVP,

Sword3>Pel>Corsair>Fencer 2 will do nicely.
Lv15 Pain Barrier+ Lv10 Restrain.

Also decent in PVE to lock mobs in semi stuns with restrain, but you’ll have to rely on aoe attack ratio items to hit multiple mobs

ST for single-target dmg. You think HL3>Pelt would do the trick?

Yeah, but you will only get to use your HL skills during Epee downtime on Fencer C3, so there isn’t much use really. For very long fights this will be useful, but normally let’s say on a Barb3>Fencer 2 scenario, you could just use cleave>Pouncing>Cleave>Seism and your epee should be ready/almost ready.

^ for bosses specifically. If you want to use slash types on single target normal monsters then hl gets the advantage, but it’s still better to use pierce attacks if Epee is up

Hi Newcomer here … for a quite while i have been reading all topics about fencer class here … and let me ask some question cause i’m also building a fencer class where atm i still lvl 160 corsair with my build sw2>barb2>corsair

I want to ask how sissel bracelet gonna benefit for a str oriented fencer ? is it great of barely sucks ? need your guys opinion cuz i want to build a more str oriented fencer rather than dex one … although i use leather armor and already put 50 points into CON … constructive feedback is most welcomed :slight_smile:

Sissels is the best bracelet either way, unless you want more AoE then you go for battle bracelet. Don’t go overboard with Str if you are planning to go Fencer 3 since Epee Stance buffs your crit damage by a lot.

I’m going for around I think 54 Con invested, that’s just enough to get me to 22k unbuffed HP.

Thx for the reply but if we invest too much dex then the sissel effect can’t prccs more actively right ? cus we need to get our attack dodged for the effect to active …

How can we deal with something like this ? i don’t really need a wider AOE damage cus i think with the way barbarian now is already more than enough aoe effects … more important is the damage output i think …

You DON’T take sissel for the effect. You can but that’s not the main attraction of sissel.

You want Sissel for the Critical Rate and Physical Attack.

Critical Rate is very important for Fencer C3 to ensure all your hits if not most crit

Well, actually I take Gladiator bands. Why we need a lot of crit chance if we are high dex and have green gems? Did not better will be have more crit damage to take a good use of epee stance?

If you are near crit cap, sure. Epee boost only a little of the crit attack you get from glad bands, I still prefer having consistent high damage crits over slightly stronger crits with less crit rates.

True Sissel greatly benefit for the crit rate and have great Mdef too because it’s a lv 170 item … i mean is there some sort of ways so we can also benefit from the effects too ?

This is what i always make me curious …

There’s a way to play a high str fencer while maintaining 1k evasion and 400+ crit rate, but that also means getting high accuracy.

So…triggering Sissel will really be hard.

You either take Sissel for Crit rate + PA
Or Glad bands for all the effects, mainly AoE Attack ratio.

I don’t recommend glad band if it doesn’t let you hit another medium target.

Well, actually I aiming to go full plate, what mean i loose one AoE ratio fom vubbe gloves. Now (only one gladiator bracelets) i have 7 AoE ratio, so if I wear roxona I nerf myself that the reason why I aim for double Gladiators. Our lack of AoE Ratio is really painfull.

Then Sissel is still one of the best bracelet beside gladiator band although we not build a dex oriented fencer right ?

Forget about the effect of course …

Well, yes. mostly when you just need in any way good bracelets. Still we don’t have better braceltes for fencers but new amulet look really nice and maybe this is what we need… just maybe.

Once you get to 280 you’ll rarely need more aoe attack ratio, other classes are better for field farming so I use them to farm then upgrade my fencer.

few cases are saalus uphill, ET and some standard field grinding