Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Thaumaturge: The Forgotten Class

theres a guy who put all of the ktos balance patch nots in 1 thread for ech class, there should be 1 thread for each class. but monk got a big buff in ktos

Shrink Body doesn’t heal mobs. Maybe it did previously, but it doesn’t do it now.
Its also not damage output its their attack stat. Pretty much if you have any amount of defense stat mobs shrunk will simply do 1 damage. Also it lowers mob aoe defense ratio to 1.

Last time I checked (1 month ago) this was still the case and I have not seen any patch notes that suggest otherwise yet. have you tested it with different mobs ? Shrink and Swell Body have strange interactions with different mobs eg. some mobs not healing from Shrink OR Swell, but some heal from one but not the other.

I made a thaum recently. Every mob I have used it on for the past week has never been healed by it.

Shrink or Swell? Thanks for the info.

Ill make wiz2, linker2 thauma3 for ET purposes. Wanna test if JP + shrink, JP + Lethargy and SL + transpose could work.

My prayers are with you, that looks painful to lvl up xD

Shrink Body. 20 character limit

dont recommend making a thauma if you wanna ET, the composition requirement beyond 5F is just so strict that you shouldnt expect to pass 10F anytime soon with a thaum.

I dont know about koreans but thaums buffs and debuffs are looking good coupled with a linker. Copying someone’s build is meh though i have cryo3,chro3. There should be other builds out there waiting to be discovered and Thaum maybe one among them.

I agree with @yyang_umd , but as soon as that swell brain buff comes out I’m sure Thaumaturges can be taken up there

Actually, Magic Missile benefits A LOT from HK’s AoE Def reduction. If you turn off that attribute and compare MM damage with and w/o it, you will see a x3…x4 times difference in damage, I did some testing for research purposes.
Here’s a comparison video, 1st group of mobs without HK, hardly removed half HP with 2 MM blasts, 2nd group with HK - almost all dead in 1 MM blast only:

Schwarzer Reiter’s Retreat Shot is both Missile and Strike, it gets 100% dmg increase from Lethargy.

I’m wiz1/pyro1/linker1/thauma3/featherfoot level 258 right now. Swell body does not help you with RNG at all. Cause it does not work as you think it does. It does not give you a second drop chance for a different item. It simply clones you drop you would normaly recieve. So it is only worthwile when you can Swell an enemy which would drop your desired item anyway. But with 28 sec cooldown and 2 overheat the chances are slim to exactly swell the enemy with an item with a drop chance of 0,1%.

I dunno what is a drop chance for these items, but these were what I got while doing quest up :smiley:

More Swell body, more chance. It’s has lowest cooldown compare to Doppel’s DoublePayEarn or Chrono’s recaination

Some additional info for OP here:

The Swell body doesn’t Double the exp, but rather increase the exp gain by another 100% from base exp, so the result gain u see isn’t actually double bcos there are many other exp bonus modifier out there such as Token bonus, Exp tome bonus, Team bonus and the biggest one, Map bonus.

The best place where u can see bonus gain from Swell body is using in Dungeon since there are no map bonus (but ur team must have High DPS enough to kill those swelled)

How very odd. Magic Missle isn’t an AoE Attack Ratio type spell, why would it be affected by the AoE Defence Recution? Thanks for the information though, I’ll test it out myself and respond.

I’ve followed up, and I’ve done some extensive testing on this using Swell Body and the Swell Body Specialization for Swell Left Arm. I found that a Linked mob of 3 under Hangman’s Knot’s Splash Damage attribute were being hit varying from 7-8 times, to 9-10 times. While those without Hangman Knot’s attribute were being hit 5-6 times (expected).

I also tested this out with Energy Bolt and there are no extra hits made.

This is very odd. Welcome, but odd. What this means it that on a group of three, there are 3-5 more Missles than the original 5 that are being released.

Unfortunately the attribute only allows me to test up to 10 hits, I am curious whether the hit count increases with the number of targets.

Also, it doesn’t seem like the number of MIssles, as far as I can see, is being decreased from the AoE Defence ratio being raised from Swell Body. So this might be a unique interaction that only happens when the AoE Defence Ratio is 0, rather than 1, 2 or 3.

Hi to all Thaumaturge players, I’d like to ask for some assistance and confirmation.

I’ve noticed that different mobs either heal or do not heal when you Swell Mob them, also this changes whether they have over 50% of their original HP or under 50% when you swell them.

This could be a bug, so I’d like some confirmation that it’s not just me.

There are three types, plus another:

(a) Monsters that do not heal from Swell Body at all.

(b) Monsters that heal from Swell Body if they are above 50%, but not below 50%.

© Monsters that are always healed by Swell Body.

(d) Monsters that are not effected by Swell Body at all.

For example,

Hallowventer and Big Cockatrice are type (a)

Blue Stoulet is type (b)

Blue Verigglers and Cockatrices are type ©

Ellet is type (d)

EDIT: this has been solved! Large monsters won’t heal from Swell Body !

Energy Bolt should be doing double damage with JP-HK, not extra hits (unless they changed it).

I wasn’t looking at damage, just the number of hits being made to the monsters because with Magic MIssle I found that JP-HK is causing the number of hits to increase in comparison to just JP.

all i want to know is how does swell body interact with rune of giants…