Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Thaum3 Warlock2

This build is not new, but there are very limited information how of its actual gameplay.

So far I’m proud of my build, and I want to share with more peoples.
While all the highlights on Sorcerer, Elementalist, and CryoChrono, those builds are straight forward and doesn’t need a lot of skills to play.

The main build is Full INT Pyro2Thaum3Warlock2:

This build is better for PvE/ET/DG-Solo, mainly Firepillar is a very good CC and Enchant Fire add a bit of damage, the rest of spells provide good skills rotation.
It is suffering to play, but it can do any content and join any party just fine, it also have good impact on any party.

Variant 1:
This build is better for PvP as Energy Bolt is quite good at lv15 since it cast instantly, and lethargy lv15 if you want to help more in bossing. Lethargy+Earthquake also good damage but the knockback effect is bad.

Varaint 2:
For Icewall Shooting, better on bossing, but without Surespell/RuneOfIce it is not that great.

Solo DG290

Solo Saalus Mausoleum

There are many techniques you need master in this build, it is quite troublesome to play at moment.
But in coming patch where they

  • Improve invocation spirit can tank 10hits,
  • Fasten warlock/pyro’s cast animation
  • 3min buff time for all swells.
  • Better buff value on Right Hand in cost of removing MDef when equip shield
  • Swell Right Arm will apply on pistol/cannon soon
    Hey, all good news are coming!
  1. Invocation can use to provoke devil type monster, you see i’m cast firepillar and use invocation to provoke. But it disappear very fast as they only take 1hit now. Same to Flare can use to provoke passive mobs.
  2. Swap dagger and shield depend on situation, it will instant apply Atk/Def, Thauma not need fancy gears to be good, we are self-sustain.
  3. Transpose INT<>CON and equip Animus to snapshot the HP Recovery > Magic Amplication
  4. In any emergency, transpose INT<>CON and chuck red pots, you will recover hp very fast. I seldom use since i;m using Lionhead Shield/Emengard Shield.
  5. Why I like to jump? It can cancel unwanted animation during swell buff -.- troublesome though
  6. There are lot ins and outs of the build when you will find it fun to explore them. Pyromancer is okay if the casting animation is better and burn debuff have longer duration and stackable, well let us hope.
  7. Cure lv16 scroll is good if you have someone to craft, it works with Mastema’s debuff like 36hits*103%*2
  8. Pryomancer is bad, yea but it still prominent when using with Shrink Body, well… anything is good on Shrink Body but you can do it on your own or for party.

*Chappy cards doesn’t apply on Swell Buffs

Stats Distribution Option
There are 3 types of Full Stats if you aim to utilize your buff.
Full INT, Full SPR and Full CON, each of them have pros and cons.

Full INT
Full INT is good for maximize offensive damage like Warlock C2, not only it provide more self-Matk but it scale with Chapparition Cards as well. You also not need to rely on Swell Brain to deal damage with usually have 10s downtime.
But soon in coming patches like ktos, the different will be lesser as Thauma’s Swell Brain buff duration will increased to have 100% uptime and you can only equip 3 chapparitions card while it can be replaced with other cards.

Full SPR
Full SPR is good for party and it add more Matk to party member with losing small portion of self-Matk(No Int), usually good for support build like link3thaum3. But as said, the different will be much lesser. The Max SP & SP Recovery are negligible

Full CON
Pretty a end-game build with Solmiki Robe + 3 set bonuses + Emengard Shield, a PvP/GvG setting where you reversi (heal) in frontline, peoples will fear your warlock skills and hence disrupt the formation of enemy. You need higher tranpose duration to sustain the buff and require additional buff slot when using INT Mode.
You can tranpose to INT and use all 3 buffs and cancel the transpose buff to become a 90k HP with 7~8k Matk, and there are a lot of possible gears setting for different setup.

Estimate 4 modes of thauma with decent high end gears:
Full CON + Dagger = 8k+ Matk, 90k HP
Full CON + Shield = 7k+ Matk, 100k HP
Full INT + Dagger = 10k+ Matk, 30k HP
Full INT + Shield = 9k+ Matk, 40k HP
So, as you see with small portion lost of matk you can have a lot of HP.


I have the same build.

It was wiz3, thauma 3, lock 2 before resets. Shitty.

Reseted to Wiz 1, pyro 2, thauma 3, lock 2. Pyro is dead.

so now I’ll reset it again to

Wiz 1, pyro 1/cryo1, link 1, thauma 3, lock 2.

So I can use this to farm. Heard that pyro 2 is going to get a new attribute to enchant fire. But pyro is ■■■■■■■ dead.

Maybe wiz 2 will do. For surespell. But I dont know yet what is up to rank 9. Dont know if I’ll need surespell.

Cant’ see the videos, can u upload it again please? I’m interested on your build

have this build and hate it… its my worst character (have 10) … so sorry dont hate me :C

Link fixed :wink:


haha, I don’t hate you, as it is really a build that is difficult to play with lack of skill rotation and short buff duration. Not to mention the animation is very glitchy. It also require some investment in mastema attribute at least lv80 and x8 chappy cards at the moment.

But it is a good option for someone who aim for ‘niche’ build that works, and require lot of controls to be great, there is a lot of things to tinker around this build. Eventually it can be full CON build with using dagger, a 90k hp mage with 8k of matk once equipped right. There will be 4 mode for option full con + dagger, full con + shield, full int + dagger, full int + shield suit to your play situation.

This build also provide a lot of creative strategy to party play instead of elememe straight forward role.

But it can be a DPS build that is least gear dependent in the game, and a better party member than elememe overall. (if have daino scroll)

Cure scroll and PoA scroll are good for this build if you aim to take rank1 in mission bossing. Probably easily lost to goon-lancer, dopple and shino-murmillo, the rest you can compete them. Aiming mastema is most important, you have to learn right time and boss’ movement.
Eventually you can get superior boss rank1 if you ‘hardworking’ enough, you also can reversi most boss spells as well as firelord’s summon spell to make it for your powerful matk usage.

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I have tis build since pre- revamp… still enjoying it.

The only problem with this build is exactly what you said: To take advantage of 100% of Thauma’s buffs you need a dagger. And the best weapon for the DPS of Warlock2 is certainly a staff with transcendence.

It’s the same problem with Chaplain with PD2 … SPR or INT. In that case either you lose the right-hand buff or you lose Staff Matk and use a Rod.

Otherwise this build is very good, but maybe with Wiz3 it will be better for the CC of Sleep lvl 15 and the fast damage buffed by Thauma3 and AoE of Magic Missile combined with Invocation.

Assuming same enhancement and transcendence, pretty sure rod + dagger will beat staff in matk

Heart Of Glory +21 T10 = 5512
Regard Horn Staff +21 T10 = 6235

My Swell Right Arm = +1015-1200 already offset the different, not to mention I’m using liohead dagger with awakening +49 matk Team with Sadhu3 will even push that limit much higher

SPR or INT is same, both scale same on swell left hand and right hand, the swell brain only scale on SPR.

And the best accessory is not the new world boss accessories, but psychic band x2 from Point Shop.
To certain troublesome extend, Animus can utilize 2k+HP.Rec for 800 Mamp ~ 400 Matk

The day I have one:
Heart Of Glory +21 T10 = 5512
Regard Horn +21 T10 Staff = 6235

I will be so happy that I will not even bother with build … I even play with Wizard C8.

anyway the upgrade doesn’t matter, both upgrade are same.
only Transcendence scale different, it will still +724 different at upgrade 0 given both T10

Thauma should use Skull Smasher since it gives both INT and SPR in high numbers, not HOG that has 65 SPR and 4 INT less than Skull Smasher.

Skull Smasher:
Swell Brain(5): 190 matk
Swell Right Arm(11): 429 matk
Swell Left Arm(16): 683 matk

Heart of Glory:
Swell Brain(5): 112 matk (-78)
Swell Right Arm(11): 350 matk (- 79)
Swell Left Arm(16): 567 matk (- 116)

In total 274 matk less than with Skull Smasher, which translates to ~ the difference between both weapons at trans stage 7.

Regard Horn Staff:
Swell Brain(5): 136 matk (- 54)
Swell Right Arm(11): 0 matk (- 429)
Swell Left Arm(16): 647 matk (- 36)

In total 519 matk less than Skull Smasher. At trans 7 +16 (a more realistic approach for upgrade&tanscendence) Regard Horn Staff has 4762 matk, while Skull Smasher has 3894 matk. That’s a difference of 868 matk. Given that by the stats, Skull Smasher has a skill advantage [i.e. for the Swell skills] of 519 matk, the total difference shrunk to 349 matk.

Now let’s see how much matk Staff loses if we calculate a 400 INT/SPR value (without the weapon values included; this is a rather conservative approach, as you can get a lot higher with transposing & the right equipment):

Swell Right Arm(11): 457 matk
This means Swell Right Arm + dagger is better.
If we calculate for transcendence stage 10, we get a close win of 110 more matk on the Regard Horn Staff, meaning that both weapons&settings are ± equal in terms of damage at highest transcendence;

The Staff has the advantage of getting a 120 evasion boost from Swell Right Arm and the advantage of not having to level Swell Right Arm above level 1 (= more points for Swell/Shrink Body), while the Mace has the advantage of being able to switch between mace+ dagger (attack boost)and mace+shield (defence boost, block chance) and requiring less transcendence stages for higher damage.


Indeed Skull Smasher is better as one weapon.

But to be extreme, you can craft both SM and HoG :joy:
*I even have a secret sheets to calculated every possibilities, that’s why I say a lot to explore for this build.
As you see in my video, I’m using Skull Smasher to apply swell buff and swapping back to Viena Mace T6 to deal damage.
I also can use Skull Smasher + Sage Wall, but I dislike I will lost portion of 6k HP when swapped back to Emengard Shield, just for sake of 13SPR or ~40Matk

I’m keeping the Skull Smasher not transcend so i can use it back on my Sorcerer3, Priest3 and Pardoner.

Simply I believe R8/Warlock2 is not my prime time, while I do everything fine, I will just keep the highest buff value for my guildie for pursue highest atk, so I don’t have to push that hard for Maximum Matk myself, i will save more money for R9 instead. But I calculated if push that limit, it can achieve >10k Matk without any chappy cards.

But most important, as @ReportofAusterity mentioned, you have so many options as a Thauma3 DPS build. The current biggest weakness is just lack of good skills rotation, but expect it to improved on R9/R10. I rely heavily on my Mastema lv90 attribute, if i missed i need 32s and it trained me to only aim at right time and position, as well as movement how to avoid knockdown (move to the back of boss), you will see I jump a lot and deviated my movement so often as to avoid targeted aoe on me.