Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] + [Mechanics] Solo Wizard (Pyro2 Linker Thauma Necro)

Thx a lot! That’s very helpful. :smile:

Sorry i typo-ed. its 42 dark damage and 19 dark damage for Forest Robe and Aston Rod. Typing on phone is hard lol.

That 3000 egnome core costs about 15k only. How do you reach about 200-500k per night? How many hours do you leave it? 8?

mobs drop silver too. and silver coins have more range of autocollecting.

I showed the cores just to get you an idea how many of them my skeletons have killed. The real income is from silver drops and mithril (got 20 of them now and sold them 300k each = 6M)

Normally per night I got about 100-200k from silver, 200-300 egnome cores, 60k worth of equipments, 1-2 mithril.

Could anyone who has “money making” classes tell me how much they can generate money per day? I want to decide which build I will take for OBT, thx very much! :smile:

How can you tell if a mob is an elite? Do all elites give boosted exp?

They have a different picture to the left of their health bar and are often bigger than other mobs in the area. And yes, they usually give more exp compared to other mobs but they are more scarce and (usually) have much more health.

This. Also, if you are not sure, check on the tosbase website. Elites usually give 3k to 5k exp while the normal mobs usually give 500 to 1000 exp.

I’ll be Rank 4 soon tomorrow - should I go Linker 2, Pyro 2 or take Thaum right now to then take Sorcerer at Rank 5 before Necro Rank 6? O:

Thaum probably isn’t a great option if you’re gonna be a sorcerer/necro.

I’d take Pyro, I think. You need the single target damage more than AoE damage.

But you already got your summons doing the damage, why use more mana for spamming spell when you can get x2 drops and exp for it?

If you are planning to be Sorc Necro, I highly suggest pyro 1, linker 2, sorc, necro. Most of the damage will be done by summons and the way to keep them alive is to have a good cc. Hangman lvl 10 will take care of that (almost perma stop), without this I’m sure skeletons and salamion will die really fast.

Pyro 1 is good enough for flame ground. Fireball lvl 5 is not going to be very effective but is good for pvp to get something to link to the enemy.

With sorc, you will be low on SP so do not spread the build too much. That’s my opinion.

Does the Swell Right hand and Enchant fire affect on the summoned skeletons or Shoggoth?

no, they don’t. However, they work really well with multi hit skills of Pyro and Necro. :smile:

Hi Pyroxys, thanks for the guide and the feedback, it was really awesome <3
I have a question: i’m following your path but on OBT i’ll do a more dps party oriented mage, since i found 4 IRL friends on different servers and we will all do the characters together on obt. Do you think linker 2/thauma 2 instead of pyro 2 is worth it? I mean, fireball 5 ends too fast and i’m worried about that. But maybe joint penalty 10 or swell right arm 10/left arm 5 will be more helpful for party. I can also think about the idea of farming a dandel gem for joint penalty 6, so it can link 6 targets at all. Thanks :3


If you are in a bigger party then I highly suggest Linker 2. Most of the time you will be the one who initiate the fight ie. get in, cast joint penalty -> Hangman -> Swell Body -> Flame ground or Fire ball while most of damage is done by your party members. By having high level of joint penalty will speed up grinding a lot.

For your concern about Fireball lvl 5, if you have melee character in your party, fireball lvl 10 becomes as useless as lvl 5 because they will get pushed away quickly anyway and most of the time in the party, monsters shouldn’t last long enough for 10 hits of Fireball anyway. Pyro 2 is more suited solo players.

Thauma 2 is good as well if your party members rely a lot on multi hit skills or has high Crit rate. However, I’m not sure how effective is the buff at late game though.

One drawback with your build might be that you won’t do much damage to bosses and gonna be quite hard to get item from world boss.

But if you use hangman’s knot to tie your 2 lvl 10 fireballs to pack of monsters, party melees might not get to them before whole pack dies ^_^. You kinda solo every other pull…

if you tie your JP lvl 5 on 2 fire ball, you only have 3 mobs on pack, thats not efficient on leveling…
so, to be more efficient you need C2 linker with lvl 10 JP, than 2 fire ball is more viable for mobbing.

if you have gone DPS/Support way you can have both linker and pyro at C2. And you will have a large variety of classes to pick at rank 6 to expand either your support line (thauma/alche/linker c3/chrono) or dps (necro).

One thing to keep in mind for linker c2 is that linker c1 + dandel gem is 6 targets, linker c2 is 8 targets. linker c3 is 10 targets (No idea if dandel gem brings this to 11).

So you’re only gaining 2 targets from linker c2 not 3 that it would be if dandel gem didn’t exist. If you can get your hands on dandel gem this lessens the appeal of linker c2 quite a bit. There’s still hangman 10seconds (Very nice) and sharing personal buffs, however those can often force you to rely on teammates as enchant fire isn’t a personal buff so it isn’t shared, it’s also without a good party hard to get on all your members (which sucks because it’s really good for most melees or fast hitters to proc blessing or their extra elemental damage a second time)

It’s really a tough choice in the end, but if you have the luck (or if they let us trade them in obt, the money) it can be pretty beneficial to only have 1 rank of linker as opposed to 2. Thaum works very well with linker in this way in that level 5 of both handle the same amount of mobs so they complement each other well.

In the end it’s mainly going to be a decision of what you want to go further down the path assuming your choice of pyro1linker1 is already set in stone there. Alchemist if you want big bucks, Necro if you want relevant damage while still being able to make AFK-money, Sorc if you want that huge Templeshooter damage (Possibly getting nerfed though), and you could always just take more ranks in linker or pyro too if that’s your thing although with the current state of things choosing Pyro3 over Necro or Pyro3 over Sorc is a tough call.