Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis

It only lasts for x amount of hits, depending on the skill level. If you deal more than that amount of hits, then you will lose the buff, even if there was still time left on it.

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Ok, my bad for not paying attention at the skill description. :sweat:

I have a question regarding the attribute for Finestra. Is it worth getting and/or maxing it? How does it work?

Alright, thanks a lot :smile:

Awesome guide !

now i think finestra should be able to be used with rapiers rapier/shield rapier/dagger because right now the only way to be efficient with fencer is to roll a barb or higlander but is hoplite the class with more piercing skills, i mean rapiers are all about pierce your opponent right ?

you can go for highlander > hoplite so you can take advantage of Cross Guard’s piercing attack added vulnerability (will require weapon switching tho).

i assume you asking about the one that talks about 10% of your INT to physical damage while Finestra is up
As the attribute in itself seems to not bring anything interesting to the table and also increases SP consumption per cast by 5 (which doesn’t really feel to be a lot for the frequency you get to cast it), my guess is that no, unless you building into INT, which would draw some weird stares your way on the current build of the game, unless you doing it for the maintenance/repair bonuses people talk about on Squire, i’m not entirely sure it plays any role at all on any of the other swordsman-archetype classes at the present.

if its about Splash, then I think the gains seems outweight the doubled evasion penalty during Finestra (35 on lv5, probably weirdly rounded up on c2 and c3 limits as well) if it continues to work on flat penalty and flat bonuses anyway, but i wonder if block, your hp bonuses, eva bonus from Guardian attribute and your beefy physical defense won’t be enough to cover most of the daily pinches.
The -3SP cost per cast and +6s CD doesnt sound that bad if you planning to go c2 hoplite, as by Finestra Lv9 (as kindly stated by the OP) you will already be able to keep it up 100% the time (57s duration against 56s cd).

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Ohh. I think I didn’t saw the Splash attribute on the npc. Thanks. Doesn’t really matter if it has a eva deduction. Since you’ll be dishing out a lot of damage.

Great job Cathexis. I’ve made a hoplite using your guide and I’m having fun playing it.
I just wanna ask if concentrate and gung ho with maxed passives are still relevant at late game?
Also, do you think its worth it to use guardian with evasion passive instead of gung ho to counter the evasion reduction of finestra?

Just saw the video at 2:10 and showed up someone stabbing really fast a creature with a rapier of some sort. At 2:20 three guys jumped and threw their spears at some mob, exploding them.

Do you know the name of this future class or will it be announced yet?

Why get finestra when if youre going for fencer? You need spears for that and as a fencer, you dont have spear as a main weapon

That class throwing the spears is called a Dragoon.

Does anyone know if Doppelsoeldner’s Cyclone works with a 2H Spear ??

It has no required stance, so it should work

in early levels in sword>pelt>hoplite which attributes to max first?


They are not as effective, but they are still helpful. Using Guardian over Gung Ho for PvE is not worth it. As a Hoplite, you pretty much have to give up on evasion to get the most out of your build.


Most people are calling it “Dragoon”, but I am not sure if it has an official name yet.


If you are talking about the possibility of choosing Fencer after a Hoplite build, then you want Finestra because that build would still be 80% Hoplite and 20% Fencer. Finestra is one of the most important reasons for choosing Hoplite as a class.

But like I said on previous posts, for a 100% Fencer build there are better class paths to follow.


You can follow the attribute list on the guide, it is ordered from most important to least important. If you can’t afford one of them, then move to the next one (Plate Mastery for example, is expensive for low levels).

Thanks to everyone for answering the other questions!

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any thoughts on hoplite2 > corsair with a spear+dagger build?
by giving up the shield wouldn’t the finestra evasion penalty be too much and you also lose the blocking buff…

Hoplite C2 -> Corsair C2 is one of the strongest builds currently in the game.

At higher levels you don’t really care about mitigating damage as it is mostly about killing stuff as fast as you can. Don’t worry, you can always swap to shield for when you really need that extra blocking+defense, but for normal PvE stuff you will be fine with Spear+Dagger.

Most people are still using Spear+Dagger anyways (for almost every class), due to the power of Arde/Karacha Dagger.

Edit: Included the skill build for Corsair on the guide.

Edit 2: Included the rest of the classes for the guide, as now I have more information about them. If you guys want to see more stuff on the guide, let me know.

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well done man, you were a light in the dark for me. currently, im in love with my hop c2 :slight_smile:
ty vm for your info and keep up the good work

@Cathexis I don’t know if that’s even possible, but, if so, what do you think about getting Cataphract at rank 5 (for 2H spear and mount), then Doppel at rank 6? Is it worth? BTW, what is YOUR build on your main character? :smile:


It is possible, really depends on what you want to end up with at the end. Is it Cata C1 -> Hoplite C3, or Cata C1 -> Cata C2, or perhaps another combination?

Overall I say that if your plan is to end up with Hoplite C3, then try to get it at Rank 5, and wait for Cata until Rank 6, unless you really want that mount. If you go with it at Rank 5, it is fine, don’t worry too much about it.

Regardless of what you choose, Rank 5 or Rank 6 for Cataphract, there is something you have to consider:

The only downside of this build is that your only damage upgrade to help you at higher levels will come from being able to use 2-handed Spears. You will instead trade that for mobility through the use of a mount.

This means that you won’t really get any new skills that will help you deal more damage like Doppelsoeldner’s Cylone/Deeds of Valor or Corsair’s Hexen Dropper/Dust Devil.

This doesn’t mean that choose Cataphract is a worse option, it just means that it will have a different focus as what the build’s goals are.

Just something to consider when choosing a class path to follow.

As for my build, it is full STR, with Green Gems using Plate Armor. For this beta I am Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite->Hoplite->Hoplite and planning to choose Doppelsoeldner at Rank 6.

For launch, depends on what will change when we get more information about the new spear class.