Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Character Growth Guide

Hello. Thank you so much for the guide. I am a returnee after 2-3? years and suddenly got amnesia with all updates so far. So many thing need for upgrade. Can’t say it’s a good thing, but anyway, thanks again.

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I found this guide quite complete, it should be pinned somewhere. During the last days, there have been a lot of new players completely lost after starting the game and being immediately thrown to level 480 with a bunch of stuff they didn’t know what to do with. They try to find a guide but everything they find is outdated and doesn’t take into account the popo boost event (which is great, but will leave people who start after November 28th at loss vs those who started before – no idea why this event is not permanent).

What new players struggle with:

  • how to get Blessed Shards to upgrade their stuff
  • how to get Sierra Powder

Maybe mention how to get these in this guide?

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