Tree of Savior Forum

Grinding wizard class?

I been reading the last days many post about wizard, because is my favorite class, especially the thau have win my love, but i have beed asking which class is good for grinding, because there is a lot of diferent opinion, at the first i think that a really good one is linker2 because kill 8 mobs is pretty nice, and with my fireballs is better XD, but i haven’t tested already high level areas, and many say that the linker 2 becomes useless.

so leave without many options, now i have my pyro2thau2linke2 and enjoy, but i still having a reset voucher and if the linker 2 is not too necesary maybe i can choose a grinding class, idk is which one so i come here to ask you guys which is a really good grinding class or a good class combo to kill many mobs.

Your class path seems pretty meta right now, and besides being efficient support for grinding, it’s great for farming as well. Link, Swell, and Agny’d Fireballs will surely help. Top that off with Sage and you’re sure to help out when grinding in parties (or when doing missions). :smiley:

Yes , but i want to kwon mostly if you are solo, becuase there is ele class which have the most aoe skills, but which other class can make similar, because i with elementalist, the problem is rank8, becase rank 1 of WL was fine, and i like but WL dont convince me, so for that i dont take that path.


wl2 for sure. no contest.

why wl2? what skills make warlock good to kill hordest of mobs? because i read WL is mainly for single target.

That is true. Invocation is the best skill at killing low lvl mobs, for example the ones in DP2 an Dina Bee Farm.

so WL is bad grinding at high level content?

WL 2 because of invocation create orb that damage ennemie when they walk on it.
(Invocation lv increase the orb amount of hit by 1/2Lv and also the buff duration making it with an extra 5 sec at max lv)
WL 2 is the best class for SilverGrinding Making up to 1M +/- At Demon prison Floor2
**Is farm can be affected by other farmer/quester/grinder where you decide to farm.

-Pyro is a viable Late game dps now (Probably one if not the best wiz dps there is now because of agny necklace)

-Sage is amazing for R8 Map… Simply because of missil hole blocking those 3-4-5-12k Range absurb damage attack, melee are usualy simple to dodge by walking away, spell could still hit you.

I see pretty good think about this wl, i think that my pyro 2 is a good grinding char because there is the fireball link combo, but some people say that the linker 2 go down in the high level content because there is many mosnter resitant to links, so i think to maybe change my build to something like

Pyro2-thau2-link-(a high number mobs killer)-sage. or maybe just made a good boss killer class like cryo-kino-RC

If you mean pyro as a grinding (Xp grind) class then yeah pyro isn’t bad to do content (As long you have agny)
But as a silver farmer… Pyro take way too much time to setup fireball/spell lure monster in them etc

Pyro Do more damage than warlock (Thx to agny…)

Warlock are still the best Grind(Silver grind) Class by far because their main farming spell is a buff that proc whenever you kill something with 100% uptime
BETTER, those orb got their own aggro soo mob are instantly lure into them creating a chain reaction killing a whole low lv zone of packed mob in second.
(Well range mob and some melee with a big more range than normal can hit those orb before getting hit but in most time your fine and you can clear those manualy)

Also trust me… pyro are pretty strong in boss battle cryo kino rc where before agny and before R8
As a Pyro3>Chronomancer3>Sage I
Stop Boss > Put 2 Fireball-Duplicate-Pass-Fireballx2-Duplicate (8Fireball in total)
It usualy enoug to kill any boss in second (after the 20sec stop finish)
**If you solo; for this chapp card are really nice since you can setup and then increase your dps for 4 sec (the moment your fireball finaly start hitting the boss) or for ET with a Krivis3

you make now more questions XD sorry.

  1. You dont miss linker on that build? and if you dont why the ppl say that linker is necesary on pyro builds?
  2. the damage from pyro-chrono is for bossing?
  3. what is the important think at the solo moment, the boss damage or the mobs damage, because is hard have both as i see, so when you are highest level what you need more the boss damage or the mobs damage?

thank you momory you are so clearly on your explains.

Pyro is good for both boss and Mob as is mono and multiple target damage over all pyro damage is just good now
(As long you have agny… otherwise forgot previous statement XD)

Linker is great with pyro because of link fireball + target can increase the mono damage or on group of mob really fast. (Not that i have test myself how effectif it is.)

I build my pyro3>Chrono3 before agny even come out on KToS soo that how it is.
If i would change something… Probably it would be a pyro2/Linker1 insted don’t mean I would do it anyway. (I would buy scroll if i really need a link for some reason)

Chrono offer support while Pyro offer dps
The only thing that chrono offer as dps might be PASS that reduce cd.

but just 1 rank of linker i’m not sure if is enougth, linker 2 really helps a lot.