Tree of Savior Forum

Grind or Questing, What is this game about, really?

Leaving how generic and boring the questing in this game is aside (for now), are we supposed to go through the entire story of the game with only questing or what? Do we have to grind sometimes? If we have, are the xp sources suitable and suficient for the players’ playing? When are we really supposed to grind? Where?

I don’t know what are your plans with this game, but at the moment things look quite stupid.
The sole joy of this game is grinding, fighting, mostly in groups! Yet grinding itself is hindered by the lack of suitable places, experience, and the way groups work, forcing players to go through generic worthless questing and hinder each other’s gaming experience through meaningless competition.

Between a generic MMO with a ridiculous ammount of stupid quests and a Ragnarok Online aspirant with extensive grinding and harsh competitive environment, you’ve failed by commiting the mistakes of both types of games.

First of all, Generic questing. People are tired of that crap! Kill 8 of these, gather 5 of that, interact with this, speak with that person. Can’t you be more futile in entertainment? Who cares about that crap? We are playing this game to fight only! That’s what our characters are about! That’s the whole gameplay!
But it isn’t like all quests are worthless. Some quests that require fending off waves of monsters are great! You did really well, so well that makes me wonder why don’t we have these quests only. And bosses of course, these are nice… By the way, we can’t repeat these bosses? Why?

Second, Awkward Grinding. We lack decent grinding spots, Kill Steal is a thing (in a 2015+ game, unbelievable), HP regen is too low outside combat (makes soloing too slow for non-healing classes), mana and hp pots are too expensive and their effects are too linear, skill damage is too linear, turning certain skills useless pretty much every class change.

With all this I can’t understand why, why do you waste this game behind tipical failed MMO features?

My personal suggestions for this game are as follows:

Create Serious Instance Based Grinding Spots: That’s all we care about.
Get in the game, kill monsters until we are sated, leave. Anything else is in the way.
With this you remove the competition between players (which makes no sense to start with, if this is a MMO other people shouldn’t be a problem to each other?), and give us all that matters, stuff to kill.

Remove Questing from the Leveling Experience: It isn’t the stupid teenagers with all the time in their hands that will give you money, it is the Veteran Ragnarok players that are working and have a life that will, and these people are tired of the usual waste of time. Get real, get direct, we want to fight, that’s all.
Make questing a mere tool for obtaining extras. Titles, special equipment, special classes. Specific things that are worth specific effort. We don’t need quests for experience, we can very well just grind endlessly in a neverending battlefield. Texts for just more experience are superfluous.

Make Skills and Items more Stat Based: First class skills become useless after one or two class changes. And consumables may be useful or useless depending on your HP/MP pool. Certain classes consume so much mana that the difference in the need for pots makes everything unfair (yes, I’m talking about mages and swordsmen). Make it so pots recover more based on your CON/SPR.

Remove Stamina System: It adds nothing to the game. Stamina is merely a nuisance in which your friends that are playing swordsmen classes end up using and going ahead of you, just to leave you behind. Make it so all classes can run and remove stamina, really, I’m sorry, but this was a stupid idea.

Add Class Resets: I don’t see why there are no class resets in this game? With so many options and combinations (that may go over the hundreds!) and a character limit of 11 so far, the lack of class reset, or class changing is pretty much unthinkable.
Having class resets makes the time you spend in this game a lot more worth it. Mostly when, right now, you have to go through the same meaningless questing content for every character you make. I am sorry, but your questing content isn’t worthy of my time more than once, maybe not even once.
And again, the second joy in this game is, after fighting, trying different classes.
That’s the interesting stuff in this game! And it is such a freaking pain to get it. Seriously?

So that’s all about by destructive/constructive rant/criticism, and I wrote this because I do hope things will change. I know, it is too naive. But honestly, I’m tired of seeing so much talent and effort wasted on bad decisions. People, don’t waste this game.


I agree with class reset. But there should be a limitation, like you can only reset or change class while you are lets say rank 3. You can’t reset your rank 2 also (but hopefully wont reset class to 1.).

The grinding now is frustrating for the fact that every mob gives 0.1% no matter how stronger it is. I suggest giving us figures rather than just plain percentage. This is why I prefer questing than grinding (in this cbt).

Generic questing - This is always been a problem with MMO since WoW and it’s not something that will be fixed with a game like this. I don’t mind it as the graphics and music make it less of a slog to get through compared to other games. But perhaps they could have more flair to them rather then be different.

Awkward Grinding - I’ll be honest I don’t like grinding in general but this game pulls it off quite well. Yes the KS needs to be fixed (make into kill sharing). HP Regen could be sped up but that’s mainly for pace sake rather then it making the game less difficult. I haven’t needed to use much Mana and HP Pots and getting money seems not too hard. I guess it’s only if you’re wanting to grind/progress fast that these become much of an issue

Remove Questing from the Leveling Experience - Hell No…Just no. Yes I’d like to see more rewards with questing (but that’s me being greedy) but why sacrifice EXP from questing. I actually like questing in MMOs and will take time to read the dialog. I don’t want a mindless grindfest like RO was, I want to feel a sense of story accomplishment as well as character accomplishment. And I’m not a stupid teenager :smiley:

I have no other issues with your suggestions, but can we try and not have this into a just a nice visual update of RO but something that, while reminds fans of RO of the game, stands on it’s own.

Nope… Not everyone love to grind. At least give player who prefer and enjoy quest to get some exp from it. Don’t forgot real game isn’t gonna max at lv 200. At some point later on when you’re higher level, everyone gonna stuck with grind anyway. :confused:

Please stop saying “we” because there is no “we”, this is YOUR opinion. People need to stop thinking everybody thinks like them.

quests that require fending off waves of monsters are great!” “why don’t we have these quests only

That would contradict itself because you’d be doing the same kind of quest over and over again, thus making it become the new “generic” leveling method.

We lack decent grinding spots” I have a friend over lv200 already and there’s several others. If they can do it, then any one else can too.

Not sure where you’re going with the “skill damage is too linear, turning certain skills useless pretty much every class change.” I don’t know about you but the cooldowns in this game are pretty long so I use all my damage skills in a rotation.

Remove Questing from the Leveling Experience” yet you complain about grinding, therefore back to your first point, you want this game based on grinding dungeons. “Create Serious Instance Based Grinding Spots” So you don’t want to grind, you don’t want to quest but you are willingly to spam dungeons, is that not boring over time in itself? I use to play Aura Kingdom, that was literally the game based off of. Another close-minded opinion.

The only points I guess I agree with is with is the creation of more instances and rebalancing the the stamina system.

To the answer to the title, it’s both. Certain points there are no quests available, then you have to start grinding.

May I ask what is your class and level that you are currently at?

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I agree almost with all you said