Plz merge gravity pole to C1 rank theres no chance for it be considered a C3 skill, just tried it in Battle team with 900 m.attack + atribute lvl 60 = 200 dmg per hit and unnoticeable slow… even my basic attack do more damage u-u
i literally remove it from shortcut. your aa is far better.
atlest u still have ur other op cc, no need 4 this one to be op too
Yeah, gravity pole is terrible. They overnerfed it.
I didn’t log in to check it myself…If it only slows people down…yeah that’s pretty bad LOL
You can’t, it’s now a slow.
what you talking about xD it just give fake slow
That’s…pretty bad.
Disregard what I said :x
It’s like a slow, but worse.
Sadly the damage / slow didnt worth the SP spent, C3 skill totally ruined.
If you have Kino 3 plz test gravity pole in battle arena
Not being able to spin with it anymore is garbage as well. Well done once again IMC.Nothing but the best from a brain dead staff.
Gravity pole used to be really cancerous but I’m with you on this one…they overdid it :X
You can still hold people outside of battle league though, can’t you?
I played a few matches on my kino 3 and yeah gravity pole is really useless with the nerfs. CC is bad and the damage is horrible.
You can’t hold players in duels either. It only applies to monsters now.
You can’t do it in duels either, although its damage is regular in duels at least. This is why I made a big thread about this a long time ago when I observed this on kToS. As a community, we really should be against overnerfs. People just assume people are complaining even when they mathmatically predict these results, which is what I did simply using the formulas for damage. As I said in my thread. There is no reason to lower it’s damage at all, it was never a high dmg skill. It was only strong because it binded people while it did dmg. With it no longer able to bind, it simply makes no sense for its damage to be lowered. Personally, I would not only make it do full damage, but also make it so it binds people for 2ish seconds in PvP, applying a 5 second cooldown afterwards where you are immune to the stun, as a way to stop abuse of multiple psycho 3’s trying to chain CC. As it is now, it is pointless to even exist outside of PvE.
The reason why this is a big deal, is it helped even the playing-field against PvP clerics as it was a ranged bind that snared them. If it at least snared for a short period of time, it would at least make it have some use without it being an instant win button. IMC Games almost always overnerfs things as their goal isn’t to make a skill fair, but make a skill so bad that no one uses it. They are overly harsh and we should be concerned because they could easily nerf many other things, constantly limiting builds and viable mechanics. It’s why many people want class resets so that they can just play it safe and go skills that track that have dmg output rather than CC since IMC has proven they aren’t good at balancing CC vs. CC Immunity.
I can only repeat myself - IMC does not know how to balance stuff reasonably.
For PvE is still awesome, for PvE you still got Magnetic Force, Raise, PP for damage and CC.
It’s not about “still having something”, it’s the fact that a C3 skill went from insanely OP to complete garbage.
IMC doesn’t know how to balance.
Look at all the nerfs it got:
Damage reduced by 75%
“Stun” and pull removed, now it only applies a small slow
Cooldown increased by 50%
Number of targets reduced by 50%
Now there’s no point in even having it on the skill bar, how is that fair? Do you really want to leave a skill useless just because kino is too strong? Why not balance the other skills properly instead?
Ya just look at swordsman
Could you provide a link where IMC explicitly said “our goal is not to make skills fair but to make skills so bad that no one uses them”?