Tree of Savior Forum

Got a question for Trident Finish

So my question here is: How does the characters critical rates apply?
Sry for being clueless, but I didnt really get it. Does it mean, that the critical rate of the character are “added” on top?

Trident Finish Minimum Critical Chance is +50% when skill is used. = B
Characters critical chance is 25%. = A
Both critical chances together. = C

B + A = C (?)

So if the skill is used, u get 50% minimum critical chance. After applying this, characters critical chance is added on top and overall critical chance is 75% and then the RNG begins.

Is that correct or am I missing something? :x

I am confused as well but if we base on it the skill description it seems to be applying separately.

That is, if the skill’s crit doesn’t proc then your own crit chance is used.

50% is already pretty good by the way since it ignores enemy’s crit resistance. I rarely see my Ret not critting right after using hook or net skills.

That means if the skill’s crit chance doesn’t proc, it will go over to the character crit chance and roll again? Like a 2nd chance to roll crit but instead of 50%, it rolls with character’s crit chance instead? What a mechanic hidden in a simple skill :tired:

Since it doesn’t take the critical rate of the player into account, this skill rolls at the beginning if it’s a crit or not.
Then, after the skill didn’t crit by itself, it goes into the whole (critdefence-critrate)^0,6 calculation and rolls again.

There is no other possibility, because else this skill would have to take the critrate of the player into account.

However, there is also the possibility that it’s IMCs glorious English translation and in fact the calculation of crit or not happens separately at the end of all calculations by simply playing with crit=true and crit=false values for the variables, so the skill effect does nothing if it already is a critical hit and if it’s not, it rolls a 50/50 RNG.

This is also quite possible, which would make the skill effect have a diminishing result if you stack more crit rate.
It could be tested by sample-using the skill several thousand times with and without equipment, but I doubt someone has the time and will to make 2x 10.000 Trident Finish skill use tables to calculate if it’s a before or post calculation.

Well then seems like i should focus more on red gems instead :tired:
thank you for answering!