Tree of Savior Forum

Google Translation API in ToS

Is it possible that the in-game chat client will utilize the Google Translate API in the future? I think it’s a great way to knock down the barriers that exist between players. I especially believe this makes a lot of sense for the International version of the game.

Link below is an example of a game using the API.

Would be funny a guild of spanish people trying to talk in their guild chat and everything coming out in english.

That may work well on browser games, but on massive games like ToS i doubt it would be good, just because english is like a universal language on international community doesn’t mean it need to abolish the players/users main language.

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Well, in consideration of the way the API works in other games i’ve played, you pick your naitive language in the chat, and google translates other languages to your language and so on.

sometimes the translation comes out a little funky, but for the most part, you communicate with others and may not have an idea that they don’t speak your language.

Maybe not Google’s stuff, but something like the translation system in FFXI & FFXIV might work.

If you can setup outgoing(native) language and language that you want incoming messages to be translated into - that shouldnt be the problem. But in iCBT game fonts didnt support unicode and every character that is not latin (chinese/Korean/russian etc) came out as “…” in chat

The software can’t understand when it is to translate or no, and adding a switch will make things more complicated i think, that is, if there is one.

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if (chatLang ~= clientLang) {translate(chatLang, clientLang, text);}

^ this simple piece of code will make software understand when to translate from what language and to what language.

I don’t know if it will go as simple as that, i mean, if i got it right, it will translate if the chat language is different from the client language, so if it is needed to work well, the game will need more languages because there is not only 1 chat channel (Shout, party, normal, guild, whisper)

if (guildLang ~= clientLang) {translate(guildLang, clientLang, text);}
Would it be something like that? Sorry it is just my guessing i did some programming in my life but it is at a really basic level.

nope, by Chat lang i mean any incoming chat packet/message. It doesnt matter which channel it came from. Also when you send message into any chat channel it gets tagged with your client’s language for other clients to translate properly (in case they enabled translation in options).

So it would be really necessary each region having a client with its language, too much trouble for that tbh, i mean, IMC won’t take responsibility for something so intricate, IF someone from that country decide to do a translation job, that is another thing, and even so, Google Translator is terrible to translate some languages, specially Asian languages.

I think some Asian players used on some of their posts here on the forum and it went terrible.

i see that you dont know how google translate API works or any API or coding in general.

[quote=“Nirimetus, post:10, topic:154037”]
Google Translator is terrible to translate some languages, specially Asian languages.
[/quote]As long as you can understand what they are talking about it doesnt matter if its terrible or not.

That is the problem, you can’t understand. It is too messed up.

They are actually using Google’s API.

Err… I’m not so sure about that.

If it really work well would be nice, at least the xenodrama would be lessened lol.