Tree of Savior Forum

Good RuneCaster builds for GvG

i want to try a wiz3>cryo3>kino>RC build to use on GvG, but I don’t know if this is really the best choice, so, can anyone help me with some advice?

Won’t work, reason is simple.

In gvg everything lagg, so that amplify quick cast bug / ice wall tile casting.
So instead of having 3s cast rune you will still have to wait at least 5s otherwise it will cancel the cast, which make them unusable in fight. Same for Ice wall, not possible to cast correctly 16 tiles because of the lagg since it takes like 3s to show which tile was clicked.

Oh, and don’t forget ice shard are nerfed in pvp by 50%, which mean if you were going to kill people with it you need at least around 3k5-4k mattack to start doing damage against people with less than 2k mdef, which is like the minimum people have in gvg (if not weak guild)

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oh, but this build its still good for pve, right? :v
and thanks for the advice :>

What is good for pve for you ? it can’t farm anything at a decent rate because of high cd, useless for ET, and not so good for boss since it can be denied by anyone deleting your ice wall. Only use is for daily but even for that there are better build.

I’ve been away from ToS for some looong time, so, I don’t really know a lot of things about the game anymore… so I think this was a good build to kill boss or GvG.
Well, anyway, the only thing I wanted was a good build with RuneCaster, but I can’t find… :T

You may try wiz3-link2-rc-ff2. There are not that many good builds for RC right now.
For PvE one of the best builds is wiz1-pyro2-link2-thauma2-sage.

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I really want to keep RuneCaster on my build…
maybe I’ll try the “Little Samson” ( )
do you guys think this is a good build?

As it has been said before: Ice Wall-RC combo is just bad. Pyro2 deals much more damage with much lower cooldown, and is very reliable. Yes, with Samson Build you can solo kill some bosses(if they dont break your combo, which will happen in 80% cases). The same you can do with Pyro2-link2 build but much faster and more reliable.

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