Tree of Savior Forum

Going for Linker3! Need advice!

TL;DR: Wiz3>Linker3>FF, unsure on stats due to Lifeline.

Ok guys after not getting much help in my last thread, I decided to just go for it and see how it goes! Pretty certain I have to crash my car before I realise I shouldn’t drink and drive!

Not sure on the FF skills yet, gonna experiment a bit with them.

The part I’m having trouble with is the stat distribution due to Lifeline.

I decided against Full CON due to several reasons:

  1. Almost everyone has enough CON in their builds already.
  2. HP regen would be nice if we lack a healer BUT
  3. If we lack a healer, we can’t really use the increased max hp AND the increased healing efficiency.

I could potentialy go offensive and pick either STR, INT or DEX to invest in.
Giving out 400+ STR to a full DEX Fencer/Musketeer/Doppel could potentialy be devastating.
This option has the obvious disavantage that neither will give me anything worth mentioning (maybe evasion).

Full INT on the other hand has some minor synergy with MM, FF skills and potentialy future classes. Sadly, most DPS wizards that aren’t PVP focused already have a lot of INT anyway so it wouldn’t be very impactful.

For now, I decided on a heavy SPR build with some CON to not die instantly. In theory I would be providing a substantial ammount of max SP, SP regen and potion efficiency for 30 seconds every minute. If anything it could make for very short rests and save a sizable ammount of silver in the long run.
Very unsure on how this would perform. Archers and Swordies have very low SP pools and costly skills so they could benefit a lot from it. On the other hand, it is more of a “off-combat” or even “grindy” capability that only adds commodity and money saving.

What do you guys think? Any input is welcome.

Your build is good, I think you can consider taking Thauma 1 as it works very well with Featherfoot.

If going Linker C3 you should go FULL CON or as high in con as possible. FF takes advantage from it as it heals you, also sharing full CON is the best thing you can do for a party, imagine those OP musketeers with 30k+ HP.

I love Thaumas and Linkers so I was trying to find a build that fits both and the best I could come up with is either Wiz2>Linker2>Thau3 or Wiz3>Linker1>Thau3 (both with r8+ in mind to fill in)

Also considered the Wiz3>Thau3>WL but not very fond of the WL spells. FF on the other hand looks cool with the curses and decay.

About your FULL CON observation, I’m not sure people would actualy benefit from the increase HP burst outside of PVP. Nice point about FF synergy though.

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Thau > Featherfoot or something close to that is probably very good.

Featherfoot has self-healing so you have real benefits from being able to increase your max HP. Also you can search for a video of a Thaum > FF making a stretegy with these classes that leaves the opponent with Max HP = 1 after a few secs.

Featherfoot and Warlock are both classes that work very nicely with Links, I don’t think it’s a good idea to go Thauma 3 and not have any Links at your disposal. This game takes a lot of solo play and even at PvPs and GvGs links are very good.

Id go full con on that build.
This is actually one of the few builds i would recommend spr on as well, since its going full support, and FF skills are very SP hungry.

Id get 125 spr for the 50% debilitation resist, and then just pump the rest into con.

You will likley end up giving everyone more spr AND more con than they have nativley. The physical classes for sure.

Even with out any int linked bloodbath stacked with blood sucking on a stack of mobs is going to do very high damage. You just wont have a whole lot to do between cooldowns. Also while blood sucking damages everything, blood bath doesnt damage things that are not beast/demon/insect.

Haiving SPR will make your curse stronger too (its a copy of hexing, just a different name, lowers magic defense based on spr, as far as i know), which kind of senergyzes well with your stat distribution, and will let you take the curse-generating FF skills as tertiary skill(s).

This is not a build that can be compromised though, and realizing that ONLY having magic missile and FF skills as your damage output will leave timely gaps in your damage rotation, you are firmly a linker3 support build, you just get some nice burst damage as well.

Well thats my build that i leveled to 280 couple days ago.
I went somewhat 1:1 con int to have at least some damage on 280 because i have no static group. If you have one then pick full con! Do not pick dex or str because you will share those stats from swordies and archers and you would be gimped with low hp pool and no damage.
This build is a nightmare leveling solo past 140ish so you gotta find a party. With linker3 its quite easy.
If you have any questions - shoot!

Nice, congratz on taking this to 280! lol
I will mostly be leveling with at least 1 friend so what do you think of getting some SPR like @Elysion above suggested? My initial plan was to get around 100 CON and SPR and see how it feels from there. Bad idea?

Is the build fun? lol. I think if anything it is a nice base for whatever ranks8+ might bring right?

@Elysion Sweet, I didn’t know about that SPR and Curse interaction. I am hoping to fill in these gaps with ranks8+. I picked FF since their skills are more of the “fire and forget” type with the exception of Ngadhundi that has a nice CD to fit in twice every link.

Blood sucking is a melee range channeled skill, and its FFs highest damage skill. Its the main ability FF has. One of the reasons FF is less common, you either need some form of CC, or at a minimum surespell, to make use of it

tbh, I’m mostly going FF for the Curse and Decay, to add to my “full support” role. But I didn’t try the class yet and you might be right and I should consider it’s damage output too, even with 0 int invested.

I wouldn’t go so far as call it their “main” ability though. Again I didn’t try it yet and might be saying nonsense, but I see the class more of a debuffer.

Id say wiz3>Linker3 will be an incredible build if theres another high tier dps class waiting at rank 8 besides warlock.

Maybe I should consider the possibility of branching into DPS if said class is added. I guess I could buy a stat reset now and save it lol

My plans going foward for r8+ were to add even more supportive classes, but as you pointed, Wiz3>Linker3 could be a decent base.

Then again it isn’t as great as Wiz3>Thau3 I guess lol

FF debuffs are kind of weak. Its a life leeching class that has a couple debuffs

You are going wizard 3, though the build, focusing on linker3, will have you occupying a non pure dps slot, a pure support build is going to be more desirable if you cant add something yourself damage wise.

Having quickcast is going to increase your damage output more than focusing on int would, so any damage skills you bring to the table is going to outdamage a non wizard3s version of them.

You might consider runecaster instead of FF. cryo3-chrono3s are quite popular and alot of groups will have one, and if you went wiz3-linker3-rune you would have quickcast making your runecaster skills cast faster, and making the cryo3 quite powerful. Then maybe a monk cleric to attack the ice walls with.

I dont know. You need to work out a way to get some kind of damage in really. Int is not needed for wizards to do damage, and while linker3 is quite valuable, if you wanted to go real full pure support wiz3 isnt what you wanted to take.

I see a build like wiz3-linker3-x as something that is planning on going hard damage focused with future ranks that open up, and taking linker now to act as a party support linker (you need linker3 to do this, linker1s and 2s fall short and are only for personal build use) in the time being.

The reason one would take FF in a wiz3-linker3 would be for blood bath and blood suckings damage potential, as an alternative to the more popular warlock, because linker3 is one of the few builds, along with kino3, that can make use of FF skills decently.

That’s a interesting way to look at it. Many points I haven’t considered.

Curse I’m unsure about but Decay sounds pretty good? Wouldn’t know for sure though, just what I heard.

I love wiz3 on everything. Sleep is great, Surespell and QC can make or break classes (who knows what r8+ will bring). And QC is the only buff I can pass with Chain. For example the suggested RC is only really viable due already having QC. Maybe I could have gone for Cryo3Linker3 instead, but imo it would be even more overshadowed by the popular Cryochrono.
This is one of the main reasons I’m trying hard to add value to my Lifeline.

Runecaster was my alternative plan, but I decided against it due to the synergy between Linker and FF. Maybe I should reconsider.

Do you think WL would be a better alternative? Actualy go in planning to turn into DPS later? To be honest, I didn’t even research how hard FF actualy hits.

You cant give people QCs attribute, only the cast speedup effect, which is not very useful to most people.

FF blood sucking is really good. it has 1k base damage at level 5, and tics every 0.4 seconds. This means that with no int, but a decent weapon and gear, its base damage per tic is gonna be around 1.5-1.6k. With attributes and quick casting you can easily bring that up to 3k per tic, so thats 15k every 2 seconds while channeling it 7.5k damage per second.

Warlocks burst nuke does around 25k damage nuke (dark theurge) has a 32 second cooldown.

For refference, its not uncommon for high hitpoint ‘normal’ mobs post 200 to have over 100k health.

In the end its gonna be the same either way you go. As a warlock you will probably link and hangmans, then drop things into a pole of agony and hit them with your dark theurge, the combo should kill them.

Likewise Featherfoot blood sucking+ linked blood bath will be enough damage to kill them.

At the end of the day warlock is going to be better as a pure damage, but featherfoot can heal itself (pretty quickly), and you will have a lot of hitpoints to give you a buffer between blood sucking cooldowns.

Also having a self-heal capability makes it less annoying to wear animus, which will help you do better damage as a full con build.

Either is viable, you might want to research both more to see which skills you would rather use, i cant really advise on that. Its just that a wiz3-linker3 is one of the few builds that can get away with taking FF, since unless you have some form of CC or mob consolidation capability, blood suckings short range channel is just going to be frustrating to use.

Blood bath does flinch lock things, so if you link, hangmans, and blood bath, everything should just kind of stand there for the 5 seconds blood bath is ticing away, giving you time to channel blood sucking for 5 seconds in total safety. Hopeful surespell keeps the rest of the channel from being interupted. OF course theres also sleep on non flying targets.
FF will work for this build. FF doesnt work with a lot of builds. I took FF on my kino just to be more unique, but warlock is very strong.

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First of all, thanks for all the input, it’s really helping me!

I know about QC passing but I was under the impression the Cleric classes like to have QC on them. I didn’t reasearch them deeply so I might be mistaken.

I wasn’t aware blood sucking had a 0.4 tic. That sounds awesome. If I go for this I should get a Thauma friend lol. Also considering I could leech INT from a party member it could hit even harder.

This has nothing to do with gameplay but visualy I like FF better than WL.
I think I’ll do the same as you and go FF since it’s one of the few builds that can really use it to the fullest.

Look, warlock is the perfect class for a Linker C3 right now, most people just can’t realize it, here’s why:

  • Pole of Agony is casted in front of your character and and it has a DoT effecter after enemies get away from it that stays for 10+ seconds. Pole’s damage is not shared due to it being an AoE but when Hangman’s Knot end and monters get away from it there will be 11 monsters sharing Pole of Agony hits for 10 seconds, sure death on either PvP or PvE.

  • Both Dark Theurge and Invocation are supreme multihit skills, people are searching for better damage classes on rank 8+, but Warlock is already the answer. Dark Theurge at C3 level 15 will deal 75 hits. Invocation will deal 15 hits for each monster you kill. The problem for Elementalists is those hits are singletarget. Guess what’s not a problem for Linkers?

  • Mastema and Evil Sacrifice are very situational and I will actually save it’s point until rank 8 comes out probably.

  • Warlock is a DPS class, it’s bound to have even better spells for it’s C2 or C3. If you realize the game is bound to have at least 9 or 10 circles, it’s one of the last Wizards can take to C3.

Those are all very strong points, thanks for your input.

I’d be lacking the INT, think it would still be good? Or maybe I could switch to high INT if I plan to go WL anyway.


I’m going 3:2 INT:CON, INT is important as it gives a lot of damage for multihit spells and quickcast, but both linker and warlock require sorte mid-to-close range to be efficient, so you skill need lots of CON.

You can even go full CON, actually even full CON elementalists can do fine with high attributes, quickcast and weapons, the point is, INT for PvE, CON for PvP.

do u truly belive dark theurge will hit for 75 times? sounds too much for me, it will probably never happen. C1 ranks probably will be redesigned accordingly considering new rank releases. So many balance patches will come before we can even establish some rank 8-9-10 meta so i wouldn’t bother so much with it.

At the end of the day, it is all about what you wanna play and plan it accordingly to what we know. I cannot imagine 1 year from now ANY player using the same build they have right now without rerolling/reseting skill or stats or even circles maybe.

Doesn’t really matter if it’s 75 hits, though if you consider mobs having 500k HP maybe that’s something you’d expect for the Rank 9 Ele C3 (Warlock), the point it is a hit-scaling skill, even if it gets nerfed it is the ultimate skill to be shared with links, unless they complete change it into a whole new skill or something.

The build has enough synergy for rank 7, even 25 hits is a lot right now.

Also you can go for a High CON build and share it to make huge difference in your party from having Linker C3.