Tree of Savior Forum

GM Information Session - It's Mango Time - Now with Orange Flavour

Oh I meant it was just being discussed internally, I’ll edit the OP to make it more clear.

Yes, but it’s still important to realise how complex these things are. I’m not saying it’s not IMC’s fault it’s still a bug but it is useful to understand the reality of these things.

I corrected that, (probably when you were typing this) just entering QA NOT going to be released to us yet.

Of course there’s always a possibility.

Could be hard to obtain special potions. It’s just being discussed right now so I’m not sure. (Going to edit this to make it clear).

We’ve been seeing the beginning of it for the past 2 or 3 weeks but I’m excited for even more.

I’m not sure why it’s happening, could be net code or a problem at Amazon. For the server location, Amazon runs the ITOS servers, and I asked Manga, but she couldn’t answer for obvious reasons but I suspect Amazon doesn’t have the infrastructure in SA that they do in NA.

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Yep, log back in rq to do my dailies and 3min into my 1st solo 290 I die again to my own black steam death poison, thats enough ToS for me today, guess its time for another 2 month vacation…maybe by then my mystical cube will have something other then keistas potions or PD will fkng work.

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I am aware of that, but given the nature of DDOS’s that could not be sufficient.

I have to agree, look at Mr. Kim’s message from months ago, the thing that got 800 likes, it’s cool, it feels like they understand us, but then what?
Words won’t make the updates nor the code by themselves, you have to truly work beside that, because since Mr. Kim’s message and the GM talks which are done in a dead server (really smart move by the way), what did really happen?

Sure, some things did improve, but they realized like 1% of what they promised months ago and they keep promising it. Is this a political election?
I’m really having a hard time trusting mere words by now.

Still though, thanks @Queue for informing us, it’s still better than nothing and I won’t blame any GMs for IMC’s laziness/incapacity, keep doing what you guys can, if you could just be a little more open to the community and debate things like @STAFF_Yuri did with the fan art contest, things should keep going that way.


That potion part could be fixed by doing what I said on my previous post…

That mean less codding and easier ways for balancing, the same formula could be applied to skills for balance, but trying to be unique in the wrong areas result in mess tho.

Could change to other service, I don’t see an issue with that, I mean, they can setup the server in any service they want. It’s just a different paper bill in the end of the month anyway.

I haven’t see anything of the like, except in the Fan Art thread they did today.
Other than that, it’s the same old auto answer for certain topics.

Also I forgot to mention this…

… result in answers like this…



I recommended a similar thing to Mango too. But what I was getting at is Lv 15 may increase by 10% but these Lv20 will increase by 30%. Special low drop, expensive potions that aren’t from the TP store,

We have to be very careful about scaling everything. A hybrid of flat and scaling values is almost always the best option for the sake of variance. Potions however need to be because there’s no other way to balance it.

Maybe but we have literally no idea what the agreement between Amazon and IMC is.

The answers were generally underwhelming but they did increase. The point of them was an acknowledgement that they were in fact read. But if I need to be the first to make suggestion threads to show everyone then I’d be happy to. :slight_smile: (I’m thinking about potions right now. :P)

Something like Alemeth pots was nice but farming those was a hassle imo
At best Alches can either get:
-new Attribute that increases potion levels and requires Tincture15
-Alch C4
Former is more reasonable, the latter works like Alch3 is an investment for a later classes instead of a dead end.
Corsair3, Squire3 and Pard3 face the same issue(lack of viable/good future class to take).

IMC haters are just that good.

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All good ideas, I would like there to still be easily obtainable potions similar to the Lv15 ones, but I like the idea of having difficult to obtain ones too.

Again, IMC Staff only replies if you are kissing their as*, when you ask real questions about real problems they stay silent or have their automated GM Francis send you another robot message asking you to send them another ticket to ignore or for you to verify the integrity of your cache.



Does that get past beak mask?

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Agny = Broken

Build Cleric Full Con HK on PvP = Correth! You do not need nerf.


yes, beak mask doesn’t 100% block rank 3 debuff

Does Antidote heal vapors? If so, that’s a way to avoid the problem for now.

Yes, that is what I meant, sorry, it’s just that I was in a hurry to answer since I had to run an errand.

Indeed, a % damage modifier + basedmg modifier make things easier to balance, the % variable doesn’t need to be ridiculous like +4000% damage, unless they plan to make the damage system like Diablo 3 where you see set modifiers that increase a single skill damage by +12k% damage.

Also, the monster defenses need rebalance too, additions of white (common) gear (weapon and armor) on Lv ranges of 270-330 are required, at least that way, people are able to progress a little while gearing themselves up.

As for the potions, why not put 1% per Lv, Lv 15 pots can be 15% and so on.

There is no special agreement between companies, not in this case, I mean, why would a company accept a contract binding them to the host’s service quality?

When I worked installing softwares that had web based services, we picked the host that offered best servicing, if in other region we had to go with other host as bridge, we did normally, there is no need to inform the host of our actions.
The thing of using the same service is just a convenience to keep a bit organizational in the billing. At least is what happened here for me in most cases.

What could be done is the following:

  • Pots drop from any monster (1 monster-type per map, ex.: Infro Holder Archer is the only monster that drop pots at a small percentage and make them untradable also the CD is the same as the NPC pots, 45 secs).

  • The pots are deployed as the follow:
    -Lv 1-200 5% + base ticks/s.
    -Lv 201-300 10% + base ticks/s.
    -Lv 301-400 15% + base ticks/s.
    -Lv 401-500 20% + base ticks/s.

That way, not only you have a small option for survivability, but it also don’t cause Alchemist trouble.


A staff reply liked by other 2 staff members, this is the first time in almost a year that I have seen so many staff together wow.
At the end of the day will be enough staff appearances until next maintenance or something lol.


There is no avoiding it, when it poisons me its about 10,000 dmg a tick, you are dead before you can react, have disppeller scrolls, antidotes, beak mask quickslotted, never matters.

IMC cant be bothered to respond to it either, we’ve had threads on it for months, and countless tickets have been submitted in-game, but if I kiss a GM’s as* and then write a fluff piece about it in the forums I can get multiple staff to reply, funny how that works.


Nice info man keep up the good work IMC.

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Good idea for damage, that’s probably the easiest viable scaling method. There’s a lot more to do than just that though.

The item system needs to be partially redone as well as there’s that weird jump basically between Grynas/Virtov to Hasta/Lolopanther.

Potion scaling should go a little more in depth but the general idea is sound and those numbers are reasonable.

There may be, there may not be, we don’t know. The benefits could include discounts for commitment, that’s pretty standard from my understanding. The important thing here is we have no confirmation, not saying that I mind discussing or guessing though.

Something like that. Additional drops could be from bosses as well. But why stop there? There are so many options and stats TOS can utilise. Potions that Increase HP + DEF, or HP + Stat. The key is balancing these things so Alchemists don’t suffer. A way to handle this could simply be more craft-able potions so Alchemists can buy/farm expensive materials and then sell them. Another option could be an Alchemist potion crafting shop and they allow you to craft these special potions at them. There is plenty for IMC to work with.

Thank you.


It just occurred something here about Alchemists, instead of Alchemic Missile skill, they should had added something like Squire Base Camp:

  • A small shop interactive object that sell different pots with buffs like the ones you described and the duration would be around 15mins:
  • Depending on the skill Lv starting from Lv1 = 2% increment per level:
    -+2% to 10% HP + Phys Def.
    -+2% to 10% SP + Magic Def.
    -+2% to 10% STA + Crit Res.
  • These will be offensive/defensive status modifier that aren’t related to resources (HP/SP/STA), hence, lower values to keep fair balancing also will be different duration, the following would work for 30 mins:
    -+1% to 5% Critical Rate.
    -+1% to 5% Critical Damage.
    -+1% to 5% Elemental Damage (Poison, Ice, Fire, Holy, etc…).
    -+1% to 5% Elemental Resistance (Poison, Ice, Fire, Holy, etc…).
    -+1% to 5% Physical Damage.
    -+1% to 5% Elemental Damage.

Of course the things above can be reworked too, also, they won’t work in PvP environments (Duels and TBL) except GvG where I do believe the maps are big and the Alchemist would have time to setup the shop for the guild mates.