Tree of Savior Forum

[GM]GRAPE interview Vaca

At last we trapped Hugo in the dungeon cellars! The beast killed two dozen of our members in a wild chase. After a painful and long hunt, our mages kept Hugo occupied with some summoned dragons that distracted him long enough to prepare the trap. When Hugo followed the ‘track’ we laid for him, our druids trapped him with plant barriers and then moved earth around him. Now the beast is trapped. May Fardos, Uman and Banor give that we can keep him satiated and calm by using the trick the druids figured out. Our aspirants will have a hard time to pass the test that was created around this beast.


Same here a few weeks back

I am still waiting for the “transparency”

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So did Vaca and Marley get unbanned?


I can no longer comment directly on this subject, STAFF is accusing me of creating a mutiny. According to them the real reason has already been clarified.

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IMC confirmed to be part of #TeamErdogan now?


Are you for real???

At least they are more in touch with you now :wink:


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It was the last message on my topic, right after he edited it

For a moment i thought i was un 9gag

lol thanks for sharing. great info showing there is still no clear answer on AFK farming even directly asking the GM.

Protip: You can’t try to blame players for something you publicly displayed in the last GM meeting on already being split about things regarding internal affairs.

I look forward to seeing what is said the next meeting in a couple weeks along with more game patching progress. But things like this are not really acceptable trying to pass blame and the reason we want transparency.

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If you having game problems I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a whiteknight ain’t one.


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Did the Grape taste good? It should be on par with Papaya and Mango!



So,you need 1k+ forum posts and 300 days+ activity for the Staff to care about you?No wonder why the Staff doesn’t really care about anything I post.

In fact, at the time when a GM came to answer questions on the 15th (Fedimian, [GM] GUAVA), my question about Possession being interruptible again being a bug or a bugfix wasn’t even answered.
The GM just cared about the Doppelsoeldner Cyclone bug questions <_< [as if that was a problem… Doppel has 8 damage skills while Sadhu has only 2; I dare them if Cyclone was to be interrupted when getting hit …].


Vaca seems to be the hard-to-get type. He tamed the GM pretty good like his girl or maybe he is just socially awkward one :thinking:.

What a joke, I like how IMC waits until month 13 or 14 and their player base to hit below 3,000 before they make any half-baked attempt to figure out wtf is going on.

And as always, its another Korean “GM” showing up at 3am EST speaking broken english making a 5min appearance for the month. Last time I checked this was ITOS, maybe hire some staff that are fluent in other languages, or that can atleast be bothered to log in at times other then Korean banking hours.

Jesus IMC, even with this content update you’ve still lost another 10% of an already microscopic player base, you really just dont get it do you? Why bother asking 3 or 4 random people in-game about problems when you have literally 5,000+ detailed threads about the same major issues from players dating back to April of last year.

Such a farce, this “we care about you, baby, please dont go”, it is priceless. Keep up the crap work IMC, checking these forums a couple times a week always gives me a well needed LOL.


Yes they finally nerfed the R8 monsters and increased the range in dungeon matching, months and months after countless players warned them about these issues turning people off. Always too late to respond, just like how they allow afk farming to this very day.

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