Tree of Savior Forum

GM banning bots In-Game. Pantsu have been rustled, however!

First off. Thank you for spending time during your work day to enter the game, look for people violating the terms of service, and doing something about them. I personally really appreciate it.
@STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_No @hkkim

Now to the topic I’d like to mention. What is the best way to combat botting in your game?

Of course showing up in game is a great PR display and always appreciated, but ultimately, it is ineffective, and takes up too much of your precious time when you already have a small enough team working on the game while there are tons of other pressing issues as well.

I feel there are two ways of going about this.
1) Brute force suspensions <- Most commonly used method currently

2) Game Design changes, and account action detection.

I’ll be mainly talking about the second. The first includes finding bots manually, report functions, and that sort of thing. I feel it’s the much more difficult way to come to a final solution.

The second would include ways of making botting less effective. Reward less for easy tasks(farming/grinding) and rewarding more for harder tasks(Party Quests, Merc Quests, and Merc Missions, for example.)

That already makes silver easily gained by legitimate playtime, and not by repetitive tasks. That in my eyes would be a huge step forward.

Also, it should be within your rights(And I am making an assumption and may very well be wrong) to see how long people have been logged into your game, not only that, but to record actions done by the player. I’m absolutely positive you guys have some sort of combat log server side. You can flag accounts for using actions in particular time patterns for particular skills commonly used by offenders.

For example; SP potions and blessings. If that function alone is added, that would reduce the population of afk auto-potting sorcs and priest bots to essentially nothing. Also, it would bring in a lot more legitimate flags, rather than a lot of false positives that your RMT and bot report functions do.

Thanks for reading, I’ll be busy, and I know there are always trolls in these posts, so I’ll be very selective with responses.

Have a wonderful day everyone.


I don’t know what to think about making “Party Quests” for example more rewarding. I’m mostly a solo player and it really wouldn’t be good for my point if all the other players would group up now and get everything done quicker and better than me. I know that partys can quest together faster and better already, but making it even more rewarding is kind of weird in my opinion. My solution in terms of all these bot users is simple. If you would make the game more giving, for example silver drop amount and rate increased, why would anyone bother using bot when they can actually farm what they need in a timespan that is acceptable for a normal human being. I mean, all this time I played tos I had play atleast for 2 hours to get something done that is actually worth it. Not everyone can afford to play 2 hours a day. So when the silver drop rate and amount is higher, the bots will have high risk low reward and because everyone can farm what they need in little time, the rmt will get less and less realizing that they don’t it anymore. ( Of course there always will be guys who will do rmt, but you can kind of pick these one out of the crowd, when the amount of bot user and rmt user is decreasing)
Please correct in me when I’m wrong.

Not sure if girl or a guy wearing panties for some reason.

Party quests are easily done solo in this game. I do mine everyday solo on any of my characters over lvl 100 without any hindrance. You have good ideas too though, I agree!

@LoliLicker - Both, but guys don’t have room for their gibbly bits so more rustling occurs.