Tree of Savior Forum

Glyphs - Thaumaturge Reversi/Rouge Capture should be useful

Currently, enemy glyphs are very underused. Its likely that you’ll see more Priest Heals, Cures and Safety Zones than enemy glyphs, and even then they’re unusable by those skills.

Enemies that do have Glyphs do not seem to have strong ones, and in many areas there are simply no enemies making use of them or they are unusable(Example: Panto speed boosts, which are instantly consumed)
Boss fight traps could easily be converted into normal glyphs which Thaumaturge/Rouges can mess around. It could even be “fun”.

I can’t think of a strong glyph the best one that comes to mind is safety zone and thats meh when grinding. And there are A LOT of skills that should be useful and aren’t lots of them are c3 skills to boot.

I’m gonna have to post again, hopefully someone will notice now.
Its kinda sad that those later skills(Oldest one is Oracle’s Counterspell) have no use.

Now that you say that, I noticed there aren’t any skills that affect friendly glyphs.