Tree of Savior Forum

Give the "Property that Triggered" for Arks (and other things too)

In the Luciferie Triukas Necklace, we can read this description:
“Casts skill corresponding to the property of the skill used when the magic critical hit was accurately hit”
That means if the damage was fire property, it will deal fire too. If the damage was dark property, it will deal dark property too. And that seems to be how the developers want to balance the classes, each on its own group of property damage.

However, if we use Ark Thunder or Storm, they will deal lightning damage only. Which means they are extremely more powerful on the hands of a Taoist than anyone else, before and after episode 13.

I can also talk about Glacia Rod dealing magic damage without property (not non-property, without property) and how weird it is, but oh well.

My suggestion is give the line ““Casts skill corresponding to the property of the skill used when the magic critical hit was accurately hit”” to the description, and the mechanism too, of the Arks, and equipment with similar way of working, like Glacia Rod, too.
My point is to “neutralize” the Arks, and “on-cast” effects, are powerful to any class that may use it, be magical or physical, be Dark or Salt property, and not only Taoist, because each build will develop those damage archetypes to be their best, including the element of their choice. And that choice already reflects on their builds, their Assister Choice, their Cards and their Ichors.