Tree of Savior Forum

Genuine Question: Why does kToS get the red carpet treatment with compensation/events?

I promise I’m not trying to start a flame war or create an “OMG IMC SUXXXX!!!” thread, I’m just genuinely curious. I’m not concerned that kToS is ahead patch wise, that’s fine, it is what it is and it’s been like that with tons of other korean MMOs, what I’m confused by is the difference in events and compensation. There are a few prime examples I can think:

  1. The lottery box event. Mistakenly patched into iToS, with a few people walking away with millions of silver and most not even getting the box despite playing for hours for the time the event was accidentally in the game. Frustrating that IMC never addressed this or acknowledged it happened, even when they hotfixed it.

  2. Compensation in general for things like extended maintenance. I think when we had our extended maintenance like last week, we got somewhere like 1-3 exp tomes max? Meanwhile, during kToS presumably extended maintenance on 8/18:

▣ Extra Maintenance Compensation

  • 20x EXP Tome (Unlimited Dur.)
  • 5x Indun Reset Voucher (Unlimited Dur)
  • Token duration has been extended by 12 Hours.
  • Anvil upgrading has been discounted by 50% until 25/08/2016

Uh…what? Forget the fact they got 20 exp tomes, they also got 5 dungeon reset, and vastly discounted anvil upgrading (and those of you with high level gear know just how much silver that alone is).

  1. Unique headgears, either never released on iToS or released under very different circumstances (for example, Bride Coronet was given to everyone just for logging onto kToS during certain dates in February, meanwhile, on iToS we can buy it for 3500 battle points, which is 70 days of PvPing and getting the max 50 points per day, every day).

I apologize if what I wrote is laced with entitlement, it’s not meant to be, only frustration and confusion. Is it because Nexon is the publisher that there are such disparate difference in rewarding the player base? I’ve played few Nexon games but it seems like people have only bad things to say about them on these forums, but meanwhile, they seem to be doing a great job of keeping players motivated to play the game and giving out rewards for logging in and sticking with it. Meanwhile, we’re just grateful when game breaking bugs are fixed within 2 months, no compensation necessary of course.

So, what is it that makes playing between these two version so vastly different simply on the level of events, player interaction and reward?


After skimming your post… Among other factors one would probably be how difficult it is to make bot/alt accounts, with your game account tied to your SSN it is difficult to “game the system” and make 20alt accounts just to double dip in the rewards.

That’s why I’ve seen a picture where a guy was holding a huge amount of EXP TOME! LOLOLOL

I wish I could have that big huge amount of EXP TOME! :smiley:

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its so backwards to other regional games in the past in regards to asian vs west

Usually they dumb down the international/western versions to make it easier than the hardcore asian version because the market mindset is different.

Here, the asian version is easier, and the west is the harder one.

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And yet us dumb fcks throw our money at them everytime they release some appearance items. So which is the real problem here, them or us.

It’s like paying all your taxes just to be treated like 2nd class citizens.


It’s because internationally the game is more successful. We’re still throwing money at them. Game is probably not doing well financially in Korea so they’re throwing all this ■■■■ at people to make them play more and spend more money.


Oh, so ToS is just a real life simulator! It makes so much more sense now!

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I guess I’ll mark this as the solution as it seems to be the most plausible. For some reason I had assumed that kToS was doing better than us, but that was just an assumption. If the gamers there are more discriminate and picky with games, this make sense for them to entice them to stay and spend money when they’re having a rougher time of it than iToS players. I guess the alt thing mentioned by magic tart makes sense too.

Not to count that Nexon have time in their hands free to do that, while IMC i dealing with both our and KR issues as the game developer.


Might be the most convincing argument to not give them money I’ve heard so far.


Well, it is also possible they just reduce support for our version if that happens. It’s hard to say. Some Korean developers really stop giving a ■■■■ about the Western audience the moment they stop paying up.

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Plot twist: iToS income keeps kToS running?


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im guilty of that lol cant help it i like looking cute xD

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i am inclined to agree we may have a lower player-base but that don’t mean we should come in second or last. at least from what i have read. i don’t mind being patches behind after things take time. i myself have bought and paid quite a few buckaroos to play this game i think we should get fair treatment.


Yea, it’s really stupid but if you look at IMC’s track record, they seem to reward those who are quitting or hanging on by a thread to convince them to stay, but the players who actually dedicate time and money to the game get nothing, because, why should they bother to give players who stick with and support the game anything right, they’ve already got your money? /s

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well play hard ball then :wink: they want money they will bend, i raised hell about not being able to transfer cosmetics between characters on the same account and it got fixed LOL

you’re giving me hope they’ll let me transfer leaf ornament helm lol but yea big on cosmetics too. glad they let us transfer contact lens and costumes, I was seriously worried they’d be stuck on the characters I bought them on -_-

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