Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

omg finally, thx for that

Ayin Sof has a really crazy attribute.

  • Ayin Sof: SP Recovery:
    Cuts the effectiveness of [Ayin Sof]'s Max HP buff in half, and recovers the same value in SP.

So taking the webm as an example below, I would get +100% of my Max HP added, which would add 6789 HP to my total. Instead, I only get half of that which is +3394(.5) HP, but I recover 3394(.5) SP instead.

That’s… pretty crazy. I don’t think Kabbalists will need SP Pots…


oh gosh, that OP . all ppl would love a Kabbalists

I already have an Effigy spam build in mind but I’m 90% sure this SP restore attribute will be nerfed to the ground.

I just noticed most of new R7 skill and attribute on Github already translate to English

here Ein Sof
SKILL_20151102_005726 $Ein Sof: Maintain Time
SKILL_20151102_005727 $Increases the duration of [Ein Sof] tiles by 1 second per attribute level.
SKILL_20151102_005728 $Ein Sof: Additional Generation
SKILL_20151102_005729 $Increases the number of [Ein Sof] tiles created by 1 per attribute level.
SKILL_20151102_005734 $Ein Sof: SP Recovery
SKILL_20151102_005735 $Exchanges half the maximum HP recovery of [Ein Sof] for SP recovery instead.

This would make it easier to test any skill and attribute .

Unfortunately, it’s not every single one of them. Those translated lines also miss out on the skill’s effects and some of the newer skills which were added.

There’s also some attributes which aren’t present which were added. It’s a little behind the latest kCBT patch.

Ic ty for clarification.

As a Druid, I barely need SP pots as it is now. Bokor’s would get the most benefit, but it seems Plague Doctor would be the better choice.

It’s a lot more valuable on other classes in your party.

SKILL_20151102_005728 $Ein Sof: Additional Generation
SKILL_20151102_005729 $Increases the number of [Ein Sof] tiles created by 1 per attribute level.

will be enough for whole party i think. sorcerers would probably kill for having one of these in party.

AFK Sorc partnered with AFK Kabbalist spamming Ayin Sof key next to them.

I can totally see the grinding cheese now. Oh yes.

to @DiscKZee what are those status ailments ? would u mind explaining more plz :smiley:

Which status ailments are you talking about?

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i mean what were called “status ailments” ? As u mentioned in the Plague Doctor skills .
Like bleeding , poisoned or what ?
Im not a good at English so… would u give some examples …

Oh, [Bleeding] is a damage over time, skills like Highlander’s Cross Cut causes bleeding.

[Poison] is another damage over time, Wugushi’s skills usually cause forms of poisoning.

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Nahhhhhhh , I mean which status was called "ailments "
Like what status do plague doctor can block off with BEAKMASK
Wear Beak Mask. The front side of the mask has special drug applied which can block off status ailments under rank 2 from enemies.
Level 1 (Duration 25seconds) (Rank 1 and 2 100% prevention) (Rank 3 80% prevention)

Oh, I’m not 100% sure which ailments it would protect against since I’ve not tried it myself.

I would speculate it’d be any debuff according to the text, but it’s unclear.

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Any update on Musketeer’s skill details? :heart_eyes:

oh TKS . That’s very kind of u :smiley:

Any info about skill of C2 Oracle and C3 Pardonner?

That would be great. Thx again for all you do for us!

can you tell me gematria cooldown?