Tree of Savior Forum

General Grades for Wizard Class Ranks

Bullshit list…Deleted…

I think Linker’s full CON lifeline is only an S for PvP. In PvE it’s like the same problem you get with the INT->CON Transpose from Thauma… multiplied by 4, with less than half the duration. A better application of Lifeline in PvE would be sharing STR-DEX around for melee damage, DEX for Evasion, and SPR for Magic Defense.

link 2 needs an S at least, come on spiritual link, no more omg i was too far and miss a buff, and things like quickcast for everyone

this should be an all-around judgement of each class, including their niche; not showing separate cases. Because you are doing multiple grades in different scenarios PER class, you lose the measurement of a grading scale…

w1 should not be ranked because 100% of [wiz]players have this class and cannot be compared

there is no “f” class. there is always an argument for justifying a certain route
w2 D because there is some builds for it, but of course very rare…
W3 S
pyro c1 should be B (even A because pyro c1 can take you to rank5 ez) because its the best choice to go at rank2 given you are not going a strong pvp or wiz3

linker c1 A
linker c2 B (competing with a lot of classes that are better)
linker c3 A

chronomancer c1-c3 B A SS-the only SS class. It’s the reason why Ktos servers are nerfing players who farm bosses for long periods of time.

no comment for the others; most of them look good with the exception of rank7 classes of which i’m sure you have no experience on…

@yaladilae people can just be more communicative with buffs; spirtual link is a luxury, not a necessity.
and not everyone benefits from quickcast…

you also did not mention Alchemist…which IMO should be ranked C at c1 and D at c2

I disliked the Archer one and dislike this one even more. It grossly over-simplifies the ranks regardless of context or previous ranks.

Warlock 1 - B (A for bossing)

And lol for this. A for bossing, what?

Considering how deep this game goes and how differently classes interact with each other it’s just dumb to try to go and put them on this sort of Ranks, obviously, if you consider something like areas of expertise, you can talk about an upper class, or an S rank as you say. There’s just no point talking about the damage of classes who are not burst (Red Icon) types and to be honest, that’s all you are talking about in your ranks.

Considering the gameplays available in game: WB (1), Bosses (2), PvE (3), PvP 1x1 (4), Group PvP (5), GvG (6) you need something like 6 different grades for each class and it’s respective circles, obviously it would still be completely pointless since the worst class can become the best if you find a combo good enough for it or things like that.


Is A too low or too high?
I feel like its low almost. Pole and dark thurge are some of the best bossing skills with great scaling.

Warlock is taken because its slightly less crappy than the other first circle options for W3 E3. Its slightly less crappy because it is a Rank 7 class and so the spells start off with decent damage (because its scaled to R7 already). Otherwise the class would honestly be pretty crappy. You could certainly go Linker, Featherfoot, Sorcerer or Rune Caster and not see any major dps loss.

Pole of Agony, decent damage but in a small area with a huge cool down. Any boss that is not stationary for long, I would not even bother casting it since you have to jump into melee or hope the party paths the boss to it (forget about it in most pugs). It is good in Dullahan however ~ I’ll give it that.

Dark Theaurge, it is a strange skill for bossing. I cast it if I know the fight well enough that it is little risk to my health when going into melee. You can Evil Sacrifice, but two castings and a long cast time while stationary. Why not just cast meteor in that case? I have seen Dark Theaurge take hits for me, even big boss hits, but its not very reliable in that. At least that is my experience with it.

I’ve been in plenty of situations where the question is, “Do I wait 5 seconds for Frost Cloud and stay here safe, or do I cast some Warlock spell, jump into melee, risk getting killed?”

The answer is “Frost Cloud… all glory to a quick cast high attribute Frost Cloud.”

Spiritual Link doesn’t work on buffs that are already party share-able I thought, so the situation you described doesn’t make sense

there were discussion in that archer thread that grading can’t tell everything about class because some class are good in specific situation and this may mislead some new players.
And that for archer class whose roles are mostly PvP or PvE, single target or AoE and all of them are mainly dps, but wiz build can have more different role such as dps, support, CC which are hard to compared.

Im not sure how much your frost cloud hits but dark thurge dmg out sprips it by a little. To point is to cast both and double your damage.