Tree of Savior Forum

General Feedback about gameplay

Ok so, tested quet a few classes to see how they work and found one General issue with the melee classes:
Many skills’ Range, or Area of Effect are shorter, or smaller than the Basic Atack range or Area.
This should be the other way around. Searched for some skills’ Area of Effect and found only a few good ones:
Highlander: Cartar stroke, Corsair: Dust Devil, Cataphract: Earthquake.
The rest of the skills are mostly underwhelming in sense of range, or area of effect, all skills should have Similar Area and range as the above mentioned melee skills to be useful, enjoyable.
I saw you just realized this fact and started to increase the length and width of the Dopplesoeldners’ C2 Skills, but that’s pretty much lategame, and many of your players are casual players, they’re happy if they can reach lvl100-150.
So i’d suggest to please rework the skills Area of effects, make them Have a Larger, Circular Area Pattern compared to
theese current rectangular ones to make them more satisfing to use.

Other feedback:

  • Vendigo Archers have theyr’ target Silhuettes Cube alike, insted of matching theyr’ body.
  • Texts in the game are force cut at the end of text cubes and skill description boxes, instead of being reranged
    into a new line and would be able to scroll down if the text is longer than the base surface.
  • Would still need to work somehow on the FPS lags on the servers’ side, it melts the eyes how everything lags in
    any action packed cases, bossfights, ambush minigames etc.
  • Boundable mouse buttons would be still great.
  • COrsairs’ Jolly Rodger has a bug: when we plant 2 flags and theyr’ areas are overlaping one another, the skill effect
    is lost upon walking from one area to another, it should scale the combo counter and item pillaging wherever we stand
    in any of the Jolly Rodger Areas, doesn’t matter if we walk from one into another, with or without leaving the areas.