Tree of Savior Forum

Gemstone Feud NPC -- how do you do that?

I’m not sure this is a bug yet, so I’ll put that into General Discussion instead.

So I was doing Gemstone Feud yesterday and collected my usual 101 gems before going back to the NPC. But when I returned back at the base… I found that the NPC had his head turned backwards and was completely unresponsive. :heeey:
Our team had to wait for someone from the other team to come and kill the NPC so he could respawn properly…

Is that some kind of debuff preventing him from registering points? A bug? Sounds like a skill effect though…

Only one person can talk to the NPC at a time.

There was nobody around, just the NPC sitting there with the head backwards. Seems like when talking to him the progress bar starts to show up and immediately cancels, that’s why I though about some skill being applied that would prevent registering the gems.

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