Tree of Savior Forum

Gamepad Controlls

I was wondering if anyone using (or used) a game pad during the CBT can give their impressions on how the game play feels as opposed to using the keyboard and maybe answer a few questions.

  1. Can you access mouse mode with the controller or do you need to use the actual mouse for those specific functions like opening inventory, etc.

  2. Did the controller feel more intuitive for a hot key heavy game like this as opposed to the keyboard?


I used 360 controller here, at first was kind weird for me but after that i got used to it, B you use to interact (NPC and objects), L1/R2/R1/R2+A/B/X/Y you can use skills or consumables:on the designed key set, pressing L2+R2 would selecte a second set of keys, pressing L2+Back would use quest item.

Well its kind complicated me saying all this to you, and tbh, i think much stuff is missing due to the fact we cant customize on-the-fly the buttons (can only do by editing the xml files in game folder and have to restart the game to take effect).

Playability wise, its so smooth, i mean, the char go where i want and i can do stuff that i find abit hard with keyb/mouse, i really liked the way my char behave whem im using controller.

Screen shot of how the key layout is on a controller in combat:

And rest:


It felt very intuitive. I actually have no complaints so far about it. Didn’t need to reassign hotkeys with my dualshock gamepad and even weapon swap was mapped nicely.

I tried with keyboard first, found it a bit difficult to get used to. Then tried the mouse as it is more familiar to what I am used to. It was okay, but for a Swordsman it’s not very good when you use a skill and the mouse is pointing somewhere else. Mouse was implemented mostly for range classes.

Then I tried the controller and it was great. But you still need to use the mouse for certain functions like browsing inventory, upgrading attributes, gem enhancement, etc. Perhaps IMCGames will add more functionality to the controller soon.


Actualy there is a buttom combination that let you enter in UI mode, but i forgot wich one was, so you could move the mouse cursor with the analog stick, but its not as fast as doing with the mouse.


My playing experience was great simply because I was able to use a controller. It handles very well and makes things more fun IMO. I feel the Steam controller would work very well for this game.

I had heard this but i figured if you didn’t need the use the mouse in the heat of gameplay then switching to the mouse to handle stuff like inventory is not a big deal.

I’m delighted to hear you can enjoy the action parts of the game with just the controller alone and mouse free, this is really what i was hoping for.

Thanks for the replies everyone!!!

it was gud. I prefer using a controller than the keyboard now. I just used a mouse to go through my inventories and junk, but it worked great for combat on my highlander

  1. Pressing R1+[Start] puts you in UI mode which allows you to control the cursor with the left analog stick. However, it’s incredibly slow to move the cursor and that you can’t normally move your character with the left analog stick until you get out of UI mode. It’s way easier to just actually grab your mouse.

  2. The game pad controls were wonderful. Hotkey-wise, the controls allow you to use 40 hotkeys (see nando20xx’s screen shot above) which is surprisingly plenty for a game pad interface. Furthermore, the button combinations are much easier to press than reaching for 10+ different keys on the keyboard. As for movement, analog stick movement way better than keyboard movement since you can better control the direction you’re going. For example on the boss fight in Mines 3F, there is a part where you can step on the stone platforms that the boss spawns in order to avoid its laser. I had zero problems with jumping on the platforms while my friend who was using keyboard movement failed every time.


UI Mode on a gamepad is very slow. I really hope they up the sensitivity on that. Anything that allows me to be as laid-back as possible is very welcome. :3


can you assign the controlls to mouse? like e.g left click for attack and right click for jump.

To my knowledge, there is no way to map/reassign controller/keyboard yet (not sure about mouse, did not try it). Hopefully they will have this option for the next CBT or the finish version.

The only problem i have is a Fixing Target button. it’s impossible to push the right analog stick to lock target while smashing ABXY button to attack. If we can change this key to something else like L2 it would be nice (someone mentioned editing a text file from game directory so i’ll try that)

The short version: I feel ToS with a controller is fun and easy but still needs improvement. ;3

i used my ps4 controller with input mapper on the last day. It was such a good feeling especily the force feedback you got when hit.

i used the 360 controller, i couldn’t get a key for weapon swap though, otherwise controller seemed better for me :smile:

I’m wondering if the PS4 pad’s touchpad actually registers as a mouse? That would allow for even smoother experience…

I haven’t owned any console in my entire life, but having heard from a lot of people that this game works great with a controller, I decided to pick one up (360 wireless) right before the 1st iCBT started.

It’s game-changing, comfort-wise. I was somewhat new to using a controller but I got used to it really fast (like in less than an hour).

(1) For the inventory stuff, yes the mouse seems more intuitive to use, but (2) for nearly everything else, particularly during combat, I’d use the controller any day. Movement feels more fluid, not straight or diagonal like on the keyboard.

If you have a wireless keyboard and mouse, you can probably just play the game on the couch like it was on console.

Personally, I had no trouble with toggling target lock on/off with the right analog stick. What was frustrating for me was cycling through targets with the right analog stick. More often than not, I found it easier to just turn off target lock, face my intended target, then turn on target lock again.

Press the left analog stick for weapon swap.

it does but i wouldnt recomend it. it isnt that great.

Thanks for confirming. It might be not that great, but beats having to get a separate wireless mouse for stuff not reachable by gamepad. Have to try it out next beta.