Tree of Savior Forum

Game launches, then goes to white screen

Hey, I’ve spent about 5-6 hours trying to troubleshoot and fix these issues since the patch dismorning (3/1/17)
Before this I never had issues with the game but now I’m running into trouble.
First I got the .pak errors, now any time i launch the game I am getting a white screen then the game closes.

I have tried creating a .xml file and changing the res to my monitors, also changing the window launch options from fullscreen to windowed to fullscreen windowed still nothing.

Well i have the same problem, and i have try some stuff and still nothing x.x

This guy just solved my issue, it must of been a release.revision issue.

go to your steam -> steam apps -> common -> tree of savior -> release
then click “release.revision” and delete everything in that file and type in: 147684

this is for the patch that happend on the 3/1/17

i Did change it to 147684 … but start to download (148158_001001.pak)

the game dont even Open …

and automatic my release.revision change again to 148158

Have you used ‘verify integrity of game cache’?

Go to steam library -> right click ToS -> new screen pop ups -> find the map/tab named local files -> verify integrity…

Then try again with 147684

yeah i virify and star to dowload some stuff like 3 archives,

Then i change again to: 147684

But same problem: white game + automatic change to 148158

the fix with changing the .txt file to that specific number people are throwing out fixed it for me. i’m surprised that imc has not yet fixed this error. if it was me I would be scared shitless that more people would quit.

So there is no fix for that ? i have try alot stuff even dowlad again the game …

I dunno… have you read and tried Help me please, i know wrong section ? dunno what else you could do to if it does not work besides wait for imc to make it work :frowning:

Silly question but you changed the number + pressed save file right?

(verify integrity of game cache)
Yes downloading 3 archives is correct.
-open file
-delete number
-Change to 147684
-save file
-start ToS

  1. verify (download 3 Archives)

  2. open de file and delete de number for : 147684 and Save

  3. start the game

  4. my game download automatic (148158_001001.pak) and dont even open

  5. try to start again… anda the same problem

  6. check teh file again and automatic is change to : 148158

Thats very strange, try change the number in the release.revision file to the error code, once thats done try out the solution i have linked above.
greyhiem is the guy who fixed my problem.
Best of luck

I have try that like 7 times already and it dosent work x,x

when you change the number, save the file, but DONT close it. as long as the file is open it’ll be “read only” and the game cant override the number.

i try that and didnt work puffy

The Game just change the numer automatic