Tree of Savior Forum

Game is dying at a fast rate

ToS isn’t even 50% finished. There’s 600 levels and god knows how many new zones/dungeons/circles. If we went to a private server right now we’d be locked at level 280 and circle 7 forever.

IMC isn’t going to create much new content for a game where everyone is playing on a private server lol.

Everytime I take a look in this forum, there’s another dumb thread like this. For what kind of purpose?

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hope they will change that “2 region, 1 game, different codes” after they merge the date in the next months

i don’t think people will have more patience
2 weeks slower than KrToS is fine but we are too out date when compare to KrToS

They already said it in the news.

“The repositories that manage the servers, clients, graphic data, etc. for kTOS and iTOS are currently separate.”

“Lately, however, we’ve noticed a high demand for kTOS contents among iTOS players, and so we’ve decided to change our policy and work on merging the repositories for the two versions. So far, iTOS updates like new costumes and such were done through a partial application of contents, rather than a full-sized merging process. However, we feel that this repository merge is necessary to minimize patch gaps between both versions of TOS.”

This means that they will most likely do everything the same on both versions.

Which means if we didnt complain and make hate posts on the forums, this would have never happened. We would have been stuck with a barebones game with no updates and a few costumes once every 2 months. It did feel like a cash grab for the koreans. Just sayin.

I’m not a fan of hating on IMC, but it truely is sad it took all this anger to finally get KTOS and ITOS merge.

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That’s very surprising. While Overwatch looked like a fun game, its price tag for a free game with that little content is WAY too high. 60 euro for most players for little content.

I guess Blizzard did a good job advertising/paying off reviews as always.

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I agree, I stopped playing few weeks ago, It was a nice experience playing with friends but the game is almost over. I know there is 600 levels etc, but IMC hasnt played its cards well, i got bored with this game but I still like it, just there are lots of better things to do.

Maybe if team battle league would be opened and classes balanced with ktos patches…

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You missed the f2p (re)opening.
You should rather compare your 16k to the player count before the servers were closed.

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And a thread like this once again reaches 100+ posts, but why? [Insert subjective interpretation of graphs & data without hard evidence to support said assumption here]. Everything dies eventually; life is suffering. Topic is ded.

Hey being a doom knight is fun.

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Cause game is dead has literally become a meme in the ToS community. I don’t know about you but I see that crap daily from the same people in shout chat on Klaipeda. I’m sure some of these guys think the game is dead but I’m pretty sure most of them are just bored kids wanting to get a reaction out of people.


Tbh there’s too much grinding in the game just to get exp cards and stuff. And there’s no pack thing where u get cash stuff for playing the first time like other games… That’s my opinion at least. Oh and Silute is broken :triumph:

I really doubt it. Most games get a huge bump when they go to Steam, and a lot of people using standalone clients or other shitty clients like Arc ditch those for Steam as well. I’d be genuinely surprised if most of these games have nearly as many players off Steam as on Steam, not counting Korean playerbase which is irrelevant when discussing the success of a Western localization.

Bullshit. Making random pointless whiny threads about “game is dead” isn’t constructive feedback and does nothing for anyone. People who highlight real issues with the game, such as iToS being so far behind kToS they are effectively two completely different games at this point and it’s driving iToS players away, are to thank for positive changes happening. Whiny toxic kids are to blame for low user reviews and loss of players, they are strictly detrimental to the health of the game.


If this game really was dead this thread would have like 5 posts at most

Path of exile had the exact same pattern in players, ■■■■ every online rpg shows the same trend until it equalizes at a stable player base.

Might as well quit video games altogether if you’re so distraught over a stupidly common trend that occurs with almost every video game in existence

Why/how did Path of Exile gain 100%+ players in March 2016, December 2015, and July 2015, etc? (only to all drop out during the next two months) What causes those big spikes to occur? :open_mouth:

Were those months times when an expansion or new league was released or something?

If the game is dead, f*cking move on with your life. No need to make a thread or a post about “how dead the game is”, go play whatever you want and stop b1tching.



Yeah its the leagues. Once your deep into a league and reach the super grindy levels farming maps, most call it quits and wait for the next one to start. I havnt played in quite awhile, but around level 80 is when most call it quits since the level grind is redunkulas and not worth it since the league is only up for like 3 months.

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Poe got an expansion pack.

And then when the hype died down its decaying back to its core player base population