Every game is a cash grab they only make games to make money… Duh and by your mentality then every game is a waste of time… no matter what game you play eventualy all your time will have been wasted.
Also read this
New server release will flop with in first month and drive more players to iToS
Yeah i cant agree any further… Lol @AntiFapist though… did u just create to bring bring up this issue though… lmao… Created 6hrs ago XD
Then again i was discussing with @AnitaCafe with regards to the lifespan and survivalbility of this game…and its really hard to deny that people are leaving due to the following reasons.
1)IMC late and bad decisions…
2)Bot Classifier as (mentioned…above)
3)Implementing patches that doesn’t really address the current issues of the game… eg. (imbalance of swordsman and buggy pet AI,Orsha’s dying population…)
4)Toxic community…Really… its understandable from time to time we get trolls and stuff but this is just unacceptable… and the moderaration of the forums are kinda non-existant at one point of time…until the case of the haressing of @Melon by thedesertfox/finalfantasy92…combined with the ability to create another forum account as shown by our dear @PrinceMarcus…(still rather have him then the other guy… hes fun)
5)Repetitiveness…no social events… no competitive play…(PVP)…nth …nth at alll…
The list can go on …
Fortunately, there are some people whom are pretty nice in the forums which is a plus side…Such as Melon, Lostac, Derpmander XD, SnM Whip Lover =p, Rabbit ,Flan and the famous Lolilicker… i prob could go on…
I have also seen some wonderful fan arts and illustrations…which inspired me to take up drawing again myself XD
I’m glad to have met them to be honest…they are fun tbh!
…but that is not really gonna help improve my view on the game frankly speaking… I kinda dropped the game looking at how things are right now and won’t be coming back anytime soon.
As what furkingbaster always does…
The hype was real… but now…its gone
The bot classifier is a joke… heavily depended by player’s RII AND still required the final screenshot from a GM (which they lack) to ban a bot…
Everything requires manpower will be outdated compares to automation. Looks, in real life, manpowered-jobs are being replaced by auto-machines. Bots are replacing real player, and if this game don’t have an auto firewall that can auto-ban or auto-detect bot users, I can see the doomed fate of iRO (where bots went rampant to the points that free-to-play servers contains 90% of bots) will be applied the same to the future iTOS.
relaunching the game will be a good solution but imc don’t care anymore
IMC would have to really 100% hammer out the problems with this game from bot / balance issues down to the LITTLE problems (that all add up to big problems) such as chat filter and a lot of annoying stress additives this game has wrong with its design.
Then, after they have completely succeeded with that, they would need a remarketing campaign and compensation for players already playing who have been patient.
But frankly it’s a F2P game. What company actually cares about player retention and longevity of a F2P game? These games are just dumped into the market to rake in profit then they disappear when the profit is gone (that’s really how I’ve seen F2P MMOs over the years). I really question whether ToS was even popular enough that a private server would actually succeed? Considering IMC only released the first 280 levels, IMC would have to be willing to continue developing the game to completion before a private server would even be truly beneficial right?
Glad to have met you too. We’ve had some good times here but things are really going down hill. It was great while it lasted though.
The would be better of learning from the past and focusing on a sequal that is similar to this to make new hype and do things the right way first time around
It’ll be interesting to see what the steam charts say after this month, because we’re getting kToS patches during the later half of this month so it should bring a lot of players back and a lot of new players in ^o.o^
Not to say it addresses every problem, but at the very least it’ll be a change that gauges enough interest for players to return and try it out ^o.o^
And another one bites the dust…
Sorry to hear ur loss… but its true… even if they brough ktos patch along with them…its not gonna increase in the no of players like u think it would
kToS has been suffering a decline of player populationg themselves… hence the server merge at their side… if this does not tell u anything… then u wil be in for a big suprise
This game suffers from diablo 2. After years of play, in our case a few months, its the same game no matter what class you level. Same quests, same grind. Theres a TP event slot… wheres the events? Pvp might draw a few back providing it gives an alternative way to level via xp cards.
This isnt 1990 where expansions happen once a year, the now generation requires it yesterday.
Most everyone has BIS items or pretty close. Whats the point of staying logged in? The first questline in the crystal caves shows all these cool elemental attack types and whats best to use. I have my ONE sword that does physical damage… how about a reason to have say a fire sword? EVERYONE has the same ■■■■ which leads to being BIS in a month then quit the game.
hmmm… all i can say is that, some players (in our country) have school days which (maybe) that’s why there are few ppl online? who knows lol
That wasn’t my point…
If the change warrants enough interest to people, which it will, they will come back to check out the change. As a result, there will be an increase of players playing again to check out the change and the steam charts will reflect that.
If you believe nobody will come back to check out the change, try to think of how many of those people left the game and why they left. A lot of people left waiting on kToS updates and Swordsman buffs. I’m one of those players ^o.o^
Still playing iTOS and probably will continue to play because I am having fun. Being a casual player I don’t really care about game statistics. As long as I am still enjoying the game, then I will continue to play it.
I’m not saying it will not bring players back… but it will deteriorate if the condition worsen if not addressed…u can see an increase when they open up the servers ti f2p for the 2nd time… but its start to deteriorate again te next day… that means something must have cause for ppl to drop the game…
Just Because They are implementing kToS patches does not mean it will solve the problem … Look at the guy/girl whom left said… they are just to many issues to address other than that…
If this goes on they can jsut pull a fast cash grab and shut down the servers like what some publishers would do
I think thats the problem with this game for some folks. This game really isnt ment to be played 24/7 like most mmorpg… like BDO. Once you have your +10 grandcross, manamana, catacombs whatever… you won the game. Theres what 5 elemental damage types in this game yet only mages get to use them? Wheres the poison arrows, fire swords, frost club… ect.
I never said anything about player retention across multiple months/patches… I simply stated it would be interesting to see what the steam charts will look like after the kToS patches are applied to the server ^o.o^
My bad XD
i myself am a casual player and have a full time job with 2 loving kids but i’m very reluctant on spending more time on this game as i dun’t know how long it will last before it close its doors…
Unless you don’t value time yourself …regardless if ur hardcore/casual palyer… then so be it…
ToS became a popular game at our school before. My classmates even managed to play with some of my prof. But they slowly quit leaving me alone.
I asked some of them why, most of their answers are:
-The price of TP is ridiculously high
-limited dungeon runs per day
-various pointless restrictions
I find myself agreeing to all of these but I still kinda like this game. It’s sad to see a lot of people go.
This game has been dead, and Black Desert Online got the Valencia update so all of the pre 50 ~ 50 grinding areas are empty while all the 55 ~ 60 players go off to the desert to PK